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Gender and Access to Equity Funding: Mitigating Barriers for Female Entrepreneurs.

Denna studie undersöker orsakerna bakom könsgapet i tillgången till aktiebaserad finansiering för svenska start-ups inom IT och kommunikation. Studien bidrar till diskussioner om jämställdhet genom att presentera strategier för att skapa en mer inkluderande tillgång till riskkapital. Analysen utgår från följande tre forskningsfrågor: (F1) Påverkar kön svenska entreprenörers möjligheter att få aktiThis study examines the mechanisms behind the gender gap in equity-based start-up funding within the Information and Communication Technologies sector in Sweden and contributes to discussions on gender equality by presenting strategies for fostering inclusive access to equity-based capital. The analysis is guided by the following three research questions: (RQ 1) Does gender affect Swedish entrepre

Påverkan på anläggningsbranschen till följd av onormala prisökningar på material och förnödenheter

Den svenska anläggningsbranschen har på senare år drabbats av betydande utmaningar till följd av onormala prisökningar på material och förnödenheter, vilket särskilt har haft en påverkan på fastprisentreprenader. Dessa kostnadsökningar har skapat en osäkerhet bland entreprenörer, särskilt på grund av bristen på tydliga riktlinjer och rättspraxis i kapitel 6 § 3 i standardavtalen AB 04 och ABT 06 s

Exploring fluorine chemical evolution in the Galactic disk : The open cluster perspective

Context. Open clusters are ideal tools for tracing the abundances of different elements because their stars are expected to have the same age, distance, and metallicity. Therefore, they serve as powerful tracers for investigating the cosmic origins of elements. This paper expands on a recent study by us, in which the element fluorine was studied in seven open clusters; here we add six open cluster

“I'm not afraid to be alone with the baby now” : Parents' experiences of an online self-guided cognitive intervention for unwanted intrusive thoughts about harming their child

Half of parents to infants and toddlers experience unwanted intrusive thoughts (UITs) about intentionally harming their child. For some, this can lead to impaired parental self-efficacy, elevated parental stress, and symptoms of depression. Many do not disclose their thoughts due to shame. Our research group has developed a self-guided online cognitive intervention for parents with distressing UIT

On service life quantification and service life management

The service life of infrastructures is of high relevance for the provision of societal and industrial functionality and sustainability. Despite this high relevance, the service life is not explicitly considered of the design and operation procedures. Towards an efficient and sustainable service life management, this paper contains a description of approaches for service life limit quantification a

Design of a Phantom Mimicking Rectal Lymph Nodes for Magnetomotive Ultrasound

OBJECTIVE: Durable and stable phantoms for verifying and validating the new magnetomotive ultrasound technique are lacking. Here we propose a phantom design to address this need.METHODS: A mixture of styrene-butylene/ethylene-styrene (SEBS) in mineral oil and glass beads as a scattering material acted as a bulk material, in which a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) inclusion containing magnetic nanoparticle

Influence of autistic traits and communication role on eye contact behavior during face-to-face interaction

Eye contact is a central component in face-to-face interactions. It is important in structuring communicative exchanges and offers critical insights into others' interests and intentions. To better understand eye contact in face-to-face interactions, we applied a novel, non-intrusive deep-learning-based dual-camera system and investigated associations between eye contact and autistic traits as wel

Paediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) : comprehensive open-label trial in ten children

BACKGROUND: Treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) in children with Paediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) has for many years been used on clinical indications, but the research evidence for its efficacy is insufficient.METHODS: Open-label prospective in-depth trial including ten children (median age 10.3 years) with PANS, who received IVIG treatment 2 g/kg monthly for t

Visuomotor tracking strategies in children : associations with neurodevelopmental symptoms

Children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) often display motor problems that may impact their daily lives. Studying specific motor characteristics related to spatiotemporal control may inform us about the mechanisms underlying their challenges. Fifty-eight children with varying neurodevelopmental symptoms load (median age: 5.6 years, range: 2.7-12.5 years) performed an interactive tablet-ba

Triple oxygen isotope reveals insolation-forced tropical moisture cycles

Tropical oceans are the main global water vapor and latent heat sources, but their responses to radiative forcing remain unclear. Here, we investigate oceanic moisture dynamics of the western tropical Pacific (WTP) over the past 210,000 years through an approach of planktonic foraminiferal triple oxygen isotope (Δ′17O). The Δ′17O record is dominated by the precession cycles (~23,000 years), with l

Cirkulära lösningar vid nybyggnation - En studie om cirkulära lösningar vid nyproduktion av befintligt stall

Sedan industrialiseringen har det svenska samhället präglats av linjär ekonomi där jungfruligt material utvinns, används och sedan slängs. Byggsektorn bidrog år 2020 till 40% av Sveriges totala avfall och till 19% av Sveriges farliga avfall. I omställningen till en cirkulär ekonomi talas det allt oftare om cirkulära lösningar inom byggbranschen. Cirkulära lösningar innebär att man återbrukar och å

Diabetessjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att främja hälsosamma levnadsvanor hos patienter med diabetes typ 2 i den regionala primärvården – en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Det är välkänt att ohälsosamma levnadsvanor, såsom osund kost, fysisk inaktivitet, alkoholriskbruk och rökning är välkända riskfaktorer som kraftigt ökar risken för komplikationer vid diabetes typ 2. Trots insikten om riskerna kan det vara utmanande att ändra levnadsvanor, vilket gör diabetessjuksköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete avgörande för att stödja och motivera patienter till positi

Without morals in a moral world : The expanding moral circle of The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt

As video and computer games get increasingly more advanced, the immersive experience for the player of these games also follows this trajectory. In these games, one aspect that has been explored to the greatest extent is that of choice and player agency. Often, these choices and acts are of a moral character, whether it be choosing what to do on an ambiguously formulated questline with multiple br

Hibiscus bullseyes reveal mechanisms controlling petal pattern proportions that influence plant-pollinator interactions

Colorful flower patterns are key signals to attract pollinators. To produce such motifs, plants specify boundaries dividing petals into subdomains where cells develop distinctive pigmentations, shapes, and textures. While some transcription factors and biosynthetic pathways behind these characteristics are well studied, the upstream processes restricting their activities to specific petal regions

Geometric Symmetry Breaking and Nonlinearity Can Increase Thermoelectric Power

Direct thermal-to-electric energy converters typically operate in the linear regime, where the ratio of actual maximum power relative to the ideal maximum power, the so-called fill factor (FF), is 0.25. Here, we show, based on fundamental symmetry considerations, that the leading order nonlinear terms that can increase the FF require devices with broken spatial symmetry. Studying nonlinear, thermo