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Crisis and Public Support for the Euro

The Eurozone crisis has meant slow growth, rising unemployment and social unrest. This contribution gauges the impact of these negative developments on European citizens’ opinion about the euro and the EU institutions. Using Eurobarometer surveys, the authors find that, within the Eurozone, the crisis has only marginally lowered support for the euro but has led to a sharp fall in public trust in t

Does Engaging in Data Philanthropy Impact Business Value?

Data philanthropy (DP) is a new but much-lauded phenomenon. Extant DP research has been either conceptual, exploratory, and/or qualitative. The present study seeks to examine the business value of data philanthropy to the donor firm. We use an event study method to analyze stock performance of public firms associated with data philanthropy activities to determine if a link exists. We find signific

Perception of COVID-19 impacts on the construction industry over time

The emergence of COVID-19 has been changing in the world since 2020 and prompted social, cultural, and economic systems to adjust their structures, routines, and processes. The economic aspects of the pandemic appeared soon, and many industries changed their workflow and procedures through a mandatory or recommended quarantine. Knowing the impact of COVID-19 on different areas of construction proj

The role of RNA-binding proteins in the processing of mRNAs produced by carcinogenic papillomaviruses

Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are epitheliotropic DNA tumor viruses that are prevalent in the human population. A subset of the HPVs termed high-risk HPVs (HR-HPVs) are causative agents of anogenital cancers and head-and-neck cancers. Cancer is the result of persistent high-risk HPV infections that have not been cleared by the immune system of the host. These infections are characterized by dysregu

Meat intake is associated with a higher risk of ulcerative colitis in a large European prospective cohort study

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: We aimed to investigate the association between protein intake and risk of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.METHODS: 413 593 participants from eight European countries were included. Dietary data were collected at baseline from validated food frequency questionnaires. Dietary data were calibrated to correct er

Passing on the torch : Urban governance, mega-event politics and failed olympic bids in Oslo and Stockholm

While the literature on failed Olympic bids has grown recently, not all failed bids have received attention. This article fills some gap in the literature. The aim of the study is to explore why the cities of Oslo and Stockholm – capitals in countries which are scoring high on various democracy indexes - choose to withdraw their Olympics bids. This is explored by drawing upon literature on urban g

Potentially prolonged psychological distress from postponed olympic and paralympic games during COVID-19—career uncertainty in elite athletes

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had a significant impact on the world of sports due to periods of home quarantine, bans against public gatherings, travel restrictions, and a large number of postponed or canceled major sporting events. The literature hitherto is sparse, but early indications display signs of psychological impact on elite athletes due to the pandemic. However, b

Comorbid amyloid-β pathology affects clinical and imaging features in VCD

Introduction: To date, the clinical relevance of comorbid amyloid-β (Aβ) pathology in patients with vascular cognitive disorders (VCD) is largely unknown. Methods: We included 218 VCD patients with available cerebrospinal fluid Aβ42 levels. Patients were divided into Aβ+ mild-VCD (n = 84), Aβ− mild-VCD (n = 68), Aβ+ major-VCD (n = 31), and Aβ− major-VCD (n = 35). We measured depression with the Ge

INTERnational Project for the Evaluation of "activE Rehabilitation" (inter-PEER) - A protocol for a prospective cohort study of community peer-based training programmes for people with spinal cord injury

Background: Active Rehabilitation (AR) is a community peer-based concept for people with spinal cord injury (SCI) that is primarily delivered through brief residential training programmes. Despite a plethora of positive anecdotal evidence of AR programmes as life-changing experiences, the effects of AR-programmes have not been evaluated scientifically. Here, we present the protocol of the INTERnat

Homosocial stewardship : The opposed and unpaid care work of women water stewards in West Virginia, USA

The identity of people living in Central Appalachia is tightly connected with water. Because of the threats to water resources due to coal mining, and most recently, hydraulic fracturing and oil and gas pipeline projects, citizens have formed several nonprofit organizations to preserve or restore rivers and watersheds. Notably, women head the biggest, state-wide, most active and visible of these o

Optical : In situ monitoring during the synthesis of halide perovskite solar cells reveals formation kinetics and evolution of optoelectronic properties

The formation mechanism and the evolution of optoelectronic properties during annealing of chlorine-derived methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3-xClx) are investigated in detail combining in situ and ex situ optical and structural characterization. Using in situ optical reflectometry we are able to monitor the evolution of the MAPbI3-xClx phase as a function of time and processing temperature. The f

Tree-rings reveal two strong solar proton events in 7176 and 5259 BCE

The Sun sporadically produces eruptive events leading to intense fluxes of solar energetic particles (SEPs) that dramatically disrupt the near-Earth radiation environment. Such events have been directly studied for the last decades but little is known about the occurrence and magnitude of rare, extreme SEP events. Presently, a few events that produced measurable signals in cosmogenic radionuclides

Ecoenzymatic stoichiometry can reflect microbial resource limitation, substrate quality, or both in forest soils

Many studies have used the relative activities of extracellular enzymes associated with microbial carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) acquisition to infer the relative C vs. nutrient limitation of the microbial community. However, recent experimental and theoretical evidence has shown that the use of ecoenzymatic ratio to infer limiting microbial resources may be invalid. We added the two

Radio propagation modeling methods and tools

This chapter provides overview of fundamental definitions, tools and new methods towards improved channel modeling reported in the Co-operation in Science and Technology (COST)-Inclusive Radio Communications (IRACON) Action for future wireless communications and networks. The overview first covers definitions of propagation environments as they determine most relevant propagation mechanisms to con

How do Firms Hedge in Financial Distress?

We examine how firms hedge in financial distress. Using hand-collected data from oil and gas producers, we find that these firms hedge oil prices during periods of financial distress. Derivative portfolios in these firms are characterized by short put options. These positions are part of a composite three-way collar strategy that combines buying put options and selling put and call options with di

Crisis and Public Support for the Euro, 1999–2014

This contribution analyses the evolution of public support for the single European currency, the euro, from 1990 to 2014 for a 12-country sample of the euro area (EA-12), focusing on the most recent period of the financial and sovereign debt crisis, starting in 2008. We find that citizens’ support for the euro on average was marginally reduced during the first six years of the crisis, and that sup

Microscopic treatment of instantaneous spectral diffusion and its effect on quantum gate fidelities in rare-earth-ion-doped crystals

The effect of instantaneous spectral diffusion (ISD) on gate operations in rare-earth-ion-doped crystals is an important question to answer for the future of rare-earth quantum computing. Here we present a microscopic modeling that highlights the stochastic nature of the phenomenon and use it to investigate ISD errors on single-qubit gate operations. Furthermore, we present a method to estimate th

Att göra utredningar inom offentlig sektor

Även om spännvidden är stor vad gäller fackområde, beslutssituation och omfattning har utredningarna det gemensamt att de behöver vägledas av rekommendationer för hur utredningsarbete bedrivs och bedöms på bästa sätt. Att göra utredningar inom offentlig sektor strävar efter att presentera olika metodfrågor på ett enkelt sätt. Boken förklarar också logiken bakom olika metodkrav, till exempel kravet