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Towards a Gender-Aware understanding of innovation : A three-dimensional route

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to discuss the theory of gender bias in innovation studies, to illustrate the gender bias of innovation studies by using empirical means and to suggest what is needed to reduce such bias. Previous studies on innovation have primarily focussed on male-dominated industries. These studies have been biased and hence unable to capture the range of innovations cove

Analysis and design methods for energy geostructures

Based on discussions at the international workshop on “Thermoactive geotechnical systems for near-surface geothermal energy”, hosted at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland (, this article attempts to provide a broad overview of the analysis methods used for evaluation of systems that use either boreholes or geo-structures for heat exch

Epigenetics in type 2 diabetes

Combinations of genetic and environmental factors contribute to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes (T2D); however, our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms by which these factors trigger diabetes is still limited. While genome-wide association studies have identified and characterized more than 60 genomic loci associated with T2D, recent methylome charts and reference regulatory maps obtained fr

Serum oxidized low-density lipoprotein levels are related to cardiometabolic risk and decreased after a weight loss treatment in obese children and adolescents

Background and aims: The oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol particles is an early atherogeninic event. Obese pediatric populations have higher levels of oxidized LDL (oxLDL) than normal weight children. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a weight loss program on the biochemical profile and oxLDL levels in Spanish obese children and adolescents. Methods: Forty o

15-year follow-up of the Second Nordic Mantle Cell Lymphoma trial (MCL2) : Prolonged remissions without survival plateau

In recent decades, the prognosis of Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) has been significantly improved by intensified first-line regimens containing cytarabine, rituximab and consolidation with high-dose-therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation. One such strategy is the Nordic MCL2 regimen, developed by the Nordic Lymphoma Group. We here present the 15-year updated results of the Nordic MCL2 study

Superheavy-element spectroscopy: Correlations along element 115 decay chains

Following a brief summary of the region of the heaviest atomic nuclei yet created in the laboratory, data on more than hundred α-decay chains associated with the production of element 115 are combined to investigate time and energy correlations along the observed decay chains. Several of these are analysed using a new method for statistical assessments of lifetimes in sets of decay chains.

Outside the Law : An Ethnographic Study of Street Vendors in Bogotá

Miljontals människor världen över arbetar som gatuförsäljare, utom räckhåll för lagen. Eftersom verksamheten ses som illegal lever försäljarna under ett ständigt hot om att avhysas och att få sina varor konfiskerad. Olika strategier för formalisering, det vill säga stegvis legalisering, förespråkas och tillämpas, av såväl internationella utvecklingsorganisationer som regeringar, för att stärka gatMillions of people worldwide work outside the law as street vendors in order to earn a living. However, they often work in fear of police evictions and confiscations since their work is in many places considered illegal. In this context, formalization (steps towards legalization) is often portrayed as a model for empowerment that allows poor street vendors to improve their well-being. Formalizatio

Room of silence : an explorative investigation of design students’ redesign of an arena for reflection and existential meaning-making

This paper explores design students’ proposals for a redesign of the interior of a room of silence at the SUS hospital in Malmö. Reflection and existential meaning-making are discussed in relation to the material culture of design, and more specifically in relation to four different themes found among the students’ proposals: nature as common symbolic framework and salutary force; lighting creatin

Doing business for a “higher loyalty”? : How Swedish transnational corporations neutralise allegations of crime

In recent years, two Swedish companies have been a focus of substantial media attention: TeliaSonera and Lundin Petroleum. The defensive strategies employed by these two businesses to deal with allegations of crime will be analysed on the basis of Stanley Cohen’s theoretical work on processes of denial and neutralisation techniques. This paper will focus on a particular form of denial, namely the In recent years, two Swedish companies have been a focus of substantial media attention: TeliaSonera and Lundin Petroleum. The defensive strategies employed by these two businesses to deal with allegations of crime will be analysed on the basis of Stanley Cohen’s theoretical work on processes of denial and neutralisation techniques. This paper will focus on a particular form of denial, namely the

Mothers and daughters : Heterogeneity of germandirect investments in the Czech Republic

Much has been written on the distinction between vertical and horizontal foreign direct investment. However, most of the empirical literature relies on indirect and aggregated measures only. The aim of this paper is to help fill this gap by examining the differences between German affiliates in the Czech Republic and their mother companies in Germany on the basis of direct evidence on factor requi

Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in a population of diabetics from the middle east with microvascular ocular motor palsies

Background: Vascular risk factors are increasing rapidly in the Middle East. Growing inactivity and obesity have contributed to an epidemic of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) in the Arab population. Microvascular palsies of the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves, which occur in an isolated manner, are relatively common in patients with DM, hypertension, or other vascular risk factors. Methods:

The language of law and the laws of language

The Status of Law in World Society by Friedrich Kratochwil is a sophisticated attempt to reassert the importance of international law in a globalised world by grounding it in the actual practices of legal reasoning. Yet this attempt to ground normativity in practice strikes me as problematic. As I shall argue, what law is cannot be determined with reference to legal practices only, but will depend

Integration of multi-objective structural optimization into cementless hip prosthesis design : Improved Austin-Moore model

A new strategy of multi-objective structural optimization is integrated into Austin-Moore prosthesis in order to improve its performance. The new resulting model is so-called Improved Austin-Moore. The topology optimization is considered as a conceptual design stage to sketch several kinds of hollow stems according to the daily loading cases. The shape optimization presents the detailed design sta