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Project FIRE21 - Internal workshop on recommendations

As part of the project FIRE21, a workshop was organised in Trondheim on September 8, 2023, inviting all project partners (Lund University, Research Institutes of Sweden, the Technical University of Denmark and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology) to brainstorm on potential problems for the fire and rescue services (FRS) in the 21st century, and recommendations on how to improve the

Individual qualities for collective problem-solving : Insights from an interview and literature study

This report summarises the results from an interview and literature study carried out to identify key individual qualities for collective problem-solving in a fire and rescue service context. The report contributes to the research project FIRE21 (Fire and Rescue Services in the 21st Century) and is part of a work package looking into such individual qualities through using different methods and ma

Projekt FIRE21 - Sammanställning workshops Räddningstjänsten Syd (Rsyd) och Malmö Stad

I denna rapport sammanställer vi resultaten från två workshops som utförts som en del av projektet FIRE21 (Fire and Rescue Services in the 21st Century). I projektet studerar vi (forskare från Sverige, Norge och Danmark) hur räddningstjänster löser problem i så kallade problemlösande nätverk. Vi ser dessa som nödvändiga för att lösa problem i dagens och morgondagens insatser, där vi behöver olika

Projekt FIRE21 - Sammanställning workshop med Hovedstadens Beredskab

I denna rapport sammanställer vi resultaten från en workshop med Hovedstadens Beredskab i Danmark. Workshopen utfördes som en del av projektet FIRE21 (Fire and Rescue Services in the 21st Century). I projektet studerar vi (forskare från Sverige, Norge och Danmark) hur räddningstjänster löser problem i så kallade problemlösande nätverk. Vi ser dessa som nödvändiga för att lösa problem i dagens och I denna rapport sammanställer vi resultaten från en workshop med Hovedstadens Beredskab i Danmark. Workshopen utfördes som en del av projektet FIRE21 (Fire and Rescue Services in the 21st Century). I projektet studerar vi (forskare från Sverige, Norge och Danmark) hur räddningstjänster löser problem i så kallade problemlösande nätverk. Vi ser dessa som nödvändiga för att lösa problem i dagens och

Key recommendations from project FIRE21

This document summarises key recommendations from project FIRE21. The recommendations are based on results from 1) professionals through the workshop with Räddningstjänsten Syd (Rsyd) and the Norwegian survey and 2) acquired experiences and knowledge from project members.

Individual qualities for effective collective problem solving - report for FIRE21

This report summarises a study carried out to identify key individual qualities for collective problem-solving in a fire and rescue service (FRS) context. The report contributes to the research project FIRE21 (Fire and Rescue Services in the 21st Century) and is part of a work package looking into such individual qualities through using different methods and materials.

Problems, problem-solving and problem-solving networks - a theoretical foundation for FIRE21 : Version 2

This document is created within the research project Nordic Fire and Rescue Services in the Twenty First Century (FIRE21). In this project, the fire and rescue services are seen as both governed by, and dependent on, formal and informal networks. A fundamental assumption in the research project is that efficient emergency management is dependent on efficient problem-solving in these networks. As a

En ny era för kuratorer inom hälso- och sjukvården - en kvantitativ studie om kuratorers attityder gentemot legitimationen

This study aimed to investigate the attitudes of counselors working in healthcare towards the introduction of licensure requirements and a transitional period that was applied for obtaining the licensure. The study illustrated how the introduction of the requirement was perceived in terms of professional status/professional identity, professionalization, and work tasks. This study was based on pro

Riktigt oriktiga uppgifter – Om rekvisitet oriktig uppgift och skattetilläggsfrågan vid Skatteverkets bedömning av carried interest

Uppsatsen undersöker skattetilläggsfrågan i anslutning till en inkomstskatterättslig bedömning av inkomster genom carried interest. Carried interest är en särskild typ av vinstfördelning som kan berättiga till asymmetriska vinster inom riskkapitalstrukturer. För närvarande saknas specifika lagregler i Inkomstskattelagen (1999:1299) som avgör hur dessa inkomster ska beskattas. Skattetillägg är en The thesis examines the issue of tax surcharges in connection with an income tax assessment of carried interest. Carried interest is a specific type of profit-sharing arrangement that can entitle individuals to asymmetric returns within private equity structures. Currently, there are no specfic provisions within the Swedish Income Tax Act (1999:1229) determining how such income should be taxed. A

