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School Principals’ Work Participation in an Extended Working Life : Are They Able to, and Do They Want to? A Quantitative Study of the Work Situation

The objective of this study is to increase the knowledge regarding school principals’work situations by examining the associations between various factors and the school principals’assessments of their ability or wish to work until 65 years of age or longer. The 1356 participatingschool principals in this study were aged between 50 and 64 years of age. Individual and workfactors were evaluated in

Organisational Measures and Strategies for a Healthy and Sustainable Extended Working Life and Employability : A Deductive Content Analysis with Data Including Employees, First Line Managers, Trade Union Representatives and HR-Practitioners

Due to the global demographic change many more people will need to work until anolder age, and organisations and enterprises need to implement measures to facilitate an extendedworking life. The aim of this study was to investigate organisational measures and suggestionsto promote and make improvements for a healthy and sustainable working life for all ages in anextended working life. This is a qu


In-cylinder pressure measurements serve as the gold standard for combustion diagnostics in Internal Combustion Engines. However, the associated costs render it unfeasible to equip engines with in-cylinder pressure sensors. For spark-ignited engines, using the more affordable in-cylinder ion current measurements as an alternative to the traditional pressure sensors has shown promising results for c

Should I Stay or Should I Go? : Associations between Occupational Factors, Signs of Exhaustion, and the Intention to Change Workplace among Swedish Principals

A high turnover among principals may disrupt the continuity of leadership and negativelyaffect teachers and, by extension, the students. The aim was to investigate to what extent variouswork environment factors and signs of exhaustion were associated with reported intentions tochange workplace among principals working in compulsory schools. A web-based questionnaire wasadministered twice, in 2018

Carried interest - Tjänst eller kapital?

Uppsatsen syfte är att faställa gällande rätt avseende beskattning av personer som erhåller carried interest och om det stöd som används uppfyller legalitetsprincipens krav på förutsägbarhet. I uppsatsen undersöks också hur carried interest beskattas i Tyskland och Luxembourg. Carried interest utgör en del av vinstavkastningen som tillfaller nyckelpersoner inom en riskkapitalstruktur, när ett portThe purpose of this thesis is to establish the applicable law regarding the taxation of the individuals receiving carried interest and whether support meets the requirements of the principle of legality. Carried interest is a share of profits earned by key individuals when a portfolio company is sold at profit. There are no specific taxation rules when it comes to carried interest, therefore the t

Att påverka med musik - Hur kan man med musik påverka samhället man lever i?

Arbetet undersöker vilken roll musik har i att förändra samhället, vad som utmärker musik som påverkar samhället, och på vilket sätt musiken påverkar. Detta görs med hjälp av en historisk grund och genom intervjuer av tre personer som har en inblick i att påverka genom musik. Målet är att arbetet ska ge en inblick i hur man kan påverka genom musik, för att sedan själv kunna börja påverka genom detThe essay examines what role music have in changing society, how music that affects society is different, and in what way the music makes a change. This is done through a historical base and through interviews with three people with an insight into influencing through music. The goal is that the essay will give an insight into how one can influence through music, so that the reader then can start

Baler - Machine Learning Based Compression of Scientific Data

A common and growing issue in scientific research and industry is that of storing and sharing ever-increasing datasets. In this paper we document the development and applications of Baler - a Machine Learning based tool for tailored compression of data across multiple disciplines.

The Five Senses in Classical Science and Ethics

Sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch: that the senses should be enumerated in this way is not self-evident. The number and order of the senses are fixed by custom and tradition, not by nature. The regular order being subject to occasional change proves its arbitrariness. Therefore, we can describe the enumeration of the five senses as an artificial series of natural elements.

MNS and Duffy Blood Group Systems

The MNS blood group system antigens (M, N, S, s, U, and other high- and low-frequency antigens) are carried on glycophorins A and B, or hybrid proteins thereof. Antibodies to these antigens can be clinically significant, especially anti-S, anti-s, and anti-U. The Duffy blood group system antigens (Fya, Fyb, Fy3) are carried on the atypical chemokine receptor 1 (ACKR1). Antibodies to the Duffy anti

Bunkers Revisited : Co-producing Memory, Meaning and Materiality in Danish Cold War Museums

The Cold War shaped the Danish landscape and cityscape profoundly. Numerous bunkers, military and civilian remain today as testimonies of a time where fear of a nuclear Third World War was imminent. This chapter delves into “the bunker” as materiality and myth, drawing inspiration from bunker studies from a broad range of fields including history, geography and architecture. Subsequently, this cha

Mortality among individuals with substance use disorder—does violent criminal behavior have an impact?

Introduction: Understanding violent criminality and its impact on health and eventually the risk of premature mortality is important for efficient future interventions. This study aimed to explore the effect violent criminality had on premature mortality (i.e., death before the age of 65) among individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs). Methods: The cohort was created by identifying all Swed

The LISA project : opportunities and challenges of recycling automotive heat exchangers

A modern vehicle typically has up to ten different heat exchangers, ensuring prolonged technology life, improved performance, and passenger comfort. Heat exchangers for automotive applications are made of multilayer-clad brazed aluminium. They are mature products, having been used in passenger and commercial internal combustion engine vehicles for decades, and their use will continue in electrifie


Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) was suggested to play an important role in primary headaches as far back as 1985 and has been confirmed as playing a significant role in migraine pathophysiology. CGRP receptor antagonists are becoming more and more important for treatment of acute migraine attacks and for prophylaxis of episodic and chronic migraine. The development of drugs that bind CGRP o