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Food aid professionals’ thoughts on the dignity of visitors while maintaining their own

The aim of this study was to reveal how professionals involved in food aid think about the dignity of visitors while maintaining their own. Ten food aid professionals participated in individual open semi-structured interviews. The theoretical concepts of dignity, discretion, self-presentation, and stigma were used in the analysis. In the professionals’ reasoning, four partly overlapping approaches

Gender in Monolingual and Bilingual First Language Acquisition : Comparing Italian and French

The present paper deals with the acquisition of gender in Italian and French by monolingual and bilingual children. In our study, which is based on the data of five children, we focus on the gender marking on articles, because gender is most frequently marked on these elements. We claim that the Italian gender system is easier to acquire than the French gender system. This is because the formal pr

Prevalens av Compassion Fatigue och Compassion Satisfaction hos Ambulanspersonal i Sverige: En enkätstudie med kvantitativ ansats

Bakgrund: Ambulanspersonal hanterar ofta känslomässigt utmanande och traumatiska situationer, vilket kan leda till compassion fatigue, en form av emotionell utmattning som påverkar deras empatiska förmåga och välbefinnande. Samtidigt finns compassion satisfaction, den positiva känsla som uppstår när ambulanspersonal upplever tillfredsställelse och mening i sitt arbete. Compassion satisfaction fung

Testing the effects of frequency on the rate of learning : Determiner use in early French, German and Italian

This paper examines whether the token frequency of bare nouns in child-directed input is related to the amount of determiner omission in child lan-guage by comparing input and child data in the languages French, Germanand Italian. It is shown that these languages differ in the extent to whichthey allow and require bare nouns. Although French exhibits the lowestnumber of bare nouns, French-learning

Assessing the impact of global carbon dioxide changes on atmospheric fluctuations in Iran through satellite data analysis

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2), a significant greenhouse gas, drives climate change, influencing temperature, rainfall, and the hydrologic cycle. This alters precipitation patterns, intensifies storms, and changes drought frequency and timing of floods, impacting ecosystems, agri-culture, water resources, and societies globally. Understanding how global CO2 fluctuations impact regional atmospher

Effect of nanoparticle concentration and surfactants on nanofluid pool boiling

Silica nanofluids are prepared with a concentration varying from 0.001 vol.% to 0.003 vol.%, and pool boiling of the nanofluids is experimentally investigated. It is found that critical heat flux and heat transfer coefficient increase by a maximum of 62.66% and 45.88% compared with deionized water. The best boiling performance is achieved with the nanofluid of 0.002 vol.%. In addition, the paper f

On the Separability of Functions and Games

We study the notion of (additive) separability of a function of several variables with respect to a hypergraph (H-graph). We prove the existence of a unique minimal H-graph with respect to which a function is separable and show that the corresponding minimal decomposition of the function can be obtained through a recursive algorithm. We then focus on (strategic form) games and propose a concept of

Anorectal malformations

Anorectal malformations (ARM) are rare congenital anomalies with an overall prevalence of 3.32 per 10,000 pregnancies. ARM describe a spectrum of anomalies of the anus and rectum ranging from a minimally displaced anal canal to a complete fusion of the anorectum, vagina and urethra with hypoplastic sphincter and pelvic floor muscle. Aberrant septation of the hindgut with anomalous cloacal membrane

Managing Soil Carbon Sequestration : Assessing the Effects of Intermediate Crops, Crop Residue Removal, and Digestate Application on Swedish Arable Land

Promoting the bioeconomy to aid in the achievement of sustainability goals has increased demand for biomass as feedstock. Residual biomass from agricultural production is an attractive option, as it is a by-product that does not compete with food production. However, crop residues are important for the preservation of soil quality, especially for the maintenance of soil organic carbon. Therefore,

Skuldtyngd – Unga vuxna och skuldens dimensioner : Policy Brief #4, jan 2025. Tema: Överskuldsättning som socialt problem

Skuldtyngd är ett forskningsprojekt som startade 2021 och pågår till och med 2025, i samarbete mellan Lunds universitet och Göteborgs universitet. Projektet är finansierat av Forte och studerar skuldsättningsproblem bland unga vuxna i åldern 18 till 25 år. Centralt för projektet är att förstå skuldsättningen ur unga vuxnas eget perspektiv, liksom att studera skuldsättning som ett socialt och relat

Risk of depression in persons with Alzheimer's disease : A national cohort study

INTRODUCTION: Depression is a risk factor and possible prodromal symptom of Alzheimer's disease (AD), but little is known about subsequent risk of developing depression in persons with AD. METHODS: National matched cohort study was conducted of all 129,410 persons diagnosed with AD and 390,088 with all-cause dementia during 1998–2017 in Sweden, and 3,900,880 age- and sex-matched controls without d

Continuous Microwave Photon Counting by Semiconductor-Superconductor Hybrids

We present a continuous microwave photon counter based on superconducting cavity-coupled semiconductor quantum dots. The device utilizes photon-assisted tunneling in a double quantum dot with tunneling events being probed by a third dot. Our device detects both single and multiple-photon absorption events independently, thanks to the energy tunability of a two-level double-dot absorber. We show th

Randomised controlled trial of lifestyle interventions for abdominal obesity in primary health care

Aim: Assess effects on waist circumference from diet with or without cereal grains and with or without long-term physical exercise. Background: Elevated waist circumference is an indicator of increased abdominal fat storage and is accordingly associated with increased cardiovascular mortality. This is likely due to the association between lifestyle-induced changes in waist circumference and cardio

Molecular mechanism of α-synuclein aggregation on lipid membranes revealed

The central hallmark of Parkinson's disease pathology is the aggregation of the α-synuclein protein, which, in its healthy form, is associated with lipid membranes. Purified monomeric α-synuclein is relatively stable in vitro, but its aggregation can be triggered by the presence of lipid vesicles. Despite this central importance of lipids in the context of α-synuclein aggregation, their detailed m

Renewable Methanol as a Fuel for Heavy-Duty Engines : A Review of Technologies Enabling Single-Fuel Solutions

To meet climate targets, a global shift away from fossil fuels is essential. For sectors where electrification is impractical, it is crucial to find sustainable energy carriers. Renewable methanol is widely considered a promising fuel for powering heavy-duty applications like shipping, freight transport, agriculture, and industrial machines due to its various sustainable production methods. While

6G Radio Testbeds : Requirements, Trends, and Approaches

The proof of the pudding lies in eating, and that is why 6G testbeds are essential in the progress toward the next generation of wireless networks. Theoretical research toward 6G wireless networks proposes advanced technologies to serve new applications and drastically improve energy performance. Testbeds are indispensable to validate these new technologies under more realistic conditions. This ar