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Protein GB1 Folding and Assembly from Structural Elements.
Folding of the Protein G B1 domain (PGB1) shifts with increasing salt concentration from a cooperative assembly of inherently unstructured subdomains to an assembly of partly pre-folded structures. The salt-dependence of pre-folding contributes to the stability minimum observed at physiological salt conditions. Our conclusions are based on a study in which the reconstitution of PGB1 from two fragm
The G protein-coupled receptor GPR30 signalosome - A novel G protein-independent mechanism regulating cAMP signaling and receptor trafficking
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen handlar om ett protein, en receptor, kallad GPR30. GPR30 tillhör proteinfamiljen G protein-kopplade receptorer vilka är nödvändiga för att celler ska kunna kommunicera med varandra och med sin omgivning. Förenklat sätt kan de ses sitta på ytan av en cell där de väntar på att någonting ska binda till dem, vilket aktiverar receptorerna och får dem attThe large protein family called G Protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) has co-evolved with life throughout evolution; from single cell organisms all the way to complex beings such as us humans. The fact that GPCRs are involved in essentially every physiological event, and that ~50% of drugs on the current market are either directly or indirectly targeted towards the function of GPCRs, we can be certa
Laminar burning velocity of lean H-2-CO mixtures at elevated pressure using the heat flux method
Laminar burning velocity measurements of 50:50 and 85:15% (by volume) H-2-CO mixtures with O-2-N-2 and O-2-He oxidizers were performed at lean conditions (equivalence ratio from 0.5 to 1) and elevated pressures (1 atm-9 atm). The heat flux method (HFM) is employed for determining the laminar burning velocity of the fuel-oxidizer mixtures. HFM creates a one-dimensional adiabatic stretchless flame w
Fabrication of a novel electrochemiluminescence glucose biosensor using Au nanoparticles decorated multiwalled carbon nanotubes
Au nanoparticles (nanoAu) with an average diameter of 60 nm were decorated on the surface of multiwalled carbon nanotubes to prepare MWCNTs-nanoAu nano-hybrids. The MWCNTs-nanoAu nano-hybrids were cast on the surface of a glassy carbon electrode and were then further modified with a layer comprising glucose oxidase and chitosan to fabricate a novel electrochemiluminescence (ECL) glucose biosensor.
Destination Unknown? The Emergence of Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Development of Tourism
This dissertation explores the nexus between sustainable tourism development and corporate social responsibility (CSR). It addresses the scope for CSR to promote sustainable tourism in an international development context. This objective was pursued by exploring three sub-questions: what tools have been used to stimulate social responsibility in tourism; how has ecotourism influenced social respon
Inter-firm market orientation and the influence of network and relational factors
Robust closed-loop control of induction and maintenance of propofol anesthesia in children
High-speed structured planar laser illumination for contrast improvement of two-phase flow images
A high-speed method to remove blurring effects caused by multiple scattering in planar laser images of two-phase flows is demonstrated. The technique is based on structured illumination and is for the first time to our knowledge applied on a dynamic medium. As structured illumination requires three successive images to be recorded and to freeze the flow motion in time, a high-speed laser and imagi
Record low beta beating in the LHC
The LHC is currently operating with a proton energy of 4 TeVand beta* functions at the ATLAS and CMS interaction points of 0.6 m. This is close to the design value at 7 TeV ( beta* = 0.55 m) and represented a challenge for various aspects of the machine operation. In particular, a huge effort was put into the optics commissioning and an unprecedented peak beta beating of around 7% was achieved in
Development and application of CN PLIF for single-shot imaging in turbulent flames
Impact of maternal characteristics on fetal growth in the third trimester: a population-based study
Objectives. To investigate the association between maternal characteristics and fetal growth during the third trimester of pregnancy. Methods. Using a population-based perinatal register, 48,809 term singleton pregnancies were identified for which a routine ultrasound examination in the third trimester was performed between 1995 and 2009. Fetal and infant weight, respectively, were expressed as ge
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Variations in graft and patient survival after kidney transplantation in Sweden: caveats in interpretation of center effects when benchmarking
P>Benchmarking and comparisons between transplantation centers are becoming more common. A crude comparison indicated a 50% difference in patient survival between centers in Sweden. A 'task group' was formed to refute or confirm and learn from this observation. Patient survival and graft survival of 5 933 patients transplanted at three different transplantation centers in Sweden (Stockholm, Gotebo
The Trivial Matters. Everyday power in Swedish elder care
This is a study about fairly ordinary situations in elder care: how staff deal with older people’s influence, how staff talk about older people’s complaints, how family members talk about elder mistreatment, and how older people act in order to exert influence in a nursing home. However ordinary, these are situations where relational power is accentuated, accomplished and able to be empirically ex
Industrial Cool : om postindustriella fabriker
Vad är en fabrik? Med industrisamhällets avveckling följer en ny ruinromantik. Över hela Västvärlden blir slitna tegelfasader och rostbruna maskinhallar till nya utflyktsmål, gallerier, caféer eller trendiga arbetsplatser. Samtidigt skapas nya industrilokaler, där besökarnas intryck är lika viktiga som den tillrättalagda produktionen. Är det bilar eller upplevelser som tillverkas här? Industrial
The Mild Boredom of Order : A Study in the History of the Manuscript Collection of Queen Christina of Sweden
Popular Abstract in Swedish Titelns första del är ett Walter Benjamin-citat som bildar utgångspunkt och förklaras i avhandlingens första kapitel. Tidigare forskning, samlat till fyra tematiska områden, presenteras: drottning Kristina själv och hennes lärdom, bibliotekarierna och de andra lärda, det kungliga biblioteket i Stockholm och samlingen i Rom. Bibliotekets tidiga historia, hur det kommer tThis study examines how the Latin manuscript collection of Queen Christina of Sweden was formed, what function it served for the queen and for others, and how various attempts to impose order on it reflect different epistemological traditions. A recurring theme of the study is the creation of order and the title, The Mild Boredom of Order, a quotation taken from an essay on book collecting by Walt
A BRCA2 mutation incorrectly mapped in the original BRCA2 reference sequence, is a common West Danish founder mutation disrupting mRNA splicing
Inherited mutations in the tumor suppressor genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 predispose carriers to breast and ovarian cancer. The authors have identified a mutation in BRCA2, 7845+1G > A (c.7617+1G > A), not previously regarded as deleterious because of incorrect mapping of the splice junction in the originally published genomic reference sequence. This reference sequence is generally used in many laborator
Corporate Networks as Informal Governance Mechanisms: A Small Worlds Approach to Sweden
Manuscript Type: Empirical Research Question/Issue: It is proposed that informal governance mechanisms such as social control, in the form of norms and corporate networks, may complement formal governance mechanisms, such as laws, in providing investor protection. Research Findings/Results: A comparison of stock markets and investor protection for Denmark, Germany, Italy, Sweden, the UK, and US sh
Normal Hematopoietic Stem Cell Function in Mice with Enforced Expression of the Hippo Signaling Effector YAP1.
The Hippo pathway has recently been implicated in the regulation of organ size and stem cells in multiple tissues. The transcriptional cofactor yes-associated protein 1 (Yap1) is the most downstream effector of Hippo signaling and is functionally repressed by the upstream components of the pathway. Overexpression of YAP1 stimulates proliferation of stem and progenitor cells in many tissues, consis