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In Search of Transcultural Memory in Europe

This volume is one of the outcomes of the network project In Search for Transnational Memory in Europe (ISTME), which was financed during four years 2012-2016 by a grant from COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) as COST Action IS1203. The Centre for European Studies (CFE) at Lund University was grant holder for ISTME, and the Centre’s Head Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa was chair.

The nanoparticle protein corona formed in human blood or human blood fractions

The protein corona formed around nanoparticles in protein-rich fluids plays an important role for nanoparticle biocompatibility, as found in several studies during the last decade. Biological fluids have complex compositions and the molecular components interact and function together in intricate networks. Therefore, the process to isolate blood or the preparation of blood derivatives may lead to

Towards an almost quadratic lower bound on the monotone circuit complexity of the Boolean convolution

We study the monotone circuit complexity of the so called semi-disjoint bilinear forms over the Boolean semi-ring, in particular the n-dimensional Boolean vector convolution. Besides the size of a monotone Boolean circuit, we consider also the and-depth of the circuit, i.e., the maximum number of and-gates on a path to an output gate, and the monom number of the circuit which is the number of dist

Zero-group velocity modes in plates with continuous material variation through the thickness

Lamb modes with zero group velocity at nonzero wave numbers correspond to local and stationary resonances in isotropic plates. Lamb modes can be utilized for nondestructive evaluation of the elastic properties and thickness. One example of an application is the testing of plate-like concrete structures. In this example, continuous variation in the material velocity through the thickness may occur.

Cleanliness and consumption : exploring material and social structuring of domestic cleaning practices

In line with increasing international trends of energy efficient devices on the market and in households, domestic consumption of water and energy should be decreasing. However in Sweden, domestic per capita water consumption is not decreasing rapidly and energy consumption is actually increasing. This suggests that physical contexts are not the only factor shaping resource demand. People are also

Modal Analysis of the Ultrafast Dynamics of Optical Nanoresonators

We propose a semianalytical formalism based on a time-domain resonant-mode-expansion theory to analyze the ultrafast temporal dynamics of optical nanoresonators. We compare the theoretical predictions with numerical data obtained with the FDTD method, which is commonly used to analyze experiments in the field. The comparison reveals that the present formalism (i) provides deeper physical insight o

Intelligent computer reporting 'lack of experience' : A confidence measure for decision support systems

The purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility of developing artificial neural networks that are able to provide confidence measures for their diagnostic advice. Computer-aided decision making can improve physician performance, but many physicians hesitate to use these 'black boxes'. If we are to rely upon decision support systems for such tasks as medical diagnosis it is essential that

Deposition efficiency of inhaled particles (15-5000 nm) related to breathing pattern and lung function : An experimental study in healthy children and adults

Background: Exposure to airborne particles has a major impact on global health. The probability of these particles to deposit in the respiratory tract during breathing is essential for their toxic effects. Observations have shown that there is a substantial variability in deposition between subjects, not only due to respiratory diseases, but also among individuals with healthy lungs. The factors d

Privat reglering av revisorsval i aktiebolag : En analys av ogiltighet enligt 9 kap. 16 a § ABL

Till följd av EU:s revisionspaket har det införts regler i aktiebolagslagen om ogiltighet av vissa avtalsvillkor och bolagsordningsbestämmelser. Reglerna lämnar många viktiga frågor rörande tillämpningsomfång och rättsverkningar obesvarade. I syfte att klargöra rättsläget analyserar artikeln dessa frågor. Analysen utvisar att lagändringen medför större konsekvenser än vad ordalydelsen vid första p

Midlife risk factor exposure and incidence of cardiac arrest depending on cardiac or non-cardiac origin

Objective: Little is known about midlife risk factors of future cardiac arrest. Our objective was to evaluate cardiovascular risk factors in midlife in relation to the risk of cardiac arrest (CA) of cardiac and non-cardiac origin later in life. Methods: We cross-matched individuals of the population based Malmö Diet and Cancer study (n = 30,447) with the local CA registry of the city of Malmö. Bas

The Entangled Media Geographies of the Nordics : Contemporary Scandinavian Production Practices through the Prism of Audio-visual Nordic Noir

The Entangled Media Geographies of the Nordics: Contemporary Scandinavian Production Practices through the Prism of Audio-visual Nordic Noir.Olof Hedling, Lund UniversityAlthough predominantly contemporary in its outlook, this paper attempts to grabble with a particular development in media history, namely the gradual de-nationalization, or, perhaps more accurately, the increasingly transnational

Track finding with deformable templates - the elastic arms approach

A novel algorithm for particle tracking is presented and evaluated. It is based on deformable templates that converge using a deterministic annealing algorithm. These deformable templates are initialized by Hough transforms. The algorithm, which effectively represents a merger between neuronic decision making and parameter fitting, naturally lends itself to parallel execution. Very good performanc

When you fall into a trance

When you fall into a trance traces the relationships between Dominique, a neuroscientist, Simon, her patient, Tony, a synchronized swimmer, and Hugo, an aid worker. Simon is suffering from the loss of his proprioception, his sense of the relative position of his body parts as well as his understanding of the effort required to move them. His vision seems essential to his physical agency—if he cann

Frailty and comprehensive geriatric assessment organized as CGA-ward or CGA-consult for older adult patients in the acute care setting: A systematic review and meta-analysis

With worldwide population aging, increasing numbers of people need hospital care. Evidence suggests comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is superior to usual care. To summarize the evidence for the effects of CGA in frail and moderately frail patients compared with usual care in acute care settings. CINAHL, PsycInfo, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and PubMed were searched in October 2011, January 2

'Are decisions about discharge of elderly hospital patients mainly about freeing blocked beds?' A qualitative observational study

OBJECTIVE: To explore the interactions concerning the frail and elderly patients having to do with discharge from acute hospital wards and their participation in medical decision-making. The views of the patients and the medical staff were both investigated.DESIGN: A qualitative observational and interview study using the grounded theory.SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: The setting was three hospitals in