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Modelling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Applied to the Analysis of Integrated Systems with Gas Turbines

Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), working at high temperatures with an incomplete fuel oxidation process, have become an interesting candidate for combination with conventional power generation technology, such as gas turbines, in order to develop power plants that are both functional and efficient. An absolute condition for successful analysis and optimisation of such plants is the existence of rel

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Popular Abstract in Swedish Studiens övergripande mål är att beskriva olika användningar « seul » och « seulement », och att förklara dessa användningar inom en generativ ram. Efter första kapitlets introduktion presenteras ett antal tidigare studier i det andra och tredje kapitlet. Fjärde kapitlet redovisar ett empiriskt material med exempel på seul och seulement, tagna från dagspressen. Den empiThe overall aim of this study is to describe a number of different uses of the French "seul" and "seulement", and to account for the observed differences within a generative framework. After an introductory chapter, chapters two and three present a survey of earlier studies. The fourth chapter concerns an empirical study of authentic occurrences of "seul" and seulement", drawn from the press. The

Phenotype variation within a choroideremia family lacking the entire CHM gene

A Swedish family with choroideremia and a deletion of the CHM gene has been studied with ophthalmological examination, full-field electro-retinography, and DNA analysis in order to characterize the phenotype of the disease. Although all four patients studied had a complete deletion of the gene, they showed a considerable variability regarding the phenotype, including the electroretinogram tracings

Trade Facilitation and the EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements

This paper assesses the potential effects from trade facilitation in terms of increased trade flows both on average and specifically for the six regional groups of ACP countries negotiating Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the EU. Data from the World Bank’s Doing Business Database on the time required to export or import are used as indicators of cross-border transaction costs, and a gr

Short and efficient synthesis of a daunosamine donor from L-fucal

Anthracyclines, e. g. daunorubicin, doxorubicin, and idarubicin, consist of a tetracycline moiety linked via a glycosidic bond to a sugar residue, usually the aminosugar daunosamine. The anthracyclines are efficient chemotherapeutic agents against cancer, but their use is limited due to cardiotoxicity and induction of multidrug resistance. In the search for new anthracycline analogs, a daunosamine

Impact of thearubigins on the estimation of total dietary flavonoids in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study

Thearubigins (TR) are polymeric flavanol-derived compounds formed during the fermentation of tea leaves. Comprising similar to 70% of total polyphenols in black tea, TR may contribute majorly to its beneficial effects on health. To date, there is no appropriate food composition data on TR, although several studies have used data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) database to estimate TR

Quantum state tomography with quantum shot noise

We propose a scheme for a complete reconstruction of one- and two-particle orbital quantum states in mesoscopic conductors. The conductor in the transport state continuously emits orbital quantum states. The orbital states are manipulated by electronic beam splitters and detected by measurements of average currents and zero frequency current shot-noise correlators. We show how, by a suitable compl

Studies of occlusal adjustment therapy in patients with craniomandibular disorders

In the first part of this thesis, measurement and registration procedures of occlusal interferences and their inter and intraobserver variability were evaluated. In the second part of this thesis, the short and long-term effect of occlusal adjustment therapy was prospectively assessed in a controlled clinical trial in a selected group of 50 patients with myogeneous craniomandibular disorders (CMD)

PROJEKT HÖGPRESTERANDE BETONG 1991-1997 : Lista över rapporter publicerade vid avd Byggnadsmaterial, LTH

Ett nationellt svenskt forskningsprogram HÖGPRESTERANDE BETONG finansierat av de statliga organisationerna NUTEK och BFR och ett antal företag i byggbranschen genomfördes under åren 1991‐1997. I programmet deltog forskare från de fyra tekniska högskolorna CTH, KTH, LuTH (nuvarande LTU) och LTH. Dessutom deltog forskare från Cement och Betongforskningsinstitutet, CBI, samt forskare från olika finanA national Swedish research program HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCRETE was sponsored by the governmental organizations NUTEK and BFR and by a number of private companies within the building sector. The program was performed during the years 1991‐1997. Researchers from four Swedish technical institutes, from the Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute and from private companies took part in the progr

Lifetime measurements and transition probability calculations in singly ionized tungsten (W II)

New measurements of radiative lifetimes for 9 levels in singly ionized tungsten (W II) have been performed with the time-resolved laser-induced-fluorescence technique. Transition probabilities have been obtained from a combination of experimental lifetimes and theoretical branching fractions. The reliability of the present results is assessed through the good agreement observed between the calcula

The social complexity of renewable energy production in the countryside

Based on field studies in 7 cases rural renewable energy projects in Brandenburg (federal state of Germany) were analysed during an 18 month period (early 2009 to mid 2010). The study identified relevant social dimensions of renewable energy technology and classified them according to organizational complexity, technology acceptance, participation by locals and financing models. This research show

Superoxide dismutase inspired immobilised Ni(II)-protected amino acid catalysts Synthesis, characterisation, and catalytic activity

Covalently anchored Ni(II)-C-protected amino acid (L-histidine, L-cysteine, and L-cystine) complexes inspired by the active site of the Ni-superoxide dismutase enzyme were synthesised using chloropropylated silica gel as support. The structural features of the surface complexes were studied by the Kjeldahl method and ICP-MS, mid/far IR, UV-vis diffuse reflectance, and X-ray absorption spectroscopi

Adsorption of α-Synuclein to Supported Lipid Bilayers: Positioning and Role of Electrostatics.

An amyloid form of the protein α-synuclein is the major component of the intraneuronal inclusions called Lewy bodies, which are the neuropathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD). α-Synuclein is known to associate with anionic lipid membranes, and interactions between aggregating α-synuclein and cellular membranes are thought to be important for PD pathology. We have studied the molecular

Developing General Practice: The Role of the APO method

Abstract General practice is a broad and multifaceted field of knowledge. Political steering instruments declare that general practice and primary care are characterized by a holistic perspective on the individual, with quality, accessibility, continuity, and cooperation being important factors. For the last few decades, quality assurance has been in focus in Swedish health care. Inspiration has c

Integrating fluvial processes into the global Si cycle

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kisel (Si) förekommer i alla naturliga vatten i form av löst kisel och är ett näringsämne för många växt- och djurarter. Löst kisel kommer ursprungligen från kiselhaltiga mineral som har vittrat. Vid vittringen går det åt koldioxid (CO2) och på så vis finns det ett samband mellan omsättningen av kisel och kol. Både upptag och vittring av kisel bidrar till att fördelningSilicon (Si) is ubiqutious in natural waters as dissolved silica (DSi) and is used as a nutrient by many plant and animal species. DSi ultimately derives from the weathering of silicate minerals, a process which also consumes atmospheric CO2 and couples the silicon and carbon cycles. These processes, among others, impart observable fractionations to the stable isotopes of silicon, which makes the