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Att skriva om döden : död och odödlighet i ett medialiserat samhälle

Döden har de senaste åren blivit ett stort medialt fenomen. Två tydliga exempel på detta finns i Sverige där både artisten och journalisten Kristian Gidlund samt den före detta landslagsspelaren i fotboll Klas Ingesson själva skildrat sitt döende. Gidlund insjuknade 2011 i cancer och startade då bloggen I kroppen min och släppte senare två böcker med samma namn där han skildrar sitt liv med cancer

Medielogik och antisemitism : en kritisk diskursanalys om USA:s särskilda sändebud mot antisemitisms besök i Malmö 2012

’’Medielogik och antisemitism’’ är en uppsats författad av Jens Andersson vid Lunds universitet vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier i ämnet medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap. Uppsatsen diskuterar hur medielogiken tog sig uttryck under Hannah Rosenthals, USA:s särskilda sändebud mot antisemitism, besök i Malmö den 26 april 2012. Medielogiken leder medierna till att fokusera på det läsar

Safeguards of EU Integration? - An Analysis of the Impact of Article 7 TEU and Article 50 TEU on the European Integration Project

På senare år har såväl nationalismen som populismen varit på framväxt i Europa. Dessa rörelser har kommit att få ett allt större politiskt inflytande i EU:s medlemsstater, med en påverkan på EU som institution som följd. I denna uppsats undersöks två av de sätt på vilka EU har påverkats av de politiska strömningarna i Europa: det påstådda rättssatsbrottet i Polen samt Storbritanniens potentiella uThere has been a surge in nationalism and populism in Europe. As these movements increasingly gain political influence in the Member States, the EU has been affected in several ways. This thesis will examine two of these instances: the alleged rule of law breaches in Poland and the probable fu-ture withdrawal of Britain from the EU. These situations are governed by Article 7 TEU and Article 50 TEU

Towards a Value-Based Common European Economic Diplomacy: A Qualitative Document Analysis of Commission Strategies

The landscape in global international economic relations has experienced major upheavals during the past decade. On the one hand, major economic powers abandon the principles of multilateralism and open trade, on the other, emerging players like China increasingly gain influence, firmly advancing their interests with extensive projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The EU, rightly se

Reform in the Judicial system in Albania as a Step Closer to EU Membership

This thesis is an analysis of the reform in the judicial system in Albania done recently. This thesis will examine how much closer or distant is Albania to open negotiations with the EU to achieve integration. The reform in the justice system which is required by the EU as part of the political criteria that Albania has to fulfil in respect to the Copenhagen. Everything from the way the reform is

Stigma of Adolescent Pregnancy and Motherhood in Bolivia

Stigma of pregnant and mothering adolescents is linked to socially constructed gender roles and sexual identities, ideals of motherhood, and stigma of adolescent sexual activity. As such, it constitutes an adolescent sexual and reproductive health issue. It is a contributing factor to several negative consequences related to adolescent pregnancy, such as advert health outcomes, lower educational a

Nord Stream II – Garant för Europas energi eller en trojansk häst?

This paper discusses primarily the schism between the European Commission and Berlin around the controversial pipeline Nord Stream II. The paper both analyses German and the European Union’s argument about Natural Gas in a somewhat general sense and in respect to Russia in particular. The paper also tries to bring clarity into why Europe is so indecisive when it comes to energy policies and argues

‘We are still young, but our burdens are heavy’ Exploring relations of gender, power and knowledge in a depression support group in rural South Africa

A significant number of people in rural areas of South Africa suffer with mental disorders such as depression, but lack access to specialist services. Additionally, patients face multiple barriers to access, such as poverty and far distances to services. This study aims to contribute to the gap in existing research on the crucial roles that power and knowledge can have in the governance of mental

The traditional left-right in EU foreign policy?

It is no secret that the EU’s difficulty to act as a cohesive actor in the realm of foreign policy lies mainly with the member state governments and their inability to agree on common actions. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the left-right position of EU member state governments can predict the effects these governments have on EU foreign policy cohesion. This is done by analysing

Ett "riktigt" våldtäktsoffer - En kvalitativ textanalys av hur kvinnliga sexualbrottsoffer porträtteras av svenska domstolar och media

This study examines how female victims of sexual offense are portrayed by the Swedish juridical system and media. The study seeks to investigate which assumptions regarding the female sexuality, derived from societal attitudes, that are reflected in the verdicts and the media coverage. Three cases of sexual offence have been chosen to be examined based on level of media coverage induced by the leg

Resuscitation of Wine Cradle Implications of booming wine industry on smallholder viticulture and their survival strategies: Case of Georgian wine sector expansion

Going through the structural transformation processes since the 1990s, Georgia has opened its economy for export. This has been achieved by free trade agreements and governments’ attempts at promoting and assisting stakeholders. Being a “cradle of wine”, wine represents one of the most exported commodities of the country. This has been a result of partially, governments’ policy implementations, an

Can NTFP commercialisation interventions successfully enhance livelihoods and environmental conservation? A Case study on the honey value chain initiatives in the Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve, South West Ethiopia

