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Inclusive preparedness : Intellectual disability and disaster risk reduction

This licentiate dissertation emerges at the crossroads of critical disability studies and critical disasterstudies, with a commitment to justice, equality, and accessibility within the realm of disaster risk reduction(DRR). Its purpose was to develop new insights into strengthening crisis preparedness by activelyinvolving and including people with intellectual disabilities, leveraging their own kn

Lessons from Nørrebro: Experiments in Urban Brownfield Redevelopment

With the sustainable potential of the city as a starting point, this thesis examines brownfield redevelopment in an existing urban context. The Nørrebro neighborhood of Copenhagen serves as a case. The focus is on learning from and reinterpreting existing urban structure, hierarchy, density and scale. Legislation allowing car free development at the chosen site, Vingelodden, also prompts explorati

Interactive robots for health in Europe : Technology readiness and adoption potential

Introduction: Social robots are accompanied by high expectations of what they can bring to society and in the healthcare sector. So far, promising assumptions have been presented about how and where social robots are most relevant. We know that the industry has used robots for a long time, but what about social uptake outside industry, specifically, in the healthcare sector? This study discusses w

Hitting a moving target : digital transformation and welfare technology in Swedish municipal eldercare

Introduction: This article contributes to the discussion on digital transformation and welfare technology in municipal eldercare. The aim of welfare technology solutions is to exceed the current welfare system and to meet the challenges of an ageing population through technological innovations and applications that help people to better cope with health issues and strengthen their participation, a

Core-shell nanoparticles by photolysis of a metalorganic precursor

Nanotechnology and nanoparticles have applications in biomedicine, data storage, environmental research, materials science and energy storage, to name a few examples. Core-shell nanoparticles consist of a sphere of one material surrounded by a shell of a different material. There is a need for a method that produces core-shell particles of predictable dimensions. We investigate their production vi

Noise and MIP detection efficiencies in the LDMX HCAL prototype

Dark matter is the problem of apparent missing mass in the universe, a discrepancy between observations of large-scale astronomical dynamics, and the observed matter density in large scale structures. The Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX) is a proposed experiment to probe the realm of “light dark matter" in the mass range MeV to GeV. Light dark matter refers to a class of models where a new

Utility of Urine Dipstick Testing in Pediatric Appendicitis : Assessing its Role in Identifying Complicated Cases and Retrocecal Appendicitis

BACKGROUND: Diagnosing appendicitis in children remains a challenge, and the role of urine dipstick is controversial. This study aimed to evaluate the association between abnormal urine dipstick results and appendicitis, particularly appendicitis severity and appendix position.METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted from 2017 to 2021 at a tertiary hospital in Sweden. Children aged ≤ 15 y

Naturalism and Spirituality : The Need of Expanding the Concept of Sustainability

A naturalistic view should make us appreciate the rich possibilities of nature. This naturalistic point of departure, as formulated by Willem B. Drees, invites reflection on the relationship between nature and spirituality. Today, the concept of sustainability occupies a key role in what has come to be the greatest challenge ever that humankind has faced together at the same moment in history. Usu

Multidimensional poverty measurement : The value of life and the challenge to value aggregation

Multidimensional poverty measures require implicit, if not explicit, trade-offs between different dimensions. One of the central values that has to be weighed against other values in this context is the value of life, since this is a central part of multidimensional poverty measures—often proxied for by longevity or child mortality. Different ways of weighting value dimensions (even weighting dime

Measuring Historical Inequality in Germany

This article surveys the measurement of historical wealth and income inequality in Germany. We discuss the underlying data sources, the challenges they pose, and the opportunities they create. We also identify two promising avenues for future research. First, we argue that the geographic granularity of German historical statistics provides researchers with the opportunity to investigate the causes

Design and simulation of a CAES plant using former oil storage caverns

Omvandling av energi har spelat en stor roll i samhällets utveckling: från eldens upptäckt via vatten- och väderkvarnar till kol och olja under industriella revolutionen. Gemensamt för alla dessa energiformer är att de antingen går att lagra, som i bränslenas fall, eller att variationer i vatten- eller väderförhållanden inte har någon stor påverkan på resultatet. I elnätet, däremot, måste det rådaThe subject of energy storage is of increasingly more research interest with a larger share of unpredictable and cheap renewable energy entering the grid. Behind only batteries and pumped hydro in technological maturity, compressed air energy storage stands as a possibility in balancing the grid of the future, with its main benefits being highly efficient utilisation of fuel energy and high flexib

Considerations for widespread implementation of blood-based biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease

Diagnosing Alzheimer's disease (AD) poses significant challenges to health care, often resulting in delayed or inadequate patient care. The clinical integration of blood-based biomarkers (BBMs) for AD holds promise in enabling early detection of pathology and timely intervention. However, several critical considerations, such as the lack of consistent guidelines for assessing cognition, limited un