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Direktkrav i kontraktskedjor - En undersökning av möjligheterna att kräva sin medkontrahents medkontrahent

En kontraktskedja uppstår när en avtalspart ingår avtal med en utomstående om att fullfölja hela eller del av dennes prestation. Avtalen länkas samman för att uppfylla det mål som avtalats mellan parterna i det främre ledet. Det främre ledet består av A och B, och det bakre ledet består av B och C. Denna uppsats undersöker möjligheten att rikta ett skadeståndsrättsligt direktkrav, alltså när A kanA contractual chain is created when a debtor to a contract delegates his duty to perform under the contract to a third party. The legal relation in the front link consists of A and B, and the rear link consists of B and C. This thesis examines the possibility for A to bring an action for damages against C. In this scenario B has a contractual liability to A for Cs actions, and C has by being reckl

Offentlig- och privat samverkan för fiberbyggnation på lansdsbygden

The Rural Development Program 2014-2020, is a way of reducing urbanization and creating more equal conditions between urban and rural areas. However, since fiberoptic cables is built on commercial terms, incentives for digging fiber in rural areas are lacking, which means that different types of support are required for construction to be possible. The administrative and financial difficulties req

Partnervalet i uppmärksamhetsekonomin, en kvalitativ studie av Tinder

Följande uppsats är en kvalitativ studie vars syfte är att undersöka Tinder och Tinder-användares upplevelser. De övergripande frågorna som önskas besvaras är: Vad händer när människor söker kärleks- och sexpartners via en plattform som Tinder? Hur påverkar detta användarnas intentioner, känslor och förståelse? Mitt tillvägagångssätt har varit en kombination av kvalitativa metoder däribland interv

Model selection and optimization experiment of a field trial with agricultural data using Python

Potato cultivation is vast for many agricultures in southern Sweden. What many might not be aware of, is how much pesticides which are used in the cultivation process. In "Late blight prediction and analysis"[1] predictions of late-blight attacks was modelled on potato-corps using Elastic Net among other methods. This thesis is an algorithmic complement describing Alternate Direction Met

Forensic Breach Response in Compliance with GDPR

Modifications and new approaches for breach response and forensic investigations for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, is to be expected in May 2018. This paper brings forth the conclusion that engagement from top management is crucial in order to comply with the GDPR requirements. The importance of having a vision and a strategy assessing the matters of breach response

Simuleringsbaserad Produktutveckling

FlatFrog develops a system for interactive displays, containing a glass where it’s concave shape is critical for the functioning of the system. By using simulation at an early stage of the product development process, the behavior of the glass and weak points in the structure can be detected even before prototyping. The purpose of the work was to simulate areas that, with relatively small means, c

Experimentell rangordning av antändligheten hos kläder som används av riskgrupper

The purpose of this report is to find out which composition of fibres in clothes are the easiest to ignite when exposed to a smouldering fire (i.e. a cigarette). The end result of this report were several rankings concerning the ignitability of sweaters made of polar fleece, WCT-overalls, knitted cardigans (sweaters), dressing gowns (bathrobes) and sweatpants. Several conclusions could be made and

Thirsty landscapes - Investigating growing irrigation water consumption and potential conservation measures within Utah’s largest master-planned community: Daybreak.

The demand for more water in the southwestern parts of the United States of America is growing due to an increasing population, while climate conditions are becoming more unfavorable with higher temperatures and less precipitation. This study explores current culinary and secondary water consumptions used for irrigation purposes in the Daybreak neighborhood, located in South Jordan, Utah. Addition

Association between sensory function and medio-lateral knee motion during functional tasks in a healthy female population

Background: A knee-medial-to foot position (KMFP) during functional tasks has been identified as a risk factor for Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) -injury among women. Among ACLinjured subjects, a reduced sensory and proprioceptive function has been correlated with a KMFP during functional tasks. The most reliable measure of proprioception seems to be the measuring of a subject’s Threshold to Det

Hampakalk - En jämförelsestudie med avseende på brandegenskaper

Lime-hemp concrete is an old insulation material, made out of hemp shiv and lime, making its way back onto the market. This thesis focuses on the usage of lime-hemp as an alternative insulation material for restoration of older wooden buildings in the town of Visby in Gotland, Sweden. The aim of this report is to investigate fire resistance properties of lime-hemp concrete and to compare it to oth

