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Physical Activity Attenuates the Influence of FTO Variants on Obesity Risk: A Meta-Analysis of 218,166 Adults and 19,268 Children

Background: The FTO gene harbors the strongest known susceptibility locus for obesity. While many individual studies have suggested that physical activity (PA) may attenuate the effect of FTO on obesity risk, other studies have not been able to confirm this interaction. To confirm or refute unambiguously whether PA attenuates the association of FTO with obesity risk, we meta-analyzed data from 45

The bioeconomy and beyond: Visions and strategies

A bioeconomy can be defined as an economy where the basic building blocks for materials, chemicals and energy are derived from renewable biological resources. Recently, many strategies and visions for the bioeconomy have been produced by industry associations and government agencies. It is apparent from these documents that the actors engaged in the bioeconomy understand the concept in quite diffe

Mortality and Inherited Thrombophilia: results from the European Prospective Cohort on Thrombophilia (EPCOT).

Background: Data on the survival of individuals with hereditary thrombophilia are rare and only come from retrospective studies. Objective: We aimed to assess mortality in individuals with known thrombophilia with and without a history of thrombosis in comparison to a control group. Patients/Methods: The European Prospective Cohort on Thrombophilia (EPCOT) study is a prospective multi-centre obser

Human introductions create opportunities for intra-specific hybridisation in an alien lizard

Introduction of individuals from multiple sources could create opportunities for hybridization between previously isolated lineages, which may impact on the invasion process. Identifying the phylogeographic origin of introduced populations is therefore an important task to further test the causes and consequences of human-mediated translocations. The common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) shows a s

Impact of sex on perinatal mortality and morbidity in twins

Objective: Twin studies offer opportunities to investigate mechanisms underlying sex-associated differences in perinatal outcomes. The objective of the study was to investigate sex-related differences in perinatal complications. Study design: A cohort of 16,045 twin pregnancies 32,090 twins - was explored for obstetric complications, perinatal and infant mortality, and neonatal morbidities. Result

Dendroclimatology in Fennoscandia - from past accomplishments to future potential

Fennoscandia has a strong tradition in dendrochronology, and its large tracts of boreal forest make the region well suited for the development of tree-ring chronologies that extend back several thousands of years. Two of the world's longest continuous (most tree-ring chronologies are annually resolved) tree-ring width chronologies are found in northern Fennoscandia, with records from Tornetrask an

Water sorption isotherms of Kraft lignin and its composites

The water sorption properties of Kraft lignin before and after treatment with the enzyme laccase, and its composites with branched polyethylenimine and chitosan, respectively, have been studied. The experimental sorption isotherms were obtained by dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) method. The data were analysed using the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) and Guggenheim–Anderson–de Boer (GAB) models. Monola

A new taxonomy of the family Teloschistaceae

The lichen family Teloschistaceae is one of the larger families of lichenized fungi. Currently it includes one very large heterogenous genus, Caloplaca, with some 1000 or more species with a vast variation in morphology, anatomy and chemistry. The rest of the family is split into 1015 smaller genera, each with 20 or fewer species. There is no modern classification of the family based on molecular

Concluding remarks on the theory of selective energy transfer and exemplification on a zeolite kinetics study

Some 30 years ago it was suggested that catalytic reactions that showed a 'compensation' effect were activated through a vibrational resonance between that one vibrational mode of the reactant that led to reaction and a comparable vibration mode of the catalyst system that represented the energy input. The isokinetic effect can be calculated from this model, in some cases within less than 1 % from

Five moments in the history of industrialized building

Industrialized building has drawn in ideas from many pioneering researchers during its decades of development; in this brief recapitulation we present some observations on selected moments in the history that have significantly shaped the approach to building construction. The first formative movement identified is prefabrication, as used by Joseph Paxton during construction of the Crystal Palace.

Cleavage of IgG1 in gingival crevicular fluid is associated with the presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis

Background and Objectives Immunoglobulin (Ig) G1 plays an important role in the adaptive immune response. Kgp, a lysine-specific cysteine protease from Porphyromonas gingivalis, specifically hydrolyses IgG1 heavy chains. The purpose of this study was to examine whether cleavage of IgG1 occurs in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) in vivo, and whether there is any association with the presence of Porp

16+ Spin-Gap Isomer in 96Cd

A beta-decaying high-spin isomer in Cd-96, with a half-life T-1/2 = 0.29(-0.10)(+0.11) s, has been established in a stopped beam rare isotope spectroscopic investigations at GSI (RISING) experiment. The nuclei were produced using the fragmentation of a primary beam of Xe-124 on a Be-9 target. From the half-life and the observed gamma decays in the daughter nucleus, Ag-96, we conclude that the beta

Chemically fashioned ZnO nanowalls and their potential application for potentiometric cholesterol biosensor

Chemically fashioned zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowalls on aluminum wire have been characterized and utilized to fabricate a potentiometric cholesterol biosensor by an electrostatic conjugation with cholesterol oxidase. The sensitivity, specificity, reusability, and stability of the conjugated surface of ZnO nanowalls with thickness of similar to 80 nm have been investigated over a wide logarithmic concen

An Enantiopure Hydrogen-Bonded Octameric Tube: Self-Sorting and Guest-Induced Rearrangement.

The assembly of a discrete hydrogen-bonded molecular tube from eight small identical monomers is reported. Tube assembly was accomplished by means of selective heterodimerization between isocytosine and ureidopyrimidinone hydrogen-bonding motifs embedded in an enantiopure bicyclic building block, leading to the selective formation of an octameric supramolecular tube. Upon introduction of a fullere

Gypsy Law – the Non-State Normative Orders of Roma: Scholarly Debates and the Scandinavia Knowledge Chasm

The Rom legal culture and applied normative orders vary between different Rom communities, and are often divided into two main practices, i.e. tribunals and private solutions. The main form of tribunals is the so-called Kris, while the foremost private solution is the feud. In practice, Gypsy law can be seen as pragmatic, where any means suitable is used to resolve a conflict or to address an unwa

From children to young adults: Cystic fibrosis and siblingship A longitudinal study

Aim: To compare the results from our previous study in 1994/95 of children with CF at age 6-14 y and their healthy siblings with data from the same participants as young adults in regard to their self-esteem, life satisfaction and attitudes towards the CF siblingship situation. Methods: Thirty-seven sibling pairs participated. Three instruments were used: The "As I see myself" self evaluation ques

Emulsion Ripening through Molecular Exchange at Droplet Contacts.

Two coarsening mechanisms of emulsions are well established: droplet coalescence (fusion of two droplets) and Ostwald ripening (molecular exchange through the continuous phase). Here a third mechanism is identified, contact ripening, which operates through molecular exchange upon droplets collisions. A contrast manipulated small-angle neutron scattering experiment was performed to isolate contact