Från det lokala till det globala: Ekokritiska tendenser i poesi och dokumentärfilm

This thesis explores how ecological themes are represented through local and global perspectives in Juliana Spahr’s ecopoetry, Mikael Kristersson’s Ljusår (2008), and Jiuliang Wang’s documentary Plastic China (2016). By applying ecocritical theory with a focus on glocalization and interconnectedness, the study examines how local environments become metaphors for global ecological crises. Spahr’s

Att spegla tid och minne: Surrealism i Andrej Tarkovskijs Spegeln

This thesis explores the intersection between Andrei Tarkovsky’s cinematic aesthetics and surrealist theory, focusing on his film The Mirror (1975). By analyzing Tarkovsky’s depiction of time and memory, the study investigates how surrealist principles such as non-linear narrative, symbolic imagery, and dream-like sequences are employed to create a deeply introspective cinematic experience. Drawi

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У цій статті досліджено професійний підхід до ілюстрування книг для дітей та підлітків. Також визначено значення розвитку фантазії, образного мислення, виховання смаку та введення у світ сучасного мистецтва. Описано принципи оформлення та ілюстрування книг з урахуванням вікових особливостей сприйняття дітей, а також важливість привабливості ілюстрацій для зацікавлення маленьких читачів. РозглянутоThe purpose of the study is to investigate the possibilities of replacing the introductory version of MATLAB in educational disciplines related to digital image processing with an open and free analogue of GNU Octave. Using the example of laboratory tasks for the educational discipline "Digital Image Processing", similar capabilities, functionality and syntax of both software packages have been ex

Early quality control of stabilised dredged material by correlating heat production with strength

This study explores the use of isothermal calorimetry to assess heat release during the initial phases of dredged sediment stabilization with the primary goal of predicting the 28 days unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and enhancing the stabilization process' quality control (QC). The study was performed on dredged sediment (DS) samples collected from Göta river, Gothenburg, Sweden. The water

C4b-Binding Protein and Factor H Attenuate NLRP3 Inflammasome-Mediated Signalling Response during Group A Streptococci Infection in Human Cells

Introduction: Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus; GAS) is a pathogen causing over half a million deaths annually worldwide. Human immune cells respond to GAS infection by activating the NLRP3 inflammasome leading to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines that control infection. We investigated the role of C4b-binding protein (C4BP) and factor H (FH) in the inflammasome response to GA

Arbetstagares förväntningar på arbetsgivare - likheter och skillnader

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skillnader i svenska arbetstagares förväntningar gentemot deras arbetsgivare med hänsyn till deras generation, kön, etnicitet och utbildningsnivå. Studiens frågeställningar var 1) Finns det skillnader bland svenska arbetstagares upplevda förväntningar på arbetsgivare med avseende på a) generation b) kön c) etnicitet och d) utbildningsnivå? Och 2) Finns detThe purpose of this study was to investigate differences in Swedish employees’ expectations of employers with regard to their age, gender, ethnicity and level of education. The study’s questions were 1) Are there differences among Swedish employees’ perceived expectations of employers with regard to a) generation, b) gender, c) ethnicity, and d) level of education? And 2) Are there interactions be

Utvärdering av rökgasrening på övningsfält för en förbättrad arbetsmiljö vid eldövning - En experimentell studie för utvärdering och kartläggning av brandgasreningsteknologier

Air pollution is a problem that has been linked to health risks and disease and contains aerosols with very small particles (PM2.5) which reach deep down in the lung tissues and cause problems leading to both cancer and other health issues. Different authorities and fire and rescue service departments in Sweden create large emissions when training their personnel in facilities for smoke producing

Akustisk pack-bed. Infångning av partiklar i nanoskalan

Pack-bed framtidens medicintekniska diagnostik? Kroppens celler kommunicerar genom att skicka information till varandra via små partiklar. Genom att fånga in dessa kan man ta del av denna information och olika sjukdomar kan därigenom detekteras. I detta arbete undersöks Pack-bed, en ny teknik där akustik används för sådan infångning.In this master thesis a novel way of trapping nanosized particles were tested. The technology used was based on acoustic trapping with seed particles. In difference to earlier devices the seed particles were held in place by a physical barrier that worked like a filter, stopping the bigger seed particles while allowing the nanosized particles to flow through, a setup that allowed for significantly