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Your search for "*" yielded 530076 hits

Boson-jet and jet-jet azimuthal correlations at high transverse momenta

We discuss our recent results on azimuthal distributions in vector boson + jets and multi-jet production at the LHC, obtained from the matching of next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative matrix elements with transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton branching. We present a comparative analysis of boson-jet and jet-jet correlations in the back-to-back region, and a study of the theoretical system

Dark Phase Transition and Gravitational Wave of Strongly Coupled Hidden Sectors

We go beyond the state-of-the-art by combining first principal lattice results and effective field theory approaches as Polyakov Loop model to explore the non-perturbative dark deconfinement-confinement phase transition and the generation of gravitational-waves in a dark Yang-Mills theory. We further include fermions with different representations in the dark sector. Employing the Polyakov-Nambu-J


Totally ramified rational maps and regularly ramified rational maps are defined and studied in this paper. We first give a complete classification of regularly ramified rational maps and show that our definition of a regularly ramified rational map is equivalent to a much stronger definition of a map of this kind given by Milnor [Dynamics in one complex variable, Princeton University Press, Prince

For money or pleasure? Men selling sex to men in Italy and Sweden

Men who sell sex to other men are still an under-researched area of study, despite their long presence in our history. But those who are selling sex in the 21st Century have new and peculiar characteristics. This paper highlights the presence of the so-called middle-class, men with high educational credentials that have decided to engage in sex working. Moreover, indulging in the encounter itself

Born to Be Different: LGBTQ2 Children of Heterosexual Families

This chapter aims to challenge heterosexual norms in society by analyzing heterosexual families when confronted with the coming out of one of their children. Starting with the essentialist construction of identities and gender norms supported by the symbolic structure of the natural and traditional (straight) family, we reconstruct paths and dynamics of the response that heterosexual parents give

Från Atlantens hjärta. Om marina ogräs, sargassotång och nygamla mysterier.

”Invasiva främmande arter” är ett uttryck som hörs allt oftare, såväl i medier som i diskussioner vid fikabordet. Vad är då en invasiv främmande art och varför väcker dessa arter så starka känslor? Varför är de ett problem? Hur blir man av med dem? Har de några positiva egenskaper? Det är några av de frågor vi tar upp i den här boken som är ett resultat av det tvärvetenskapliga forskningstemat ”Pe

InSAR-AI-Based Approach for Groundwater Level Prediction in Arid Regions

Lake Urmia, located in northwestern Iran, is the largest salt lake in the Middle East (ME) and one of the largest hypersaline lakes in the world. The lake has an important role in biodiversity preservation and the economic and cultural aspects of its surrounding region. Over the last two decades, the combined effects of climate change and anthropogenic activities have caused a significant depletio

A Shared Curriculum For Daylighting Education To Meet The Educational Needs Of Society

This article describes the collaborative creation of the curriculum for a new eLearning programme on daylighting design of buildings targeting both traditional and lifelong learners. The programme consists of an online platform integrated with a summer school for practical applications. The curriculum was developed through several workshops with professionals, representatives of national bodies on

Engineering the extracellular matrix to model diseases and orchestrate regeneration

The extracellular matrix is not only a scaffold to which cells attach, but it is also a matrix that communicates cell signals. Because of the interplay between cells and the extracellular matrix, changes in the extracellular matrix can steer cell fate. This opens up the opportunity to design and engineer the extracellular matrix to communicate changes to the cells. Thus, this thesis has focused on

Some epidemiological aspects of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in Sweden

Background: Contemporary epidemiological studies examining incidence rates (IR) of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Swedish populations are scarce. Cirrhosis and HCC are associated with a significant burden of health inequity and stigma. The importance of socioeconomic status (SES) in cirrhosis survival has scarcely been studied in Sweden. The impact of SES on HCC incidence and prog

Hyperspectral reflectance measurements from UAS under intermittent clouds: Correcting irradiance measurements for sensor tilt

One great advantage of optical hyperspectral remote sensing from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) compared to satellite missions is the possibility to fly and collect data below clouds. The most typical scenario is flying below intermittent clouds and under turbulent conditions, which causes tilting of the platform. This study aims to advance hyperspectral imaging from UAS in most weather conditions

European Integration Outside-In: Third Country Influence on EU Law and Policy Making

The study of European integration has traditionally focused "inside-in" on the internal development of common laws and policies. With the maturing of the single market and the evolution of EU external relations, attention has shifted beyond the EU to the ways in which the EU intentionally and unintentionally projects its norms beyond its borders - the "inside-out" dynamics of European integration.

Essays in Political Economy and Economic Sociology

This thesis consists of four self-contained papers within political economy and economic sociology. The first paper studies how the 2015 refugee wave impacted the vote share of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats (SD) during the 2018 Swedish parliamentary elections. I find that while there is an overall positive effect of immigration on the SD votes, the magnitude of the effect differs considera

Superposition of induced polarization signals measured on pyrite–sand mixtures

Induced polarization (IP) is a common method in ore exploration. IP spectra measured over a wide frequency range can be used to characterize material properties of ores, slags and other residual material from mines and processing facilities. Previous studies have shown that IP parameters are sensitive to type, content or grain size of electronically conductive or semi-conductive minerals. Up to no