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"rekommenderas i ärade kunders välvilliga hågkomst" : En analys av mode- och textilannonser från början av 1900-talet

Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom ddiskursanalys och kvantitativ analys visa på klassdiskurser i mode- och textilannonser från 1911 och 1931 i tidningen Arbetet och Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten. Syftet är även att påvisa hur annonsernas utförande visar på en skillnad mellan två tidningar med olika politisk färg. Syftet är också se mode- och textilannonsernas utförande i ett förändringspers

Analysera testbarhet på Resursbank

Resurs Bank is a niche bank based in Helsingborg, with focus on financial services for corporate and private markets. They have a department that deals with programming and maintaining applications that their customers use. Currently they have no employed testers. The developers are testing the code themselves in combination with automated tests. Resurs Bank wants to acquire testers that can test

A feed-in tariff scheme to promote renewable electricity in Ecuador : has it delivered sustainability?

Ecuador has a large potential for electricity generation from renewable energy sources. Regardless of such potential, mainly thermal (non-renewable) and large-scale hydroelectricity has been widely exploited. In order to tap the potential of other renewables, a feed-in tariff scheme has been implemented since 2000 in Ecuador and it has experienced several revisions throughout the last decade. The

Integritet och användande

Vi har utifrån att tjänster på Internet samlar in stora mängder information om sina användare formulerat en problemställning där vi ser till användarnas behov integritet i samband med att nästan allt de gör på Internet lagras. Syftet med studien är att genom att intervjua användare av denna typ av tjänster, identifiera de upplevda integritetsproblem som uppkommer samt att undersöka hur dessa påver

The melting Himalayas : examples of water harvesting techniques

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Himalayas glaciärer både växer och blir mindre som ett svar på klimatförändringarna. Den dominerande trenden är att ismassor minskar, speciellt för mindre glaciärer. Allt eftersom glaciärer drar sig tillbaka, ändras hydrologin och vattentillgängligheten, både uppströms och nedströms inom dräneringsområdet. Denna förändring är mest tydlig på hög altitud där jordbHimalayan glaciers are both growing and shrinking as a response to global climate change. The major trend is a loss of ice sheets, especially among the smaller glaciers. As glaciers retreat there is a change in hydrology and seasonal water availability both upstream and downstream of the river basins. This is most apparent in high altitude and glacierfed areas where meltwater is the main (sometime

The integration of ICT in the Scandinavian education sectors and its effects on competitiveness in the new information society

With the new information society and knowledge economy evolve different and more complex requirements to innovation and competitiveness. Scholars and policy makers have emphasized the importance of adapting to ICT and exploit its numerous possibilities, although the exact methods for doing so remain unclear. The integration of ICT in educational institutions and their curricula have been stressed

Access to Medicines Through Regionally Restricted Licenses

Importance of the business and human rights field for solving the conflict between pharmaceutical patents and the provision of access to medicines. The author suggests an original approach named Regionally Restricted Licenses as a way to solve the conflict and provide access to essential medicines in a systematic and sustainable manner.

Flerspråkiga elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka fonologiska och lexikala förmågor hos flerspråkiga elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Undersökningsgruppen flerspråkiga elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter jämfördes med en grupp enspråkiga elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter samt med en grupp flerspråkiga elever utan läs- och skrivsvårigheter. I arbetet har även den lexikala organisationen hos ensprå

Avkodnings- och kodningsförmåga i årskurs 6 - en normering av LäSt

Avkodning och kodning, de tekniska komponenterna i läsning och skrivning, är något som alla barn måste lära sig i de tidiga skolåren för att kunna tillgodogöra sig undervisningen och utveckla sin läsförståelse och sitt skrivande. Forskning har visat att det är viktigt att de tekniska förmågorna blir automatiserade så att barnets fokus kan flyttas från teknik till innehåll. Om det uppstår något pro

Semantic-category processing in bilingual individuals with aphasia

Anomia or word retrieval difficulties are the most commonly observed symptoms in individuals with aphasia and often severely affect the communication abilities in their every day life. There are reports of word retrieval difficulties demarcated to different domains or categories. The most frequently reported form is that of deficits affecting the ability to name objects in the living domain as opp

