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Cerebral Changes Following Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treated with Guided Plasticity : A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study
Background Compression neuropathy, such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), results in changed afferent nerve signaling, which may result in changes in somatosensory brain areas. The purpose of this study was to assess cerebral changes following unilateral CTS and to assess short-term and long-term cerebral effects of guided plasticity treatment using ipsilateral cutaneous forearm deafferentation. Me
Gurkburk Development - Urban agriculture in brownfield development
The thesis investigates how a brownfield development, a harbour, can be developed, how urban agriculture, both commercial food production and recreational cultivation, can be integrated into the design and how it should be designed to be both effective and enjoyable and inviting for visitors. A design proposal has been produced that shows such a development. The design proposal is supplemented wit
Crystal structures of the ATPase domains of four human Hsp70 isoforms: HSPA1L/Hsp70-hom, HSPA2/Hsp70-2, HSPA6/Hsp70B', and HSPA5/BiP/GRP78
The 70-kDa heat shock proteins (Hsp70) are chaperones with central roles in processes that involve polypeptide remodeling events. Hsp70 proteins consist of two major functional domains: an N-terminal nucleotide binding domain (NBD) with ATPase activity, and a C-terminal substrate binding domain (SBD). We present the first crystal structures of four human Hsp70 isoforms, those of the NBDs of HSPA1L
Några vanliga julväxter - med tonvikt på det botaniska
Some common Christmas plants are presented with emphasis on Botany and their connection to Christmas. The plants dis- cussed are Picea abies, Euphorbia pulcherrima, Helleborus niger, Viscum album, Ilex aquifo- lium, Schlumbergera sp., Hippeastrum × hortorum, Hyacinthus orientalis, Lycopodium s.l., and Cladonia stellaris.Some common Christmas plants are presented with emphasis on Botany and their connection to Christmas. The plants dis- cussed are Picea abies, Euphorbia pulcherrima, Helleborus niger, Viscum album, Ilex aquifo- lium, Schlumbergera sp., Hippeastrum × hor- torum, Hyacinthus orientalis, Lycopodium s.l., and Cladonia stellaris.
Tourism and Public Transport
Despite the important interrelationships between transport and tourism, research on public transport and tourism remains limited. The role of transport can be generally seen as: an essential/utility of bringing the tourists to tourism destinations and enabling them to move between places at the destinations (transport for tourism); and/or transport that is used as part of the tourism attractions t
The History of the European Colloid and Interface Society
The European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS) was founded in 1986 to provide a European meeting place for scientists interested in colloids and surfaces, including both chemists, physicists, biologists, and colleagues interested in applications. The annual September conferences have from the start attracted strong interest and in recent years 500-1000 scientists from most European countries ha
Precarious Care across Migrant Generations in Tanzania
Based on ethnographic fieldwork, this article is concerned with how undocumented refugees and migrants use invisibility strategies to navigate a hostile host environment in Western Tanzania. This article explores how the shifts in Tanzania’s refugee policy have affected different generations of refugees differently, and how older cohorts assist newer cohorts. This article argues that the challenge
Activating mutations remodel the chromatin accessibility landscape to drive distinct regulatory networks in KMT2A-rearranged acute leukemia
Activating FLT3 and RAS mutations commonly occur in leukemia with KMT2A-gene rearrangements (KMT2A-r). However, how these mutations cooperate with the KMT2A-r to remodel the epigenetic landscape is unknown. Using a retroviral acute myeloid leukemia (AML) mouse model driven by KMT2A::MLLT3, we show that FLT3ITD, FLT3N676K, and NRASG12D remodeled the chromatin accessibility landscape and associated
Contrast enhanced longitudinal changes observed in an experimental bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis rat model by radial DCE-MRI at 9.4T
Identifying biomarkers in fibrotic lung disease is key for early anti-fibrotic intervention. Dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI offers valuable perfusion-related insights in fibrosis but adapting human MRI methods to rodents poses challenges. Here, we explored these translational challenges for the inflammatory and fibrotic phase of a bleomycin lung injury model in rats. Eleven male Sprague-Dawle
Association between miRNAs in serum at 10–14 gestational weeks and spontaneous preterm delivery
Introduction: Preterm delivery (PTD) is the leading cause of death in children under 5 years of age. Cervical shortening detected by ultrasound can be used to predict PTD, but prediction is not perfect, and complementary diagnostic markers are needed. Recently, specific plasma microribonucleic acid (miRNAs) detected in early second trimester were shown to be associated with spontaneous PTD in high
Clinicopathologic and molecular study of superficial CD34-positive fibroblastic tumours mimicking atypical fibrous histiocytoma (dermatofibroma)
Aims: Superficial CD34-positive fibroblastic tumour (SCD34FT) is an uncommon but distinctive low-grade neoplasm of the skin and subcutis that shows frequent CADM3 expression by immunohistochemistry (IHC). In this study, prompted by an index case resembling ‘atypical fibrous histiocytoma (FH)’ that was positive for CADM3 IHC, we systematically examined a cohort of tumours previously diagnosed as ‘a
Alzheimer's disease genetic pathways impact cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers and imaging endophenotypes in non-demented individuals
INTRODUCTION: Unraveling how Alzheimer's disease (AD) genetic risk is related to neuropathological heterogeneity, and whether this occurs through specific biological pathways, is a key step toward precision medicine. METHODS: We computed pathway-specific genetic risk scores (GRSs) in non-demented individuals and investigated how AD risk variants predict cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and imaging biomar
Syria’s self-governing democratic north-east comes under attack with country in flux
Co-evolutionary dynamics for two adaptively coupled Theta neurons
Natural and technological networks exhibit dynamics that can lead to complex cooperative behaviors, such as synchronization in coupled oscillators and rhythmic activity in neuronal networks. Understanding these collective dynamics is crucial for deciphering a range of phenomena from brain activity to power grid stability. Recent interest in co-evolutionary networks has highlighted the intricate in
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A SIRT7-dependent acetylation switch regulates early B cell differentiation and lineage commitment through Pax5
B lymphopoiesis is orchestrated by lineage-specific transcription factors. In B cell progenitors, lineage commitment is mediated by Pax5, which is commonly mutated in B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Despite its essential role in immunity, the mechanisms regulating Pax5 function remain largely unknown. Here, we found that the NAD+-dependent enzyme SIRT7 coordinates B cell development through d
How Does Legal Culture Matter for Climate Mobilities? A Case Study in an Unplanned Coastal Settlement in Urban Mozambique
This article responds to the general neglect of legal culture in the study of climate mobilities. It presents a case study of climate mobilities in an unplanned settlement in Maputo, Mozambique, exploring how legal culture influenced residents’ decision-making processes as they navigated climate-related risks in their daily lives. We demonstrate that legal culture can facilitate climate mobilities
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In 2005, an occupied cliff nest of a Common Buzzard was found in a quarry near Geseke in North Rhine-Westphalia, Northwest Germany. Cliff nests are common in Great Britain and parts of the Alps, but in Central Europe tree nests are the rule. The relevant literature describes only a few nests on the ground, but none on cliffs. Despite the breeding of a pair of Eagle Owls Bubo bubo in the same area
Optimization of Particle in Cell (PIC) Method
Simulating the behavior of charged particles in linear accelerators requires calculating the effects of electromagnetic fields on the particles. One source of these fields is the particles themselves, through the so-called space charge self-field. To compute this field, the Poisson equation must be solved using the charge distribution of the particle bunch. In most cases, this cannot be done analy