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Normal cervical changes in parous women during the second half of pregnancy--a prospective, longitudinal ultrasound study.

OBJECTIVE: To determine what constitutes normal cervical changes during the second half of pregnancy in parous women delivering at term. DESIGN: The study comprises 21 healthy, pregnant parous women who all gave birth at term. They were examined with transvaginal ultrasound every two weeks from 24 gestational weeks until delivery. Cervical length and width were measured. The inner cervical os was

Consumption of both resistant starch and beta-glucan improves postprandial plasma glucose and insulin in women

OBJECTIVE - Consumption of a meal high in resistant starch or soluble fiber (P-glucan) decreases peak insulin and glucose concentrations and areas under the curve (AUCs). The objective was to determine whether the effects of soluble fiber and resistant starch on glycemic variables are additive. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Ten normal-weight (43.5 years of age, BMI 22.0 kg/m(2)) and 10 overweight

Cervical Muscle Afferents Play a Dominant Role over Vestibular Afferents during Bilateral Vibration of Neck Muscles.

A previous study showed that vibratory stimulation of neck muscles in humans induced short-latency electromyographic (EMG) activation of lower leg muscles, producing postural reactions at the feet. These findings indicated that cervical proprioception contributes to stabilization of stance through rapidly integrated pathways. However, as vibration may excite both proprioceptive and vestibular affe

CHEK2*1100delC is not an important high-risk gene in families with hereditary prostate cancer in southern Sweden

Objective. CHEK2* 1100delC is a frame-shifting germ-line mutation which abolishes the function of cell-cycle-checkpoint kinase 2 (chk2) and hence impairs the cells' response to DNA damage. This variant occurs in approximate to 1% of the general Western population but has been reported to be more common among patients with breast and prostate cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the sig

Density-functional theory of multicomponent quantum dots

Quantum dots with conduction electrons or holes originating from several bands are considered. We assume the particles are confined in a harmonic potential and assume the electrons (or holes) belonging to different bands to be different types of fermions with isotropic effective masses. The density-functional method with the local density approximation is used. The increased number of internal (Ko

Effective treatment of experimental acute otitis media by application of volatile fluids into the ear canal

Essential oils are volatile and can have good antimicrobial activity. We compared the effects of oil of basil ( Ocimum basilicum) and essential oil components ( thymol, carvacrol, and salicylaldehyde) to those of a placebo when placed in the ear canal of rats with experimental acute otitis media caused by pneumococci or Haemophilus influenzae. Progress was monitored by otomicroscopic examination a

Inhibition of lipase activity and lipolysis in rat islets reduces insulin secretion.

Lipids may serve as coupling factors in KATP-independent glucose sensing in β-cells. We have previously demonstrated that β-cells harbor lipase activities, one of which is the hormone-sensitive lipase. Whether β-cell lipases are critical for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) by providing lipid-derived signals from endogenous lipids is unknown. Therefore, using a lipase inhibitor (orlista

From megaplants to mini-mills - a trend in steelmaking - a prospect for papermaking

A comparison is made between the development trends experience over the last decades by the steel and papermaking industries, respectively. These two industrial branches, although totally different in their technical nature, are subject to similar pressures from their external environment, notably increasing requirements for environmental protection and more efficient raw material management. Such

A very short uranium-uranium bond: The predicted metastable U-2(2+)

Quantum chemical calculations, based on multiconfigurational wave functions and including relativistic effects, show that the U-2(2+) system has a large number of low-lying electronic states with S of 0 to 2 and Lambda ranging from zero to ten. These states share a very small bond length of about 2.30 angstrom, compared to 2.43 angstrom in neutral U-2. The Coulomb explosion to 2 U+ lowers the ener

Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of an alkaline serine protease from Nesterenkonia sp. Acta

A novel calcium-independent serine protease from an alkaliphilic bacterium, Nesterenkonia sp. AL20, has been purified and crystallized at 296 K using sodium formate as the main precipitant. This enzyme is optimally active at pH 10, exhibits high stability towards autolytic digestion and its stability is not affected by the presence of EDTA or detergents. The triangular prism-shaped crystals diffra

Continuous and intermittent exposure to ethanol: effect on NG 108-15 cell membrane phospholipids

The effect of continuous and intermittent ethanol exposure on the phospholipid composition of Neuroblastoma x Glioma (NG 108-15) cell membranes was investigated. The cells were treated with ethanol for three weeks. Continuous ethanol exposure (150 mM) produced an increase (27%) in the amount of phosphatidylcholine, whereas intermittent ethanol treatment (150 mM) induced a 22% reduction of this lip

Stimulus-dependent dopamine release in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is related to an attenuated and dysfunctional dopamine system. Normally, a high extracellular dopamine level yields a tonic dopaminergic input that down-regulates stimuli-evoked phasic dopamine responses through autoreceptors. Abnormally low tonic extracellular dopamine in ADHD up-regulates the autoreceptors so that stimuli-evoked phasic dopamine is

Macroeconometric Studies of Private Consumption, Government Debt and Real Exchange Rates

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av fem fristående uppsatser som utnyttjar tidsserieanalys för studerande av några olika makroekonomiska frågor. I kapitel två, tre och fyra används s.k. vektorautoregressiva (VAR) modeller för att studera privat konsumtionsbeteende i Sverige. Enligt den permanenta inkomst hypotesen väljer individerna sin konsumtion med hänsyn till sin långsiktiga ellAdvances in time series analysis during the last two decades have stimulated research in a number of areas in macroeconomics. This thesis is a compilation of five essays using cointegrated vector autoregressive (VAR) models, unit root tests and regime switching models to investigate the behavior of private consumption, public debt and the real exchange rate. Chapter two explores the empirical evi

Delivery outcome in relation to maternal use of some recently introduced antidepressants

Little is known concerning possible hazards of maternal use of the recently introduced antidepressant drugs with noradrenergic and varying serotonergic activity (serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor [SNRI]/noradrenergic reuptake inhibitor [NRI] drugs). Using the Swedish Medical Birth Registry, we identified 732 women who had used SNRI/NRI drugs in early pregnancy. Maternal characteristics we

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Popular Abstract in Swedish Den dansk-svenske forfatter Gustaf Munch-Petersen (1912-1938) betragtes som en af portalskikkelserne i den danske lyriske modernisme. Han døde 26 år gammel som frivillig i den spanske borgerkrig, en konflikt, vi i dag ofte betragter som en del af optakten til anden verdenskrig. Dette tidlige endeligt gjorde ham til en af skandinavisk litteraturs ”unge døde”. Men det er The Danish-Swedish writer Gustaf Munch-Petersen (1912-1938) is considered one of the pioneers of Danish modernist poetry. His death at the age of 26 as a volunteer in the Spanish Civil War, a conflict that was later widely understood as a prelude to the Second World War, made him one of “the young dead” of Scandinavian literature. But this is only one among several pictures of him. Self and identi


This article argues for an intersectional multisolidarity with an anti-racist, queer and feminist agenda.