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Engineering Yarrowia lipolytica for methanol utilization

Abstract The utilization of one-carbon compounds, such as methanol, as a feedstock for production of high value compounds is a fast developing area within cell factory engineering. Methanol is a cheap and easily stored compound, which can be produced from CO2 and renewable energy. Engineering microbial cell factories for utilization of methanol could therefore contribute to decreasing the amounts

Tillgångarna utanför Balansräkningen

Society and companies are becoming increasingly digitized. If you compare company structures historically and today you will see some palpable differences. Today, there are companies that work almost exclusively digitally. Therefore, a new focus is created on assets that lack physical form, that is intangible assets. These are dealt with today within the accounting regulations and practices, but t

Reaching for the limit of stability

In this project, calculations for the total binding energy of all even-even nuclei available from experimental data are performed using the HFBTHO program. An artificial neural network is applied to train the information obtained from the HFBTHO calculations and predict the binding energy for the nuclei. The results show impressive improvements to the HFBTHO program. In recent years, the combinati

Do It Yourself Hormone Replacement Therapy In Dissonance With State-Sanctioned Constructions of Gender

Trots att forskningen kring transpersoner har ökat exponentiellt de senaste decennierna så vet vi fortfarande lite om den könsbekräftande vården utanför samhällets dominerande institutioner. Utifrån gruppintervjuer och självbiografiska inslag möjliggör denna uppsats en ökad förståelse för de som utför hormonbehandlingar utanför det officiella vårdsystemet. Uppsatsen fokuserar främst på hur den sveAlthough the field of transgender studies has grown exponentially during the last decades, little is still known about gender affirmative medication outside institutionalized settings. Based on group interviews and autoethnographic accounts, this thesis sheds light on the experiences of practitioners of unprescribed hormone replacement therapy. The focus will be put on how the Swedish welfare stat

Does Working Capital Management Work?

The purpose of this study is to explore if and how working capital management impacts profitability in Swedish listed non-financial firms. This study is quantitative in nature and therefore naturally employs a deductive and positivistic approach to fulfil its defined purpose. A strongly balanced panel data set is collected using Thomson Reuters Datastream as the main source with the primary statis

Learning from each other; A case study of the network “Swedish Investors for Sustainable Development” and how they are working to improve investments in the Sustainable Development Goals.

This thesis aims to explore the role a private network of investors can play when addressing and investing in the Sustainable Development Goals. The network explored is the Sida facilitated network Swedish Investors for Sustainable Development. The network was created in 2016 and has since worked to increase the knowledge among the members regarding how they should invest more efficiently in the S

VERTICAL ELLIPTICAL ACCESS-SHAFTS Geometrical optimisation through FE-modelling

Då städerna förtätas blir det alltmer aktuellt att förlägga anläggningar under marken. För att få åtkomst till underjorden, vid t.ex. ett tunnelbygge, så konstrueras vertikala åtkomstschakt, se Figur 1. För att förhindra att schaktet rasar samman så används någon form av stödkonstruktion för att hålla emot det horisontella jordtrycket. Den geometriska utformningen av stödkonstruktionen kan på olikUrbanisation is causing densification of cities and more and more facilities are being placed in the underground to utilise the urban space as efficiently as possible. Access to the underground is obtained by constructing vertical access shafts. By constructing the shaft with a circular plan geometry, an effective construction is obtained which can carry large earth pressure loads by utilising the

Person-Job Fit and Person-Organization Fit Among Start-Up Employees and their Relation to Job Satisfaction and Intention to Leave

This study aimed to investigate on the employees in new ventures and focused on the perceived person-job fit and person-organization fit among staff members working in Swedish and Danish start-ups. Additionally, this study intended to understand how the perceived fit affects the employees’ job satisfaction and turnover intention. Moreover, this research was interested to see whether the start-ups

Maternal Education and Preventive Behaviour - Evidence from Zimbabwe´s Educational Reform

This paper aims to investigate the causal relationship between maternal education and preventive behaviour. For this purpose, I consider the education reform implemented in Zimbabwe in 1980 that enabled students at age 15 and below to participate in secondary education. By using this age cutoff as an exogenous exposure to the education policy, I obtain causal estimates of schooling on health outco