This study seeks to understand how non-timber forest product (NTFP) commercialisation is promoted in the Yayu Coffee Biosphere Reserve (YCFBR) in South West Ethiopia, local stakeholder perceptions and the potential of NTFP - or ‘biodiversity-based’ - value chains to address social development and forest conservation. The study was conducted based on a literature review and in-depth interviews wit

Han ser rött, men ser han? - En kritisk analys av bevisning av uppsåt med särskilt fokus på självförvållat rus

För närmare åtta år sedan, 2011, ändrade Högsta domstolen (HD) sin tidigare praxis avseende tolkningen av 1 kap. 2 § andra stycket brottsbalken (BrB) – alltså det lagrum som reglerar uppsåt vid självförvållat rus. Den nya tolkningen innebar att uppsåt i dessa fall skulle behandlas enligt vanliga regler om uppsåt. Det är således inte längre fråga om att fingera uppsåt, inte ens i någon mån. SuzanneNearly eight years ago, in 2011, the supreme court of Sweden changed its previously established practice regarding the interpretation of Chapter 1, art. 2, 2nd paragraph of the Penal Code1 where intent and self-induced intoxication are addressed. A consequence of the new interpretation was that criminal intent in such cases of intoxication should instead be tried as intent in general and thus ther

Tourism in the age of mobile media : the mediatized tourist practices in Icelandic tourism

Mediation processes are becoming increasingly salient in western society, and since tourism is one of the characteristics of modern societies the tourism practices follow this increase. The increasing emphasis on the visual as a prominent sense for our understanding of the physical world has led to increase desire for photography. Social media has created platforms for new remedies of photo sharin

Artists without an income? : critical analysis of the value gap and its impact on emerging artists and the music industry

This thesis seeks to discover what are the consequences of the value gap, for the emerging artists and the music industry by critically evaluating the concept of value gap and what it means for the music industry. This will also lead the way to discovering how emerging artists are “making it” in the era of music streaming, and which aspects are playing a significant role in this. In addition, the

Förtryckt hora, fri madonna – en undersökning av svensk rätts förståelse av prostitution och surrogatmödraskap ur ett radikalfeministiskt perspektiv

I denna uppsats undersöks svensk rätts förståelse av prostitution och surrogatmödraskap ur ett radikalfeministiskt perspektiv. Mot bakgrund av den radikalfeministiska utgångspunkten att prostitution och surrogatmödraskap är jämförbara med varandra, granskar uppsatsen hur en radikalfeministisk diskurs tar sig uttryck i SOU 1995:15 och SOU 2016:11. Genom viss rättsdogmatik, men framför allt genom atThis essay examines the understanding of prostitution and surrogacy within Swedish law, from a radical feminist perspective. Given the radical feminist standpoint that prostitution and surrogacy are phenomena comparable with each other, the essay analyzes how a radical feminist discourse is conveyed within two official reports of the Swedish government: SOU 1995:15 and SOU 2016:11. By not primaril

Är skiljenämnden behörig? - En probleminriktad studie av skiljenämndens tolkning av skiljeklausuler i sammanhängande avtal

En affärsrelation mellan två kommersiella parter regleras ofta i flera, mer eller mindre sammanhängande avtal. Det kan då hända att bara ett av avtalen har försetts med en skiljeklausul medan övriga avtal saknar skiljeklausuler (eller innehåller oliklydande skiljeklausuler). Om det i framtiden skulle uppstå en tvist som inte grundas direkt på avtalet med skiljeklausul utan istället på något av de A business relationship between two commercial parties often consists of multiple contracts that are more or less connected to each other. In such a multi-contract context, it is possible that only one contract includes an arbitration clause while the other contracts lack arbitration clauses (or contain different arbitration clauses). If, in the future, a dispute arises which is not based directly

Beställarnas drivkrafter till hållbart byggande

Studien har som syfte att förstå de drivkrafter och hinder som finns för att bygga mer hållbart samt hur entreprenören kan använda drivkrafterna för att inspirera beställare till att välja mer klimatbesparande åtgärder. Genom att skapa en bredare kunskap och förståelse för hur entreprenörer på ett enklare sätt ska kunna implementera fler gröna åtgärder under upphandlingsprocessen till privata bestThe purpose of the study is to understand the existing incentives and obstacles for a more sustainable construction, as well as examine how the building contractors can use these incentives to influence the developers to choose more climate friendly solutions. By creating a broader knowledge and understanding for how the building contractors can implement more green solutions in the procurement ph

Markrättigheter och mänskliga rättigheter

Using interview as a method this paper aims to obtain a deeper comprehesion of the life situation of the rural population in Xitanda and Itepela, in the northern part of Mocambique, where the Swedish company Chikweti were accused of land grabbing. With the approach of Grounded Theory and the constuction of a theory through the data analysis, the interviews plays a central role in the search for no

Med ena foten utanför-En teoriprövande fallstudie av Danmarks undantagsklausul från EMU

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the EU and the member states. There is a vide range of theoretical approaches intended to develop a greater comprehension in why European integration take place and how the political process within the EU can be explained. This study aims to test two competing integration theories, Liberal Intergovernmentalism and Sociological Instit