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Spinnkäpp, längdmått eller völvestav?

More likely a distaff than a wand The leading interpretation of five iron staffs with expanded basket handles found in women’s graves from the Viking era, including “Klintastaven”, are that they are staffs or wands of a type of Viking seeresses, völvas. This text challenges that interpretation and argues that they should be interpreted as distaffs instead. The support for the staffs being used by

Neonatal healthcare professionals’ experiences of intact cord resuscitation in the mother´s bed- an interview study

Background: Intact cord resuscitation in the first three minutes of life improves oxygenation and Apgar scores. The practise of intact cord resuscitation implies the umbilical cord still being connected to the placenta for at least one minute while providing temperature control and equipment for resuscitation. Healthcare professionals described practical challenges in providing intact cord resusci

Embracing Fatness: An Anthropological Exploration of Online Fat Acceptance Communities and Identity Formation Amidst Societal Stigma

This thesis examines the dynamics of online fat acceptance communities, exploring their construction, sustainability, and influence on fat individuals. With the growth of societal stigma surrounding fatness, these communities have emerged as spaces to challenge normative beauty ideals and advocate for self-acceptance and empowerment among individuals marginalized based on their body sizes. To anal

Från Kris till Kris: En kvalitativ fallstudie om kriskommunikation och förtroende inom den svenska finansbranschen

Studien syftar till att undersöka digital kriskommunikation i kontexten av förtroendekriser inom den svenska finansbranschen. I form av en kvalitativ fallstudie och med en socialkonstruktivistisk ansats undersöks det svenska pensionsbolaget Alectas digitala kriskommunikation i samband med en förtroendekris bestående av två olika krisperioder. Studien undersöker även hur Alectas kriskommunikation oThis study aims to explore digital crisis communication in the context of trust crises within the Swedish financial industry. Through a qualitative case study and a social constructivist approach, the digital crisis communication of the Swedish pension company Alecta is examined in connection to a trust crisis consisting of two separate crisis periods. The study further explores how Alecta's c

Risk för återfall i vad? - En studie om riskbedömningen vid omvandling av fängelse på livstid

Sweden has never before had so many serving life sentences. Anyone sentenced to life imprisonment has the opportunity to apply to have their sentence fixed by a court. In that examination, the court must take into account various factors, including whether there is a risk that the lifer will relapse into serious crime. To help answer that question, the court has a statement from the National Board

Att hålla sig ajour med arbetstiden: En rättslig undersökning av Sveriges införlivande av arbetstidsdirektivet och ändringarna i kollektivavtalet Allmänna bestämmelser

Uppsatsen består av en undersökning kring hur särskilda viloregler i Europa-parlamentets och Rådets direktiv 2003/88/EG av den 4 november 2003 om arbetstidens förläggning i vissa avseenden (arbetstidsdirektivet) har inkorporerats in i svensk lag. Reglerna är 11 timmars dygnsvila, veckovila (24 timmar + 1 dygnsvila) samt 48 timmars maximal genomsnittlig arbetstid per vecka. Reglerna är införda i arThis paper is an examination of how certain rules regarding rest in Directive 2003/88/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time (WTD) is incorporated into Swedish law. The rules examined consist of daily rest (11 hours), weekly rest (24 hours + one daily rest) and 48 hours of maximum average weekly working tim

Removal of Third-Party Cookies: Exploring Swedish Retailers responses towards a cookieless future

The deprecation of third-party cookies poses significant challenges for Swedish retailers, as explored in this study, focusing on their readiness and strategic responses. With upcoming browser limitations and strict privacy regulations like GDPR, retailers are compelled to navigate the transition towards a cookieless digital future. Using semi-structured interviews, this qualitative research gathe

An epsilon-Nash equilibrium for non-linear Markov games of mean-field-type on finite spaces

We investigate mean field games from the point of view of alarge number of indistinguishable players which eventually converges to infinity. The players are weakly coupled via their empirical measure. Thedynamics of the individual players is governed by pure jump type propagators over a finite space. Investigations are conducted in the framework ofnon-linear Markov processes. We show that the indi

A role for the S4-domain containing protein YlmH in ribosome-associated quality control in Bacillus subtilis

Ribosomes trapped on mRNAs during protein synthesis need to be rescued for the cell to survive. The most ubiquitous bacterial ribosome rescue pathway is trans-translation mediated by tmRNA and SmpB. Genetic inactivation of trans-translation can be lethal, unless ribosomes are rescued by ArfA or ArfB alternative rescue factors or the ribosome-associated quality control (RQC) system, which in Bacill

What might it mean to take ecology seriously?

