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Fractures of the Distal Radius - Incidence, treatment and outcome

Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING PÅ SVENSKA Brott på strålbenet på handledsnivå (handledsbrott) är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till att patienter måste uppsöka en akutmottagning. Skadan drabbar oftast medelålders och äldre kvinnor. Skelettet blir skörare hos kvinnor efter klimakteriet, vilket lättare leder till ett benbrott. Medan brott på lårbenshalsen oftast drabABSTRACT Fractures of the distal radius are common injuries that may cause persistent disability and pain. This thesis prospectively investigates the incidence and characteristics of distal radius fractures, the relationship between fracture malunion and disability and the natural course of patient-reported outcome after fracture in a well-defined population in Northeastern Scania, Sweden. Further

Thorough Gamma-ray and Particle Decay Investigations of 58Ni

The combined data from three fusion-evaporation reaction experiments have been utilized to investigate the semi-magic nucleus Ni-58(28)30. To detect gamma rays in coincidence with evaporated particles, the Ge-detector array Gammasphere was used in conjunction with the charged-particle detectors Microball and LuWuSiA (the Lund Washington University Silicon Array), and a neutron detector array. The

BANK1 functional variants are associated with susceptibility to diffuse systemic sclerosis in Caucasians

Objective To investigate the possible association of the BANK1 gene with genetic susceptibility to systemic sclerosis (SSc) and its subphenotypes. Methods A large multicentre case-control association study including 2380 patients with SSc and 3270 healthy controls from six independent case-control sets of Caucasian ancestry ( American, Spanish, Dutch, German, Swedish and Italian) was conducted. Th

Knowledge and Skill Representations for Robotized Production

Model-based systems in control are a means to utilize efficiently human knowledge and achieve high performance. While models consisting of formalized knowledge are used during the engineering step, running systems usually do not contain a high-level, symbolic representation of the control and most of its properties, typically named numerical parameters. On a system level and beyond the plant data,

Robustness and uncertainty in terrestrial ecosystem carbon response to CMIP5 climate change projections

We have investigated the spatio-temporal carbon balance patterns resulting from forcing a dynamic global vegetation model with output from 18 climate models of the CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) ensemble. We found robust patterns in terms of an extra-tropical loss of carbon, except for a temperature induced shift in phenology, leading to an increased spring uptake of carbon.

Three new dark-fruited Caloplaca species.

Three species of Caloplaca are described as new to science: Caloplaca caesiosorediata Arup & van den Boom, a corticolous species and two saxicolous species, Caloplaca catillarioides Arup & van den Boom, and C. caesioisidiata Arup & van den Boom, all from the archipelago of Cape Verde. They are dark-fruited and have a pale to dark greyish crustose thallus. None of the new species are ph

Value of Statistical Life and Cause of Accident: A Choice Experiment

The purpose of this study is to compare the value of statistical life (VSL) estimates for traffic, drowning, and fire accidents. Using a choice experiment in a mail survey of 5,000 Swedish respondents we estimated the willingness to pay for risk reductions in the three accidents. In the experiment respondents were asked a series of questions, whether they would choose risk reducing investments whe

Primary breast cancer tumours contain high amounts of IgA1 immunoglobulin: an immunohistochemical analysis of a possible carrier of the tumour-associated tn antigen.

The Tn antigen (GalNAc alpha-O-Ser/Thr) as defined by the binding of the lectin, helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA) or anti-Tn monoclonal antibodies, is known to be exposed in a majority of cancers, and it has also been shown to correlate positively with the metastatic capacity in breast carcinoma. The short O-glycan that forms the antigen is carried by a number of different proteins. One potential ca

Reliability conducive measures of coherence

A measure of coherence is said to be truth conducive if and only if a higher degree of coherence (as measured) results in a higher likelihood of truth. Recent impossibility results strongly indicate that there are no (non-trivial) probabilistic coherence measures that are truth conducive. Indeed, this holds even if truth conduciveness is understood in a weak ceteris paribus sense (Bovens & Har

Social network, social support and the prevalence of neck and low back pain after retirement. A population study of men born in 1914 in Malmo, Sweden

In this study we investigated the importance of social network and social support systems outside the workplace and workload and psychological job strain in former work for the prevalence of daily neck and low back pain. The study population (n = 621) comprised a random half of all male residents in Malmo, Sweden, born in 1914, of whom 500 (80.5%) participated. Two of the social network and social

Lack of evolutionary potential of developmental instability of front tibia length in the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella)

The evolutionary potential of developmental instability (DI, defined as an individual's inability to buffer its development against random perturbations) as estimated by individual asymmetry (so-called fluctuating asymmetry, small random deviations from perfect symmetry), remains a controversial subject of research. Only if DI is heritable and if it is related with fitness, can evolution be expect