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Kantor Triple Systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens huvudsyfte är att studera reella exceptionella Kantortrippelsystem. I första artikeln visar vi först kända resultat i både de reella och komplexa klassiska fallen av K-enkla Kantortrippelsystem. I de reella klassiska fallen ger vår lösning enklare formler. Speciell uppmärksamhet ges till de reella klassiska fallen som är definierade på tensorprodukter av aThe main purpose of this thesis is to study real exceptional Kantor triple systems. In the first paper we first prove the known results in both the real and complex classical cases of K-simple Kantor triple systems. In the real classical case our approach gives somewhat simpler formulas. Special attention is given to all real classical cases of K-simple Kantor triple systems that can be presented

Urinary and faecal incontinence among older women and men in relation to other health complaints, quality of life and dependency

Popular Abstract in Swedish Äldre människor har ofta många hälsoproblem som t.ex. svårigheter att gå, se, höra, smärta och inkontinens men hur vanligt det är bland de allra äldsta är lite under¬sökt. De olika hälsoproblemen kan finnas samtidigt och i särskilda mönster men få studier har gjorts om detta. När ett hälsoproblem läggs till ett annat kommer det kanske till en punkt när behov av hjälp ärAim: The aim of this thesis was to investigate type, degree and patterns of health complaints, need for help and health-related quality of life across gender among persons aged 75?105 as well as to identify how patterns of health complaints, gender, age and socio-economic factors related to need for help with daily activities and quality of life (Paper I). The aim was also to investigate the preva

Blowfly Trypocalliphora braueri (Diptera: Calliphoridae) larvae infestation in willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus breeding in a hybrid zone.

We examined the occurrence of blowfly larvae Trypocalliphora brauneri in Swedish willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus nestlings at three nearby breeding sites in Central Sweden. The occurrence of parasites was examined in nestlings by visual inspection during ringing. Larvae were encapsulated in the wings, head, neck, or the sides of the body of the nestlings and caused large swellings. Some of t

Health-related Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer. A Five-year Prospective Multicenter Study

Popular Abstract in Swedish Detta är en prospektiv longitudinell multicenterstudie som har haft som mål att utvärdera livskvaliteten (HRQL) hos patienter med cancer i huvudhalsregionen, vid diagnos, efter ett och fem år i relateration till tumörlokal, stadium, subsite, behand-ling, kön och ålder. Den första delen av studien, som varade i ett år, bestod av 357 patienter (medelålder 63 år; 72% män)The aim of this prospective longitudinal multicenter study was to evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQL) in patients with head and neck cancer at diagnosis, after one and five years in relation to tumour location, stage, sub site, treatment modality, gender and age. The first part of the study, lasting for one year, consisted of 357 patients (mean age 63 years; 72% males) that were in

Fatigue of Asphalt Mixes - Theory of Viscoelasticity and Continuum Damage Mechanics Applied to Uniaxial Fatigue Data from Laboratory Tests

Popular Abstract in Swedish I takt med att analytiska dimensioneringsmetoder utvecklas ökar även behovet av att kunna bestämma mekaniska egenskaper hos materialen i överbyggnaden och terrassen. Utmattningssprickor orsakade av tung trafik, permanenta deformationer (spårbildning), termisk sprickbildning, ojämnheter, tjäle och reflektionssprickor är några av de dimensioneringskriterier som kan användThe advance of analytic (mechanistic) design methods increases the need for fundamental material properties. Fatigue cracking due to traffic loading, in combination with permanent deformation (rutting), thermal cracking, irregularities, frost heave and reflective cracking are some of the major criteria used when designing an asphalt concrete pavement. The objective of this Ph.D. project is to eva

Blood pressure in relation to the incidence of cerebral infarction and intracerebral Hemorrhage - Hypertensive hemorrhage: Debated nomenclature is still relevant

Background and Purpose - Data regarding the association between blood pressure level and incidence of stroke subtype, especially primary intracerebral hemorrhage (PICH) subtypes, is sparse. This population- based study explored the relationship between blood pressure and the incidence of cerebral infarction, and PICH, with lobar and nonlobar location. Methods - Risk factors were assessed in 27 702

Dödsstraffet, kyrkan och staten i Sverige från 1700-tal till 1900-tal

This is a study of change in ecclesiastical praxis and theological Irgument concerning the death penalty and the condemned in Sweden, seen in an international perspective and as a part of general change in the society. The execution gave an example of both crime and revenge and of repentance and the possibility of a pious death. This examl)le through secularisation came under attack from two sides

The Free Fatty Acid Receptor GPR40 - expression and role in islet hormone secretion

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a serious condition of growing proportions. Developing via an increasing imbalance between insulin sensitivity in the peripheral tissues and insulin release from pancreatic beta-cells, it ultimately renders the individual incapable of regulating the blood glucose concentration, e.g. after a meal. The increased prevalence of T2D is associated with an increase in the prevale

Porphyrin and Tetrabenzoporphyrin Dendrimers: Tunable Membrane-Impermeable Fluorescent pH Nanosensors

The pH dependencies of the UV-vis and fluorescent spectra of new water-soluble dendritic porphyrins and tetrabenzoporphyrins were studied. Because of extended -conjugation and nonplanar distortion, the absorption and the emission bands of tetraaryltetrabenzoporphyrins (Ar4TBP) are red-shifted and do not overlap with those of regular tetraarylporphyrins (Ar4P). When encapsulated inside dendrimers w

Generation of spin current and polarization under dynamic gate control of spin-orbit interaction in low-dimensional semiconductor systems

Based on the Keldysh formalism, the Boltzmann kinetic equation and the drift-diffusion equation have been derived for studying spin-polarization flow and spin accumulation under effect of the time-dependent Rashba spin-orbit interaction in a semiconductor quantum well. The time-dependent Rashba interaction is provided by time-dependent electric gates of appropriate shapes. Several examples of spin

Supersymmetric extensions of Calogero-Moser-Sutherland-like models: construction and some solutions

We introduce a new class of models for interacting particles. Our construction is based on Jacobians for the radial coordinates on certain superspaces. The resulting models contain two parameters determining the strengths of the interactions. This extends and generalizes the models of the Calogero-Moser-Sutherland type for interacting particles in ordinary spaces. The latter ones are included in o