In which watershed is your field site located? What is the bedrock underneath yourinterlocutors like? What species other than humans are living in your study areas? The question of ‘where is the ecology’ is not new in political ecology, but the imperative to take ecology seriously remains difficult and at the same time crucial when conducting critical research at a time of climate crisis, extracti

Rethinking lowland soils: Negotiations between farmers’ freedom and state authority

The possible climate effects of redesignating lowland soils are contested among different stakeholders who have different interests in the soils.This presentation will focus on negotiations of knowledge in the process of identifying and classifying lowland soils in the act of recuperation with a particular focus on notions of farmers’ freedom and autonomy among local farmers as well as state regul

Villa, Tesla, Vovve: An Interpretative Examination of Varieties of Capitalism and Labor Conflict in Sweden

In the Fall of 2023, Sweden’s major autoworkers union (IF Metall) launched a strike against Tesla, a global manufacturer of electric vehicles (EVs). Contentions have emerged in the discourses and rhetoric of both parties about the cultural compatibility of work cultures between the Nordic Model and the U.S-based EV multinational manufacturer. The decline of union involvement among the population o

Subsidized Rental Housing Project in Shenzhen’s Urban Villages: A Marxist Political Economy Perspective

The subsidized rental housing (SRH) project is a recent public housing project in China, in which the Chinese government has attempted to improve the affordability and quality of rental housing in some major cities through marketized new constructions and redevelopment. However, it has caused massive displacement and significantly raised housing costs in Shenzhen’s urban villages, with a questiona

Efficient Drone Control in Emergency Situations

This master’s thesis has been conducted in collaboration with Remote Aero. The aim is to determine important design principles when developing an interface to be used for drone control in emergency situations. To determine the end user, an interview was conducted with the stakeholder. The end user was defined as an individual that works as a sea rescue volunteer at the Swedish Sea Rescue Society w

Socialt stöd och suicidförsök: en studie av överskuldsatta som besökt budget- och skuldrådgivningen

Överskuldsättning relateras till olika former av hälsobesvär, inklusive suicidalt beteende. Budget- och skuldrådgivningen (BUS) är en av få instanser som erbjuder denna grupp hjälp genom finansiell rådgivning. Dock finns lite kunskap om deras klientel. I forskningen har sedermera lågt socialt stöd relaterats till suicid, men relationen är ej ännu beforskad bland överskuldsatta. Syftet med föreliggOver-indebtedness is related to various forms of health problems, including suicidal behavior. The Budget and Debt Counselling Service (BUS) is one of the few agencies that offers this group help through financial advice. However, little is known about their clientele. In research, low social support has been related to suicide, but the relationship is unknown in over-indebted people. The aim of t

"That was a joke, you should laugh!" tour guides and the performance of history in Budapest, Hungary

The turn to performativity in the social sciences has spawned a new wave of scholarship that considers tourism as a performative process. However, the manner through which scholars understand tourism as performative drama is limiting. A fundamental critique of dramaturgy stems from its inability to account for performance as a chain of emergent social processes. Using the case of free walking tour

Mödravårdsbarnmorskans hållning och strategier avseende jämställt föräldraskap i relation till amning

Bakgrund: I Sverige sjunker antalet barn som enbart ammas de första sex månaderna. Tidigare forskning visar att partnern är betydelsefull för amningsfrekvensen både praktiskt och mentalt. Under besöken på mödravården ska föräldrarna erbjudas information om amning och ett konkret partnerstöd ska inkluderas. I barnmorskans arbete ingår främjandet av amning, men barnmorskan ska dessutom verka för jäm