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Your search for "*" yielded 441526 hits

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass versus calorie restriction: support for surgery as the direct contributor to aloncltered responses of insulin and incretins to a mixed meal

AbstractObjectiveTo study the immediate effects of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) on glucose homeostasis, insulin, and incretin responses to mixed-meal tests compared with the effects of calorie restriction (CR).SettingUniversity-affiliated bariatric surgery clinic.BackgroundRYGB induces remission of type 2 diabetes (T2 D) long before significant weight loss occurs. The time course and underlying

Specifically neuropathic Gaucher's mutations accelerate cognitive decline in Parkinson's

OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that specific mutations in the β-glucocerebrosidase gene (GBA) causing neuropathic Gaucher's disease (GD) in homozygotes lead to aggressive cognitive decline in heterozygous Parkinson's disease (PD) patients, whereas non-neuropathic GD mutations confer intermediate progression rates.METHODS: A total of 2,304 patients with PD and 20,868 longitudinal visits for up to 12.8

Assessing the biodiversity value of degraded lowland forest in Sumatra, Indonesia

Forest degradation, forest fires, and wildlife poaching have devastated biodiversity in Indonesia. To assess the impact of forest degradation and the potential for recovery, we used birds as a proxy for biodiversity and assessed density estimates (hereafter density) in the degraded lowland forest of Harapan Rainforest Ecosystem Restoration Concession (HRF) in Sumatra. In this study, a total of 149

The TECH@HOME study, a technological intervention to reduce caregiver burden for informal caregivers of people with dementia : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

BACKGROUND: It is estimated that global dementia rates will more than triple by 2050 and result in a staggering economic burden on families and societies. Dementia carries significant physical, psychological and social challenges for individuals and caregivers. Informal caregiving is common and increasing as more people with dementia are being cared for at home instead of in nursing homes. Caregiv

The dual rod system of amphibians supports colour discrimination at the absolute visual threshold

The presence of two spectrally different kinds of rod photoreceptors in amphibians has been hypothesized to enable purely rod-based colour vision at very low light levels. The hypothesis has never been properly tested, so we performed three behavioural experiments at different light intensities with toads (Bufo) and frogs (Rana) to determine the thresholds for colour discrimination. The thresholds

Migration and integration on the Baltic island of Öland in the Iron Age

This study explores a bi-isotopic approach to migration, adding δ18O values to samples with 87Sr/86Sr values for 109 individuals from the Iron Age (500 BCE–1050 CE) on the island of Öland, Sweden. Determining a local baseline for 87Sr/86Sr was complicated due to the wide range of variation in faunal samples so we divided the human values into three groups: local, non-local and undetermined. The ad

Potential Levels of Soot, NOx, HC and CO for Methanol Combustion

Methanol is today considered a viable green fuel for combustion engines because of its low soot emissions and the possibility of it being produced in a CO2-neutral manner. Methanol as a fuel for combustion engines have attracted interest throughout history and much research was conducted during the oil crisis in the seventies. In the beginning of the eighties the oil prices began to decrease and i

The BALDER Beamline at the MAX IV Laboratory

X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) includes well-established methods to study the local structure around the absorbing element - extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), and the effective oxidation number or to quantitatively determine the speciation of an element in a complex matrix - X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES). The increased brilliance and intensities available at the

Strategies of inquiry : The ‘Sherlock Holmes sense of deduction’ revisited

This paper examines critically the reconstruction of the ‘Sherlock Holmes sense of deduction’ proposed jointly by M.B. Hintikka (1939–1987) and J. Hintikka (1929–2016) in the 1980s, and its successor, the interrogative model of inquiry (imi) developed by J. Hintikka and his collaborators in the 1990s. The Hintikkas’ model explicitly used game theory in order to formalize a naturalistic approach to

Linear Convergence and Metric Selection for Douglas-Rachford Splitting and ADMM

Recently, several convergence rate results for Douglas-Rachford splitting and the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) have been presented in the literature. In this paper, we show global linear convergence rate bounds for Douglas-Rachford splitting and ADMM under strong convexity and smoothness assumptions. We further show that the rate bounds are tight for the class of problems und

Statistical Modeling of Ultrawideband MIMO Propagation Channel in a Warehouse Environment

This paper describes an extensive propagation channel measurement campaign in a warehouse environment for line-of-sight (LOS) and nonline-of-sight (NLOS) scenarios. The measurement setup employs a vector network analyzer operating in the 2-8-GHz frequency band combined with an 8×8 virtual multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna array. We develop a comprehensive statistical propagation channe

A review on particle dynamics simulation techniques for colloidal dispersions : Methods and applications

Colloidal dispersions have attracted much attention both from academia and industry due to industrial significance and complex dynamic properties. Accordingly, a variety of attempts have been made to understand the complicated physics of colloidal dispersions. Particle dynamics simulation has been playing an important role in exploring colloidal systems as a strong complement to experimental appro

InAs nanowire GAA n-MOSFETs with 12-15 nm diameter

InAs nanowires (NW) grown by MOCVD with diameter d as small as 10 nm and gate-All-Around (GAA) MOSFETs with d = 12-15 nm are demonstrated. Ion = 314 μA/μm, and Ssat =68 mV/dec was achieved at Vdd = 0.5 V (Ioff = 0.1 μA/μm). Highest gm measured is 2693 μS/μm. Device performance is enabled by small diameter and optimized high-k/InAs gate stack process. Device performance tradeoffs between gm, Ron, a

Testing the running coupling kT -factorization formula for the inclusive gluon production

The inclusive gluon production at midrapidities is described in the color glass condensate formalism using the kT-factorization formula, which was derived at fixed coupling constant considering the scattering of a dilute system of partons with a dense one. Recent analysis demonstrated that this approach provides a satisfactory description of the experimental data for the inclusive hadron productio

Dissipative particle dynamics simulations of water droplet flows in a submicron parallel-plate channel for different temperature and surface-wetting conditions

The effects of temperature-dependent thermophysical properties on droplet flow characteristics in a parallel-plate channel at submicron scale are investigated. The dissipative particle dynamics method with many-body (MDPD) and energy conservation (DPDe) configurations (MDPDe) was used. Droplet flows were simulated to study the effects of the temperature difference between top and bottom walls, bod