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Detection and identification of anomalies in wireless mesh networks using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Anomaly detection is becoming a powerful and necessary component as wireless networks gain popularity. In this paper, we evaluate the efficacy of PCA based anomaly detection for wireless mesh networks (WMN). PCA based method [1] was originally developed for wired networks. Our experiments show that it is possible to detect different types of anomalies, such as Denial-of-service (DoS) attack, port
Innovationskraft i evenemangsindustrin: en studie av förnyelsearbete vid organisering av festivaler
Julstugor och sommarlag
Global Environmental Change and Tourism Enterprise.
Textbook meant for high schools.
Plats för samtal. Virtuella miljöer för dialog om kulturarvet.
On Sensor-Controlled Robotized One-off Manufacturing
Popular Abstract in Swedish En semiautomatiskt uppgiftsorienterad (eng. task oriented) systemstruktur har utvecklats och testats i en svetsapplikation. I normal industriell robotprogrammering skapas verktygsvägar varefter tillverkningsprocessen baseras på den väg som fastslagits. Här föreslås istället en processorienterad metod. Det är naturligt att fokusera på processen eftersom verktygsvägen egeA semi-automatic task oriented system structure has been developed and tested on an arc welding application. In normal industrial robot programming, the path is created and the process is based upon the decided path. Here a process-oriented method is proposed instead. It is natural to focus on the process, since the path is in reality a result of process needs. Another benefit of choosing process
The use of biomass for energy in Sweden - Critical factors and lessons learned
Making Radical Cations Live Longer
The acid-catalyzed rearrangement of 1,4,5,8-tetramethylnaphthalene was used to determine the acidity of media used for EPR spectral studies of radical cations. The radical cations of methyl-substituted naphthalenes were shown to undergo dimerization reactions. The apparent persistency of the radical cation of hexamethylbenzene was due to the slow oxidation when thallium(III) trifluoroacetate was
Postnatal Development of Spinal Nociceptive Pathways: Evidence for Involvement of Experience-Dependent Mechanisms
Popular Abstract in Swedish Smärta kan betraktas som en varningssignal för annalkande eller redan inträffad vävnadsskada och har därigenom en uppenbar skyddsfunktion. Förmågan att genom snabba förändringar av pågående motorik avvärja en skadlig stimulering återfinns både hos människa och hos mer enkelt uppbyggda organismer långt ned på den fylogenetiska stegen. Den snabba bortdragning av handen soThe adult organization and postnatal development of the nociceptive withdrawal reflexes (NWR) of single hindlimb muscles were examined in decerebrate spinal rats using electromyography. In adult rats, NWR were found to perform highly organized sensorimotor transformations, with single muscles receiving excitatory cutaneous input from specific receptive fields (RF) whose distribution of sensitivity
Utveckling av ändlägesdämpare för Bosch Rexroth Teknik AB
Value uncertainty and value instability in decision-making
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the role of value uncertainty and value instability in decision-making that concerns morally controversial issues. Value uncertainty and value instability are distinguished from moral uncertainty, and several types of value uncertainty and value instability are defined and discussed. The relations between value uncertainty and value instability are explored,
Fluvial transport and risk of mercury in a gold mining area
My thesis is part of an overall environmental program evaluating the environmental and human health stress in areas of Nicaragua affected by anthropogenic emission of metals and man-made organic substances. I examine the fluvial transport of mercury contextually associated with the extent of the contamination and the observed human and environmental stress in a gold mining area. Field measurements
Effective degree-of-freedom of a compact six-port MIMO antenna
In this paper, we confirm that angle and polarization diversities are indeed the dominant diversity mechanisms of a recently proposed compact six-port MIMO antenna array, as it exhibits similar effective degree-of-freedom (EDOF) performance as that of the ideal array with co-located antenna elements evaluated in propagation scenarios with different angular spreads. Furthermore, the same approach c
En gourmetmiddags estetiska komposition
I denna artikel används Kenneth Burkes teori om estetisk och retorisk form, från Counter-Statement (först publiserad 1931), för att analysera hur stjärnkocken Mathias Dahlgren kreear en gourmetmåltid. Samtidigt framgår att Burkes teori förmår att hantera problem som dominerande teorier om tjänstekvalitet har problem med.
Prompt Proton Decay of a Well-deformed Band in 58Cu
Structurally Based Template Matching of On-line Handwritten Characters
A Study of the Interaction between the HOO radical and some small Molecules
The HOO radical is a key intermediate in the atmosphere and is involved in a large number of reactions, including ozone loss cycles in the stratosphere and oxidation processes in the troposphere. This theses is a study of the HOO radical and its interactions with a number of small molecules that are present in the atmosphere. The HOO complexes were formed on the surface of growing argon matrices