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Kinetic Characterization of dUTPase from Escherichia coli
The enzyme dUTPase catalyzes the hydrolysis of dUTP to dUMP and pyrophosphate, thereby preventing a deleterious incorporation of uracil into DNA. The best known dUTPase is that from Escherichia coli, which, like the human enzyme, consists of three identical subunits. In the present work, the catalytic properties of the E. coli dUTPase were investigated in the pH range 5-11. The enzyme was found to
Världsekonomin: tillväxt, utveckling
Skarpskyttar och hemvärnsmän. Blåsmusikens banérförare
Civilisation och självet
Hur Integrerade är Miljökvalitetsmålen i Svensk Tillverkningsindustri?
Conditions for scholarly creativity in interdisciplinary doctoral education through an Aristotelian lens
Gemensamt fokus på skilda fakulteter - Utveckling av bibliotekets stöd till tvärvetenskapliga forskare
För närvarande finns en stark trend med forskningsmiljöer där flera ämnen samverkar och där forskare inom flera fält samarbetar, exempelvis geriatrik, psykologi, psykiatri, arbetsterapi och hälsoekonomi. Forskare i tvärvetenskapen blir ofta eftersatta och hittar inte alltid det stöd de behöver i det kursutbud som erbjuds idag inom ramen för informationshantering. Lunds universitets bibliotek är en
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The purpose of the thesis is to increase understanding of the impact of financial institutions on regional growth. It helps to develop established concepts and perceptions on the impact of financial institutions on economic development in less well-functioning regions. Agglomeration theory is based on a general assumption of a reduced likelihood of economic cooperation through increased geographi
Self Calibrating Procedure for a 3D Force Observer
In robotic operations where a manipulator is involved, it is well-known that the quantities measured by a wrist force/torque sensor are corrupted by the dynamicsof the end effector and manipulator. To solve this problem,an observer, which fuses information from force sensors andaccelerometers, was designed recently in order to estimate the contact force exerted by a manipulator to its environment
Möten. Festskrift till Anders Palm
Conversion of a conduit to continent cutaneous diversion
Rhoca Gil in the Hill: Varför hade kunskap och information ingen verkan?
Styrning av konsumenter mot miljövänligare och hälsosammare produkter : Information och ekonomiska incitament
Sammanfattning av projektets resultatInom projektet har vi studerat effekter av ekonomiska styrmedel för att nå en mer hållbar konsumtion från ett miljö- och hälsoperspektiv. Mer specifikt har vi studerat hur konsumenter ändrar sitt konsumtionsbeteende till följd av att vi ger dem information eller inför skatter och subventioner på olika varor. Vi har även studerat i vilken utsträckning konsumente
Benefits and Limitations of Automated Software Testing Systematic Literature Review and Practitioner Survey
There is a documented gap between academic and practitioner views on software testing. This paper tries to close the gap by investigating both views regarding the benefits and limits of test automation. The academic views are studied with a systematic literature review while the practitioners views are assessed with a survey, where we received responses from 115 software professionals. The results
A novel reconfigurable pipelined A/D conversion technique for multistandard wideband receivers
This paper presents a low complexity, yet power efficient technique to boost the flexibility of a pipelined ADC. It also presents an implementation proposal with simulated results for a reconfigurable pipelined ADC. The proposed ADC architecture is a combination of the conventional pipelined ADC and the cyclic ADC, giving it a very low level of complexity, a high level of component reuse and subst
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Abstract in Spanish Este libro se fundamenta en los conceptos básicos desarrollados en PID Controllers pero aumentándolos a través del empleo de técnicas de control avanzado. El libro proporciona una base sólida para comprender, operar e implementar las características más avanzadas de los controladores PID, incluidas la sintonía automática, la planificación y la adaptación de ganancia. Los autor
The gerund and the infinitive as indicators of time reference
Speaker verification scores and acoustic analysis of a professional impersonator
Conference • NNHSH 2014 Theme: Creative and able citizens: managing health and illness during the life course
As the Nordic welfare states evolve – with ideologies that focus on an increased consumption of health services – citizens are required to be productive throughout their life course. And because fewer economic resources are being invested into basic health care, and there is a move to shift more responsibility onto the individual (patient), it is becoming essential to illuminate practices that sho