HDQ-S Hidden Disabilities Questionnaire – Svensk version

Vi har översatt, anpassat och provat ut ett engelskt självskattningsmaterial, Hidden Disabilities Questionnaire (HDQ), på svenska elever i årskurs 3-6 samt utformat en motsvarande elevskattning för deras lärare. Syftet med studien var att skapa ett självskattningsmaterial för tidig upptäckt av dolda svårigheter, som till exempel dyslexi. Med dolda svårigheter menas att funktionshindret kan vara sv

No title

During the last couple of decades the world of business has changed. It has changed its ways, its methods, its range and its focus. Many companies have grown in size and power, and have now reached a level above the host countries in which they do their business when it comes to authority and influence. Due to these change the national governments no longer have the ultimate dominance. This means

Corporate Migration and its Implications for the Protection of Creditors - Recent Developments in the Case Law of the European Court of Justice

This thesis addresses the correlation between creditor protection and thecross-border seat transfer of companies in the light of the case law of the European Court of Justice concerning the freedom of establishment of undertakings. After the restrictive outcome of Daily Mail, the judgment of the European Court of Justice in Centros took the legal community by surprise. The following cases of Übers

Den (ir)rationella människan

The world today stands before a new global epidemic. Obesity and overweight. This epidemic is rapidly growing in almost all parts of the world and the answer how to stop this epidemic is not comprehensible. The discourse leads up to the idea of rational behavior. It has been argued over time that individuals are provided with reason and ability of rational behavior that leads us into making high-q

Lokal dagvattenhantering med grönytefaktorn

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Städernas hårdgjorda ytor hindrar nederbörd från att infiltrera ner i marken, vilket ger dagvatten som måste tas om hand. I och med ett framtida ändrat klimat kommer vintrarna i Skåne att bli varmare, med mer regn och mindre snö och antalet dagar med kraftig nederbörd att bli fler. Med mer intensiva regn ökar risken att städernas vattenledningsnät översvämmas. ÖIn cities hard surfaces prevent rainwater from infiltrating to the ground, which causes runoff,stormwater, that needs to be taken care of. With future changes in climate patterns winters in Scania, southern Sweden, will be warmer, with more rain and less snow and more days with more than 10 mm of precipitation. More intensive rains increase the chance of flooding of urban drainage systems. Open se

“ The Paper Chase” - Access to the Commission file in the Field of European Competition law

In 2001 European Union (EU) implemented the Transparency Regulation1 (the „Regulation‟ or the „Transparency Regulation‟) which sets out the principle of open public access to documents. The purpose of the Regulation is to give fullest possible effect to the right of public access to documents and to lay down general principles and limits on such access in accordance with the provisions of the Trea

Automatic geospatial web service composition for developing a routing system

Popular science Routing or path finding is one of the most popular internet-based systems, which is widely used by citizens and tourists, around the world. These systems provide users with the capability of introducing a start and an end point and then to observe the optimum (e.g. shortest) path between these two points. However, these systems are generally based on internet GIS and can only perfo

Resultatet av Resultaten - konsekvenserna av krav på kvantifierbara resultat inom arbete för mänskliga rättigheter

This essay seeks to investigate the role of demands for quantifiable and measurable results in Human Rights capacity building projects in development countries. The nature of the work is slow processes, yet the financers need to see results for their investments, to make sure that it goes through the right channels. The Swedish minister of Aid has made statements that show a wish to focus Sweden’s

Escaping, climbing & surviving: Environmental migration and consequences for Bangladeshis

Bangladesh is known to be the country worst hit by environmental changes at the same time as it is a densely populated country in South Asia. Questions of climate change have been debated during the last decades and the voices of the affected have now also been heard. Bangladesh will lose land as the sea level rises and floods occur more often. People have to escape these challenges and move to a

Cross-Border Loss Relief and Finality of Losses after Marks & Spencer

This paper seeks to examine the possibilities for cross-border loss relief in the light of the term “final losses”, which the ECJ has introduced in its judgement in Marks & Spencer. In order to get an understanding of the status of Union Law as it stands to date this paper analyses the relevant ECJ cases. The relevance and influence of Union Law on Member States’ legislation is assessed by exa