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Your search for "*" yielded 532234 hits

Presynaptic calcium signalling in cerebellar mossy fibres

Whole-cell recordings were obtained from mossy fibre terminals in adult turtles in order to characterize the basic membrane properties. Calcium imaging of presynaptic calcium signals was carried out in order to analyse calcium dynamics and presynaptic GABA B inhibition. A tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive fast Na+ spike faithfully followed repetitive depolarizing pulses with little change in spike dura

Inductive tongue control of powered wheelchairs

Alternative and effective methods for controlling powered wheelchairs are important to individuals with tetraplegia and similar impairments whom are unable to use the standard joystick. This paper describes a system where tongue movements are used to control a powered wheelchair thus providing users, with high level spinal cord injuries, full control of their wheelchair. The system is based on an

G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER) in the female reproductive tract: from physiology to cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Östrogen är ett av de viktigaste/ mest studerade kvinnliga könshormonerna som styr utvecklingen av våra fortplantningsorgan och deras reproduktionsförmåga. Östrogen påverkar dessutom många av kroppens andra organ, bland annat hjärnan, skelettet, och hjärt-kärlsystemet. Mängden östrogen som finns i kroppen varierar vanligtvis under menstruationscykeln och med kvinnans ålEstrogen effects are mediated either through genomic action involving the classical estrogen receptors, estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and beta (ERß), which function as transcription factors in the nucleus, or through rapid non-genomic action via receptors associated with plasma membrane. Recently, a member of the G protein-coupled receptor family was ascribed estrogen receptor properties and propo

Hydrogen analysis and profiling with a position sensitive detector

The double sided silicon strip detector (DSSSD) is a segmented silicon detector commonly used in the fields of high energy physics and nuclear physics. This type of detector is used for analysis of reactions produced by charged particles. This makes it well suited for a number of analytical methods commonly used in ion beam analysis (IBA), such as Rutherford Backscattering (RBS) and elastic recoil

Mitochondrial function in sepsis - Temporal evolvement of respiratory capacity in human blood cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish Allt liv på jorden är beroende av energi. Växter och vissa bakterier kan fånga och utnyttja solens energi för att bygga upp sina celler och dess delkomponenter som fetter, sockerarter och proteiner. Den energi som på så sätt blir bunden i dessa molekyler kan användas av djur och människor genom att vi konsumerar dem. För att energin skall kunna utnyttjas av kroppen måstSepsis is a devastating disease that is caused by the host’s response to an overwhelming infectious process. As sepsis progresses, organs distant from the site of infection become affected and sepsis-induced multiple organ failure ensues. An impaired immunologic response, including dysfunctional peripheral blood immune cells has been described as part of the septic syndrome. Mitochondrial dysfunct

Cell-line-specific stimulation of tumor cell aggressiveness by wound healing factors - a central role for STAT3

Background: Local recurrence is a major factor affecting survival after treatment for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). It is possible that the normal processes involved in wound healing after surgical removal of a primary tumor can boost the regrowth of residual cancer cells, thereby contributing to the recurrent growth. In this work, we collected human wound fluids and used them to

Testing the quality of carriers: a field experiment on lizard signallers

In the Australian painted dragon lizard (Ctenophorus pictus), males occur in two different morphs with respect to gular color, with or without a yellow bib. Males without a bib lost within-clutch paternity significantly more often to rivals than bibbed males. Thus, it appears that bibs identify some phenotypic advantage linked to competitive ability. To test whether this could be related to whole-

Fragmentation and separation analysis of the photosynthetic membrane from spinach.

Membrane vesicles, originating from grana, grana core (appressed grana regions), grana margins and stroma lamellae/end membranes, were analysed by counter current distribution (CCD) using aqueous dextran-polyethylene glycol two-phase systems. Each vesicle population gave rise to distinct peaks in the CCD diagram representing different vesicle subpopulations. The grana vesicles and grana core vesic

Use of financial bootstrapping in new businesses: a question of last resort?

This study examines motives for using financial bootstrapping in new businesses. First, it identifies and labels groups of new business founders based on their motives for using bootstrapping. Second, it examines the relation between variables referring to the founder and the business and the motives. The data were collected in a questionnaire sent by post to 120 new business founders in Swedish b

Psychometric properties of the disease-specific health-related quality of life instrument VascuQoL in a Swedish setting

Background: Traditional outcome measures in peripheral arterial disease (PAD) provide insufficient information regarding patient benefit. It has therefore been suggested to add patient-reported outcome measures. The main aim of this study was to validate the Swedish Vascular Quality of Life questionnaire (VascuQoL) version, a patient-reported PAD-specific health-related quality of life (HRQoL) ins

Search for new phenomena with the monojet and missing transverse momentum signature using the ATLAS detector in root s=7 TeV proton-proton collisions

A search for new phenomena in events featuring a high energy jet and large missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV is presented using a dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 33 pb(-1) recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The number of observed events is consistent with the Standard Model prediction. This result is interpret

A European survey of atmospheric heavy metal deposition in 2000-2001

The background, administration and current status of the monitoring programme "European Survey of Atmospheric Heavy Metal Deposition" is described. All European states are invited to join the survey 2000-2001. The co-ordination and responsibility for the survey will gradually be transferred from the Nordic Council of Ministers to the International Cooperative Programme on Effects of Air Pollution

Hypotermi efter perinatal asfyxi minskar risken för hjärnskada. Men för tidigt att rekommendera rutinmässig behandling

Måttlig hypotermi efter perinatal asfyxi reducerar mortaliteten och risken för överlevnad med svårt handikapp, visar två randomiserade, kontrollerade studier. Fler studier pågår och förväntas bli publicerade inom de närmaste åren. Den publicerade studien visar dock att det endast är barn med måttlig hjärnskada som har effekt av hypotermi. Hypotermi efter perinatal asfyxi kan ännu inte rekommenderaTwo randomised controlled trials evaluating intervention with moderate hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia will probably be published this year. The first study, evaluating head cooling with a "cool cap" is already published, and preliminary data from the other study evaluating body cooling earlier have been presented. Both studies indicate that moderate hypothermia, initiated within 6 h after bi

Perforations of the Upper Gastro-Intestinal Tract

Material and methods: In all, 237 consecutive patients with a perforated peptic ulcer admitted from 1974-1992 and 125 consecutive patients with an oesophageal perforation admitted from 1970-2006 to Lund University hospital were studied retrospectively. Prognostic factors were evaluated using the Cox proportional hazards model. All cases of gastro-duodenal ulcer perforations diagnosed in Sweden fr

Impact of sodium-hydrogen exchange inhibition by cariporide on death or myocardial infarction in high-risk CABG surgery patients: Results of the CABG surgery cohort of the GUARDIAN study

Objectives: To evaluate the effects of cariporide on all-cause mortality or myocardial infarction at 36 days in patients at risk,of myocardial necrosis after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Methods: In the coronary artery bypass graft cohort of the GUARD During Ischemia Against Necrosis trial, patients greater than or equal to 18 years who required urgent coronary artery bypass graft, repeat

The fate of assimilated carbon during drought: impacts on respiration in Amazon rainforests

Interannual variations in CO2 exchange across Amazonia, as deduced from atmospheric inversions, correlate with El Nino occurrence. They are thought to result from changes in net ecosystem exchange and fire incidence that are both related to drought intensity. Alterations to net ecosystem production (NEP) are caused by changes in gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (R-eco). Her