Handelseffekten av ett EU-medlemskap

I denna uppsats undersöks effekten av ett EU-medlemskap avseende de 13 senaste medlemsländerna för att se om medlemskapet bidragit med en handelseffekt. År 2004, 2007 och 2013 integrerades totalt 13 central/östeuropeiska länder till det dåvarande homogena EU, vilket ansågs vara en utmaning. Undersökningen i denna uppsats görs genom gravitationsmodellen där data ifrån samtliga EU länder insamlats.


‘Bread from Scratch’ is a reaction to the fact that many people don’t know how food is made anymore. Fast foods and other kinds of processed foods determine our daily life. Affected by industrialised food production and peoples eating behaviour, the knowledge of basic food production slowly disappears. Bread is one of humans oldest foods and even today it is one of the most essential and univers

Hardware-software model co-simulation for GPU IP development

This Master's thesis project aims to explore the possibility of a mixed simulation environment in which parts of a software model for emulating a hardware design may be swapped with their corresponding RTL description. More specifically, this work focuses on the sofware model for Arm's next-generation Mali GPU, which is used to understand system on chip properties, including functionality

Kan sociala medier minska friktionsarbetslösheten?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om utvecklingen av sociala medier som rekryteringskanal kan ha en positiv inverkan på matchningseffektiviteten på arbetsmarknaden. Uppsatsen bearbetar data från SCB och Arbetsförmedlingen och använder Beveridgekurvor tillsammans med matchningsfunktioner för att beskriva matchningseffektivitetens utveckling sedan år 2000. Data från Svenskt Näringsliv använd

Äventyr i Matteskogen: Virtual Reality som utbildningsverktyg

Utbildning är en viktig del av vårt samhälle och med hjälp av ny teknik finns det utrymme för förbättring. Idag används datorer, applikationer till smarta telefoner samt surfplattor i stor utsträckning inom utbildning. En ny teknikrevolution håller på att äga rum, nämligen Virtual Reality. Detta examensarbete undersöker användbarheten för Virtual Reality som utbildningsverktyg. Eftersom Virtual ReEducation is an important part of our society and with technological advancements there is room for imporvement. Computers, smartphones, tablets and applications are widely spread as educational tools in todays classrooms. A new technological revolution is about to happen, which is called Virtual Reality. This thesis examines the usability of Virtual Reality as an educational tool. Since Virtual R

Vårdpersonals attityder till äldres sexualitet. En litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Samhällets syn på sexualitet påverkar individens förmåga att uttrycka sin sexualitet samt känna och uppnå sexuell hälsa. En rädsla för utsatthet och fördömande hindrar äldre att ta upp ämnet med vårdgivare och vårdpersonal lyfter själva sällan ämnet. Syfte: Att beskriva vårdpersonals attityder till äldres sexualitet. Metod: En litteraturstudie där åtta vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades

Gender Equality and CO2-Emissions: A Panel Data Study

There is an acute need to combat global warming, of which carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are the key driver. Climate policy makers so far have assumed that CO2-emissions and gender equality are closely related. However, despite a rapidly growing literature on women and CO2-emissions, no link between gender equality and CO2-emissions has yet been established in economic research. To bridge this gap

Self-control in a small passerine, the great tit, Parus major

Self-control can be explained as the power to resist what is usually hard to resist, which is essentially what individuals do when they deny themselves to satisfy impulses. This ability is suggested to be a necessity for more cognitively advanced behaviours in animals. A recent study compared 36 species across several taxa in their ability to elicit self-control and found that primates performed b

”Det svenska tillståndet” : en kvalitativ publikstudie om hur norska och danska nyhetskonsumenter uppfattar Sverige

This thesis is a qualitative interview study about Norwegian and Danish news consumer's views and perceptions about Sweden. The interviews have been conducted in Oslo, Norway and Copenhagen, Denmark, where the aim was to gain understanding about how the representation of Sweden, throughout Norwegian and Danish news media, affects the interviewee's image of Sweden. One of the studie's m