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From Product Codes to Structured Generalized LDPC Codes

Product codes, due to their relatively large minimum distance, are often seen as a natural solution for applications requiring low error floors. In this paper, we show by means of an ensemble weight enumerator analysis that the minimum distance multiplicities of product codes are much higher than those obtainable by other generalized LDPC (GLDPC) constructions employing the same component codes. W

The role of the supply chain perspective for increased customer orientation

In today’s business landscape the view and role of the customer, or market, in shaping and guiding strategy and the competitive advantage of a business, is given increasing attention within many areas of business theory. By definition the supply chain discipline focuses on suppliers from the perspective of the manufacturer, not customers. However this paper illustrates the use of the supply chain

Orthopaedic measurements with computed radiography. Methodological development, accuracy, and radiation dose with special reference to the weight-bearing lower extremity and the dislocating patella

Popular Abstract in Swedish Digital bildteknik dominerar snart all bildhantering inom alla delar av samhället. Målsättningen med denna avhandling var att utveckla en undersökningsmetod för mätning av knäleden i belastat läge med hjälp av digital bildplatteteknik. Vad är bildplatteteknik? Traditionellt har röntgenbilder framställts med hjälp av fotografisk film. De framkallade bilderna har sedan The overall aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a measurement system for computed radiography (CR) and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), permitting measurements of long distances and angles in and between related images. The developed measurement system, which was based on the QUESTOR Precision Radiography (QPR) system, was applied to the weight-bearing knee with specia

Elements for improving the teaching of the later phases of the mechanical engineering design process

Introduction During the embodiment design and detail design phase, the designer has at his disposal a set of tools and techniques that him or her through the synthesis activity: basic rules, guidelines and principles (see [1]), but in the literature there are general design processes that help the designer to organize their work (e.g. [1]), but not at a very operational level. From a previous stud

Core-excited smoothly terminating band in Xe-114

High-spin states have been studied in neutron-deficient Xe-114(54), populated through the Ni-58(Ni-58,2p) fusion-evaporation reaction at 230 MeV. The Gammasphere gamma-ray spectrometer has been used in conjunction with the Microball charged-particle detector in order to select evaporation residues of interest. The yrast band has been greatly extended to a tentative spin of 52 (h) over bar and show

I viljan att göra det normala : En kritisk studie av genusperspektivet i missbrukarvården

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen handlar om hur kön görs i en av det sociala arbetets praktiker, nämligen missbrukarvården. Socialt arbete kan förstås som en normaliserande praktik som ger uttryck för samhällets normer och värderingar. Dess syfte är att fostra och anpassa människor så att de passar in i samhället. Under senare år har intresset för att synliggöra och hantera könsfråThe aim of this dissertation is to use intersectional analysis to investigate how gender is made in drug abuse treatment and to examine how the formation of gender interplays with the formation of sexuality, class and ethnicity. Central questions are: What gender(s) are to be shaped in druge abuse treatment? What happens to a gender perspective with emancipatory ambitions when it is incorporated i

Iscensättandet av Solskensolympiaden. Dagspressens konstruktion av föreställda gemenskaper vid Stockholmsolympiaden 1912

This thesis analyses the renegotiation of Swedish national identity in newspapers’ coverage of the Olympics of 1912. The “sun-shine Olympics”, as Swedes have come to term the event, idealises early twentieth-century Sweden and early sports events. Researchers have shown that this era was far from idyllic in Sweden: it was characterised by various battles concerning the proper national community. N

Implementation aspects of a novel speech packet loss concealment method

A speech data packet loss concealment algorithm based on pitch period repetition is presented and a novel low complexity method to refine a pitch period estimate is introduced. Objective performance measurements show that this pitch refinement improves the quality of packet loss concealment. Hardware-software codesign techniques have been investigated to implement the algorithm. Using a coprocesso

Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in soil

We review the current knowledge on biodiversity in soils, its role in ecosystem processes, its importance for human purposes, and its resilience against stress and disturbance. The number of existing species is vastly higher than the number described, even in the macroscopically visible taxa, and biogeographical syntheses are largely lacking. A major effort in taxonomy and the training of a new ge