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Impact of SPECT corrections on 3D-dosimetry for liver transarterial radioembolization using the patient relative calibration methodology

Purpose: Many centers aim to plan liver transarterial radioembolization (TARE) with dosimetry, even without CT-based attenuation correction (AC), or with unoptimized scatter correction (SC) methods. This work investigates the impact of presence vs absence of such corrections, and limited spatial resolution, on 3D dosimetry for TARE. Methods: Three voxelized phantoms were derived from CT images of

Characteristics and survival of adult Swedish PAH and CTEPH patients 2000–2014

Objectives: The Swedish Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Register (SPAHR) is an open continuous register, including pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) patients from 2000 and onwards. We hereby launch the first data from SPAHR, defining baseline characteristics and survival of Swedish PAH and CTEPH patients. Design: Incident PAH and CTEPH

Strong association between glucocerebrosidase mutations and Parkinson's disease in Sweden

Several genetic studies have demonstrated an association between mutations in glucocerebrosidase (GBA), originally implicated in Gaucher's disease, and an increased risk of Parkinson's disease (PD). We have investigated the possible involvement of genetic GBA variations in PD in the Swedish population. Three GBA variants, E326K, N370S, and L444P were screened in the largest Swedish Parkinson cohor

Single- and double-stranded DNA binding proteins act in concert to conserve a telomeric DNA core sequence

Telomeres are protective cap structures at the ends of the linear eukaryotic chromosomes, which provide stability to the genome by shielding from degradation and chromosome fusions. The cap consists of telomere-specific proteins binding to the respective single- and double-stranded parts of the telomeric sequence. In addition to the nucleation of the chromatin structure the telomere-binding protei

A comparative study of human aspects in acclimatization of adobe vernacular architecture : A case from Denmark and Egypt

Today’s architecture swarms with concepts of energy and resource efficient buildings. In contrast, vernacular buildings are characterized by low-tech climatic responsive strategies and by their inhabitants’ resource and energy savings practices during construction and operation of their dwellings. That makes vernacular buildings highly relevant to resource efficiency in contemporary building resea

Ethnic packaging and gentrification : The case of four neighborhoods in Toronto

Urban theory has historically situated ethnic commercial strips as an organic extension of nearby ethnic residential enclaving. While this is still a useful way to frame such commercial spaces in many cities, this article argues that some areas of this sort function as a marketable branding mechanism (intended or not) to produce nearby residential gentrification. This article explores the influenc

The S/T-Rich Motif in the DNAJB6 Chaperone Delays Polyglutamine Aggregation and the Onset of Disease in a Mouse Model

Expanded CAG repeats lead to debilitating neurodegenerative disorders characterized by aggregation of proteins with expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) tracts. The mechanism of aggregation involves primary and secondary nucleation steps. We show how a noncanonical member of the DNAJ-chaperone family, DNAJB6, inhibits the conversion of soluble polyQ peptides into amyloid fibrils, in particular by suppre

Persistence of cooperation on innovation : Econometric evidence from panel micro data

Arrangements to cooperate on innovation facilitate access to external sources of knowledge. By using panel data derived from the five waves of Community Innovation Survey in the Czech Republic, we examine whether firms engage in these arrangements persistently or rather revert to other behaviour. Econometric estimates of dynamic random effects and multivariate probit models provide strong support

Cooperation and Innovative Performance of Firms : Panel Data Evidence from the Czech Republic, Norway and the UK

Using panel micro data fro\m Community Innovation Survey in the Czech Republic, Norway and the UK, we estimate dynamic random effects models, in which the innovation output of firms is the function of their cooperative behaviour and other observed characteristics, while accounting for unobserved heterogeneity. The results indicate that the capacity of firms to build on external domestic linkages i

Innovation and economic development

Innovation is often seen as carried out by highly educated labor in R&D intensive companies with strong ties to leading centers of excellence in the scientific world. Seen from this angle innovation is a typical "first world" activity. There is, however, another way to look at innovation that goes significantly beyond this high-tech picture. In this broader perspective, innovation-the attempt

The establishment of facts in public discourse: Actor-Network-Theory as a methodological approach in PR-research

This article discusses actor-network theory (ANT) as an approach in empirical public relations research. It is foremost a methodological reflection, but uses a case study to illustrate key points. The case, published as a full study elsewhere, revolved around the plagiarisms in the PhD-dissertation of former German Defence Minister zu Guttenberg and places special emphasis on the work of anonymous

Liver Resection for Colorectal Cancer Metastases. Prognostic Factors and Interventions Affecting Outcome.

Background: With a yearly incidence of 56 per 100,000 inhabitants, colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common malignancies in the Western world, representing the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality. Within three years after the diagnosis of CRC, 29% of patients will have developed liver metastases. Liver resection is a possibly curative treatment, and several preoperative strate

Cholinesterase inhibitor therapy does not affect time spent in nursing homes in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Background: The time spent in nursing homes (NHs) by patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) might be influenced by many factors, e.g., sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, rate of disease progression, and concomitant disorders. Whether different aspects of cholinesterase inhibitor (ChEI) therapy (drug agent, dose, and duration) affect time spent in NHs has not been investigated. We studi

Cardiac signal estimation based on the arterial and venous pressure signals of a hemodialysis machine

Continuous cardiac monitoring is usually not performed during hemodialysis treatment, although a majority of patients with kidney failure suffer from cardiovascular disease. In the present paper, a method is proposed for estimating a cardiac pressure signal by combining the arterial and the venous pressure sensor signals of the hemodialysis machine. The estimation is complicated by the periodic pr