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Apolipoprotein M Protects Against Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury via Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Signaling
Abstract: It had been demonstrated that apolipoprotein M (apoM) is an important carrier of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) in blood, and the S1P has critical roles in the pathogenesis of sepsis-induced acute lung injury (ALI). In the present study, we investigated whether apoM has beneficial effects in a mouse model after lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced ALI. Forty-eight mice were divided into two g
The Martial Origins of Democracy : A Global Study of Military Conscription and Suffrage Extensions Since the Napoleonic Wars
This article examines the relationship between conscription (the compulsory enlistment of civilians for military service) and democracy. Using the best available cross-country comparable data on the history of conscription and democracy, we demonstrate that there is an empirical relationship between conscription and democratization, but the relationship is more complicated than commonly believed.
Effects of hydration on plasma copeptin, glycemia and gluco-regulatory hormones : a water intervention in humans
Purpose: High plasma copeptin, a marker of vasopressin, predicts diabetes mellitus. We tested if copeptin could be suppressed by increased water intake in healthy individuals, and if a water-induced change in copeptin was accompanied by altered concentrations of glucose, insulin or glucagon. Methods: Thirty-nine healthy individuals underwent, in random order, 1 week of high water intake (3 L/day o
Teaching the Wooden Transverse Flute in Swedish Traditional Music in the Context of Higher Music Education
Kinematic structures of the solar neighbourhood revealed by Gaia DR1/TGAS and RAVE
Context. The velocity distribution of stars in the solar neighbourhood is inhomogeneous and rich with stellar streams and kinematic structures. These may retain important clues regarding the formation and dynamical history of the Milky Way. However, the nature and origin of many of the streams and structures is unclear, hindering our understanding of how the Milky Way formed and evolved. Aims. We
Extreme allomaternal care and unequal task participation by unmated females in a cooperatively breeding spider
Division of reproductive behaviour and alloparental care are key aspects of many animal societies. In cooperatively breeding species, variation in helping effort and unequal task participation are frequently observed. However, the extent to which the reproductive state of an individual affects the tasks performed during offspring care remains poorly understood. In the social spider Stegodyphus dum
Fast egg collection method greatly improves randomness of egg sampling in Drosophila melanogaster
When obtaining samples for population genetic studies, it is essential that the sampling is random. For Drosophila, one of the crucial steps in sampling experimental flies is the collection of eggs. Here an egg collection method is presented, which randomizes the eggs in a water column and diminishes environmental variance. This method was compared with a traditional egg collection method where eg
Objective evaluation of nipple position after 336 breast reductions
Throughout different eras and cultures what is considered the cosmetically ideal breast has varied greatly. There is no broadly accepted standardised method that objectively evaluates aesthetic outcome after breast reduction mammoplasty. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the result of breast reduction regarding nipple position, comparing it to an objective previously described standard
Inbreeding effects on standard metabolic rate investigated at cold, benign and hot temperatures in Drosophila melanogaster
Inbreeding increases homozygosity, which is known to affect the mean and variance of fitness components such as growth, fecundity and mortality rate. Across inbred lines inbreeding depression is typically observed and the variance between lines is increased in inbred compared to outbred lines. It has been suggested that damage incurred from increased homozygosity entails energetic cost associated
Preservation of potassium balance is strongly associated with insect cold tolerance in the field: a seasonal study of Drosophila subobscura
There is interest in pinpointing genes and physiological mechanisms explaining intra- and interspecific variations in cold tolerance, because thermal tolerance phenotypes strongly impact the distribution and abundance of wild animals. Laboratory studies have highlighted that the capacity to preserve water and ion homeostasis is linked to low temperature survival in insects. It remains unknown, how
Inbreeding affects locomotor activity in Drosophila melanogaster at different ages
The ability to move is essential for many behavioural traits closely related to fitness. Here we studied the effect of inbreeding on locomotor activity (LA) of Drosophila melanogaster at different ages under both dark and light regimes. We expected to find a decreased LA in inbred lines compared to control lines. We also predicted an increased differentiation between lines due to inbreeding. LA wa
Predominance of girls with cancer in families with multiple childhood cancer cases
Background: Recent studies indicate that one of four childhood cancers can be attributed to hereditary genetic abnormalities. Methods: The Lund Childhood Cancer Genetic study includes newly diagnosed childhood cancer patients as well as childhood cancer survivors visiting the Department of Pediatrics or the Late Effect Clinic at Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. Questionnaires regarding fam
Dark side of development : Modernity, disaster risk and sustainable livelihoods in two coastal communities in Fiji
The world is changing rapidly, as are the remotest rural communities. Modernity is spreading across the world under the guise of development and it is transforming disaster risk. This raises issues concerning how disaster risk is changing in such milieus. Using a sustainable livelihood approach, this article investigates access to different types of capital that central to the vulnerability of two
Clinical profiles and temporal patterns of psychiatric emergency room visitors in Sweden
Aims: To describe persons visiting the psychiatric emergency room (PER) in Sweden and to compare persons who frequently (PFV) and infrequently (PIFV) visit PERs in terms of group size, age, gender, PER location inside versus outside the home municipality, diagnosis (ICD 10), temporal patterns of visits and hospital admissions. Methods: This register study included all visits to PERs in one Swedish
Synthesis of Large Endfire Antenna Arrays using Convex Optimization
An innovative approach utilizing convex optimization to simultaneously conduct pattern synthesis and improve the matching of large scale endfire antenna arrays is proposed in this paper. A fast full-wave analysis tool facilitates the computation of the necessary data for running the optimization routine, and enables analysis on arrays with dimensions 100λ × 6λ for
Gate tunable parallel double quantum dots in InAs double-nanowire devices
We report fabrication and characterization of InAs nanowire devices with two closely placed parallel nanowires. The fabrication process we develop includes selective deposition of the nanowires with micron scale alignment onto predefined finger bottom gates using a polymer transfer technique. By tuning the double nanowire with the finger bottom gates, we observed the formation of parallel double q
Eighteen-year follow-up of the Göteborg Randomized Population-based Prostate Cancer Screening Trial : effect of sociodemographic variables on participation, prostate cancer incidence and mortality
Objective: This study examined whether previously reported results, indicating that prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening can reduce prostate cancer (PC) mortality regardless of sociodemographic inequality, could be corroborated in an 18 year follow-up. Materials and methods: In 1994, 20,000 men aged 50–64 years were randomized from the Göteborg population register to PSA screening or control
Stress-induced release of the S100A8/A9 alarmin is elevated in coronary artery disease patients with impaired cortisol response
Psychological stress is thought to be an important trigger of cardiovascular events, yet the involved pathways and mediators are largely unknown. Elevated systemic levels of the pro-inflammatory alarmin S100A8/A9 correlate with poor prognosis in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients. Here, we investigated the links between S100A8/A9 release and parameters of anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid secre
Estimation of Coulomb stress changes and induced earthquake occurrences prediction in the region of Three Gorges Reservoir, China
In the region of Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) in China, there has been occurrence of several frequent earthquakes of moderate intensity since reservoir impounding occurred in 2003. These earthquakes are generally believed to be induced by reservoir impoundment and water-level variations. Usually, the geo-stress will change, when natural earthquakes occur. Following this principle, this paper adopt