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Activation of a Temporal Memory in Purkinje Cells by the mGluR7 Receptor.

Cerebellar Purkinje cells can learn to respond to a conditioned stimulus with an adaptively timed pause in firing. This response was usually ascribed to long-term depression of parallel fiber to Purkinje cell synapses but has recently been shown to be due to a previously unknown form of learning involving an intrinsic cellular timing mechanism. Here, we investigate how these responses are elicited

Skräddaren, sömmerskan och modet : arbetsmetoder och arbetsdelning i tillverkningen av kvinnlig dräkt 1770-1830

The aim of this study in textile studies and cultural history is to gain a greater understanding of what happened to the division of labour and manufacturing techniques when female fashions changed in the period 1770-1830. This was a time of upheaval as regards fashions, and a change in dress practice. The decades around 1800 were a period of major societal and cultural transformation. Female fash

Lavar på Jordö

Denna rapport baseras på två inventeringar. Dels en inventering av sten- och jordlavar som genomfördes den 25 juli 2009 av Lars Fröberg, dels en inventeringen av skyddsvärda träd som genomfördes mellan 21 oktober och 12 november 2008 av Mattias Lif och Sofie Willman. Jordö är en halvö vid västra delen av Almö som ligger i norra delen av Listerby skärgård. Området är troligtvis ett av de artrikaste

Total Zinc Intake May Modify the Glucose-Raising Effect of a Zinc Transporter (SLC30A8) Variant A 14-Cohort Meta-analysis

OBJECTIVE-Many genetic variants have been associated with glucose homeostasis and type 2 diabetes in genome-wide association studies. Zinc is an essential micronutrient that is important for beta-cell function and glucose homeostasis. We tested the hypothesis that zinc intake could influence the glucose-raising effect of specific variants. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-We conducted a 14-cohort meta-

Människan och hunden under yngre stenålder : ett förändrat liv.....

New roles for dogs and humansBased on the archaeological finds during the Neolithic we interpret the relationship between humans and their dogs to have significantly changed. People gained an increased understanding of the dog's different, unique properties. The dogs were stimulated by the work and collaboration, and probably developed mentally. Maybe, dogs specialized in different tasks?The dogs

Coherence of a near diffraction limited undulator synchrotron radiation source

We present experimental measurements of the coherence of an undulator synchrotron radiation source near to the diffraction limit condition. These measurements have been done following two objectives. The first one is to verify a fundamental point of the theory of synchrotron radiation. To our knowledge, since it has been re-written by Geloni et al. [1], no experimental verification to validate the

Linear density response function within the time-dependent exact-exchange approximation

We have calculated the frequency-dependent exact-exchange (EXX) kernel of time-dependent (TD) density-functional theory employing our recently proposed computational method based on cubic splines. With this kernel we have calculated the linear density response function and obtained static polarizabilites, van der Waals coefficients, and correlation energies for all spherical spin-compensated atoms

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"Arca lui Noe" ("Noah’s Ark", 1944) is based on a folk tale influenced by Bogomilism. Brother and Unbrother stand for the antinomic duality of the absolute principle. Fellow and Unfellow are indestructibly united. Unbrother cannot be mastered and Brother would be an ontic sterility if his fellow absent. However the Bogomilic vision becomes complicated in Blaga's meaning. The greybeard Brother, the

High-precision Mass Measurements of 203-207Rn and 213Ra with SHIPTRAP

The masses of the nuclides Rn203-207 and Ra-213 were measured directly for the first time with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer SHIPTRAP at GSI Darmstadt. The results confirm the previously determined mass values. The mass uncertainties for Rn-205 and Ra-213 were significantly reduced. The results are relevant for the investigation of the nuclear shell structure between N = 82 and N = 126. As an

Feedback in the ERP Value-Chain: What Influence Has Thoughts about Competitive Advantage

Different opinions about whether an organization gains a competitiveadvantage (CA) from an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system exist. However, this paper describes another angle of the much reported competitive advantage discussion. The basic question in the paper concerns how thoughts about receiving competitive advantage from customizing ERPs influences feedback in ERP development. ERP dev

A study of the metal-rich, thick disk globular cluster NGC5927, A stellar inventory

We present a list of 72 radial velocity member stars in the metal-rich globular cluster NGC5927. The radial velocities are based on multiepoch, multifibre spectra. We identify 46 RGB/HB stars and 26 turn-off stars that are radial velocity members in the cluster. This cluster is situated quite close to the disk and hence fore-and/or background contamination, especially in the outskirts of the clust

Det vardagliga och det vetenskapliga : Om sociologins begrepp

This dissertation concerns the relationship between sociology and everyday life and aims primarily to critically evaluate the positions taken in the theoretical discussion on sociological concept formation and its relation to everyday life and social sciences. The main theoretical positions in the debate are summarized in two ideal typological models: (1) The rationalist theory of an epistemologic

Long-term benefits of progressive resistance training in chronic stroke: A 4-year follow-up.

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the long-term benefits of progressive resistance training in chronic stroke. DESIGN: A 4-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial of progressive resistance training. SUBJECTS: Eighteen women and men (mean age 66 (standard deviation 4) from the original group of 24 post-stroke participants. METHODS: The training group (n = 11) had participated in supervised progres

A note on the optimal level of monetary aggregation in the United Kingdom

Weak separability is a key admissibility property in the Divisia approach to monetary aggregation. We test groups of U.K. household sector monetary assets for weak separability using new data underlying the Bank of England's benchmark revision of its household sector Divisia index. Nonparametric tests are used to identify four monetary asset groupings, which are weakly separable over all or almost

Perinatal determinants of type 1 diabetes - A social epidemiological perspective

Background and Aims: While the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in childhood is in part genetically conditioned, non-genetic/environmental factors seem to play a decisive role in its aetiology. The incidence of T1D has been increasing rapidly during the last years, and its prevalence is higher in countries of high economical welfare like Sweden. Therefore, both from an aetiological and a publi

Ordfrekvens och ordboksutrymme

In a linguistic description there is normally a more or less conspicious lack of balance between the space a phenomenon requires to be fully described and its frequence in actual language usage, here called a lack of iconicity. The article investigates to what degree some Danish and Swedish dictionaries are iconical in this sense, i.e. whether the space of a word in the dictionary corresponds with

Legal Analysis of a Contract for Advanced Logistics Services

Purpose An advanced 3/4PL-relationship in which the logistics service provider extended normal services by taking ownership of the goods during global distribution, is studied. We describe and analyze the approach to the legal rules a 3/4PL provider and its client company took in their contract, and present some remarks on the extent to which these contract solutions are legally sound. Design/me