The Invisible Chain - Qualitative Study of Development Justice Movement

The thesis aims to explore the role of movements in elaborating alternative development. Through the qualitative approach, the study investigates the Development Justice movement in the Asia Pacific region as a case study. The document analysis and semi-structured interview reveal how the movement had built and formulated its demands in relation to mainstream development. The study is theoreticall

Examine Evidence of Shifting Revealed Comparative Advantage from Asia to Africa (1995-2017)

The objective of this study is twofold. First, the research tries to address whether the selected 13 African countries have gained a comparative advantage on labour-intensive industry (i.e. textile and apparel sector) for the period 1995-2017. The study employs Balassa’s Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) indices to address this objective. Second, it attempts to investigate whether there is an e

Indigeneity as a base for rural development : a case study of the indigenous community Ramada, eastern Bolivia

Central to the field of agrarian political economy, is rural development and capitalism’s advancement in the countryside and its consequences for the peasantry, ‘the agrarian question’. With the present case study, I examine the interplay between social relations of production and agrarian change in eastern Bolivia. Using the case study of Ramada, a small indigenous community, this dissertation in

Does Migration Foster Trade? A Natural Experiment on the Iranian Diaspora

The main objective of this paper is to assess the impact of migration on exports as well as imports, and more specifically, the effect of the Iranian diaspora on trade between their home and host countries. The lifting of the economic sanctions, which was followed after the “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action”, on Iran throughout 2016 and 2017 is used as a natural experiment to analyse if there is

Personalens upplevelser av kontroll och övervakning inom hemtjänsten

The purpose of the study is to investigate how staff in the home care service in a medium-sized municipality experience that control and surveillance affect their professional practice. The survey method was qualitative semi-structured interviews with five employees in the home care service in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden. The results have been analyzed through theories of disciplinary po

Exploring the Enablement of a Digitized Bakery - A case study

The concept of Industry 4.0 is widely discussed among scholars and business leaders alike. Being able to adapt to this fourth industrial revolution is argued by many as necessary to stay competitive and to be profitable. Many companies today, however, have production lines built on legacy systems, as well as their own unique product challenges. This study aims to overcome these challenges by explo

Searching for Dark Photons with Jet

Standardmodellen är teorin som beskriver tre utav de fyra fundamentala naturkrafterna, och Standardmodellens komplettering har hittills varit partikelfysikens största prestation. Modellen integrerar fysikens mest elementära partiklar och deras interaktioner till en och samma teori. Den kan exempelvis beskriva universums tillstånd en kort stund efter den stora smällen, eller varför protonen inte kaDark matter is the greatest mystery of modern particle physics and cosmology. Although an overwhelming amount of observational cosmological evidence has pointed towards a dark sector, only its gravitational effect has been experimentally confirmed. Currently, no other properties of dark matter are known, including its mass, interactions else than gravitational and potential mediators between dark

Characterization of two novel markers involved in cross-presentation by dendritic cell subpopulations in tonsillar tissue and monocyte-derived dendritic cells

Cross-presentation is an essential mechanism of the immune system when it comes to fighting viruses and tumors. Oropharyngeal cancer (OPC), which can affect tonsillar tissue, is highly associated with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and CD8+ T-cells directed towards killing HPV-infected cells could prove to be a promising treatment of HPV-induced OPCs. In this study, the expression

Antagonismer om den tjocka kroppen: En diskursanalys av HOBS och Feta tankars utsagor om kroppsvikt, hälsa och viktminskningsoperationer

This examination approaches the field known as fat studies, which by critical problematisation challenges the dominating view of the fat body. Using the discourse analysis What´s the problem represented to be? problem representations regarding body weight, health and weight loss surgery by the association HOBS (Hälsa oberoende av storlek) and the project Feta tankar are compared in relation to a d

Sveriges inkorporering av Barnkonventionen: ett utmanande av den svenska abortlagstiftningen?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och analysera om den nationella inkorporeringen av Barnkonventionen (CRC) har någon inverkan på den svenska abortlagstiftningen, eftersom det i konventionens preambel konstateras att ett barn måste inneha särskilt skydd både före och efter födseln. Syftet är också att analysera vem som ses som ett barn och därmed rättighetsinnehavare. Frågan som uppsatsen