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Reclaiming Polytechneio : beyond binary interpretations of a black-and-white mural

The campus of the National Metsovian Polytechnic in central Athens (henceforth Polytechneio), which was constructed in the late 19th century, has been a significant cornerstone in the sociopolitical landscape of the city. Within the history of modern Greece, Polytechneio is regarded as a symbol of resistance against the Greek military dictatorship (junta) in 1973. The surrounding wall of Polytechn

The potential for energy efficiency in the EU Member States – A comparison of studies

In October 2014, the European Council agreed on a target of improving overall energy efficiency by at least 27 per cent by 2030. According to the European Council's conclusions, this target should not be translated into nationally binding targets. Nevertheless individual Member States are free to set higher national objectives if desired. However, it is difficult to assess the degree of ambition o

Re-industrialisation and low-carbon economy-can they go together? Results from stakeholder-based scenarios for energy-intensive industries in the German state of North Rhine Westphalia

The German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is home to one of the most important industrial regions in Europe, and is the first German state to have adopted its own Climate Protection Law (CPL). This paper describes the long-term (up to 2050) mitigation scenarios for NRW's main energy-intensive industrial sub-sectors which served to support the implementation of the CPL. It also descr

The effect of changes in treatment patterns on drug expenditure

This paper investigates the effects of changes in drug therapy on drug expenditure in Sweden between 1990 and 1995. Analyses have been carried out for both the aggregate drug expenditure and for drug expenditure according to the main groups of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system. Changes in expenditure can be divided into 3 components: the price of drugs, the quantity o

Income-related inequalities in health : Some international comparisons

This paper presents evidence on income-related inequalities in self- assessed health in nine industrialized countries. Health interview survey data were used to construct concentration curves of self-assessed health, measured as a latent variable. Inequalities in health favoured the higher income groups and were statistically significant in all countries. Inequalities were particularly high in the

Drug Expenditure and New Drug Introductions : The Swedish Experience

This article measures the impact of the switch to new and more expensive drugs on the aggregate drug expenditure (both prescription and nonprescription) in Sweden during the period 1974 to 1991, and also on the disaggregated expenditure for 3 medical areas: asthma, hypertension and peptic ulcer disease. During the period studied, nominal drug expenditure increased 6-fold. The retail price index of

Data for dynamics analysis of riverine dissolved organic carbon in Rukarara watershed, Rwanda

This data article presents water stage, flow, and net primary productivity (NPP) data that were used to analyze the dynamics of the riverine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics in the Rukarara River watershed in Rwanda. We measured water stage data every 15 min and calculated daily averages used to estimate flow based on rating curves. The rating curves were produced using several measured con

The influence of convection drying on the physicochemical properties of yacón (Smallanthus sonchifolius)

Yacón root is a natural source of fructans, which has many potential benefits. Convective drying has been applied to increase the shelf life of yacón roots. However, this processing may lead to detrimental effects on the physicochemical functionality. The drying was investigated using different conditions (drying temperatures of 45 °C, 50 °C and 55 °C at a drying air velocity of 2 m/s and 60 °C at

Perspectives on Cluster Evolution : Critical Review and Future Research Issues

Abstract: The past two decades have witnessed an ever-growing scholarly interest in regional clusters. The focus of research has mainly been on exploring why clusters exist and what characteristics “functioning” clusters possess. Although the interest in more dynamic views on clusters is not new, in recent years, however, greater attention has been paid to providing better explanations of how clus

Probing downstream olive biophenol secoiridoids

Numerous bioactive biophenol secoiridoids (BPsecos) are found in the fruit, leaves, and oil of olives. These BPsecos play important roles in both the taste of food and human health. The main BPseco bioactive from green olive fruits, leaves, and table olives is oleuropein, while olive oil is rich in oleuropein downstream pathway molecules. The aim of this study was to probe olive BPseco downstream

Presence of chronic diabetic foot ulcers is associated with more frequent and more advanced retinopathy

Aims: To clarify the frequency and severity of diabetic retinopathy in a group of people with Type 2 diabetes and chronic diabetic foot ulcers, and to compare visual acuity, levels of retinopathy and clinical significant macular oedema with a matched control group of people with Type 2 diabetes without a history of chronic diabetic foot ulcers. Methods: Visual acuity and fundus imaging were evalua

Pooling international health care expenditure data

The purpose of this paper is twofold. The first is to analyse the statistical relationship between real health care expenditure per capita and aggregate income, public share in finance, age‐dependency ratio and inflation. The second purpose deals with methodological problems involved in pooling health care expenditure data. The empirical work is based on pooled cross‐sectional, time‐series data fo

Chronic depressive symptomatology and CSF amyloid beta and tau levels in mild cognitive impairment

Objectives: To investigate the association between chronic subsyndromal symptoms of depression (SSD), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers, and neuropsychological performance in individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Methods: Participants included 238 older adults diagnosed with MCI from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative repository with cognitive and CSF amyloid beta (Aβ1–

Constructing Regional Advantage in the Austrian ICT Sector-Towards Fine-Tuned Innovation Policies?

Regional innovation policies are often applied in a standardized way oriented at best practice models developed elsewhere. These policies fail to take specific sectoral and regional characteristics sufficiently into account. However, innovation processes and problems vary for firms in particular sectors since these exhibit distinct features dependent on their knowledge base. Also, companies are lo

Concepts and pathways towards a carbon-neutral heavy industry in the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia

The German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is home to important clusters of energy-intensive basic materials industries. 15 % of the EU's primary steel as well as 15 % of high-value base chemicals are produced here. Together with refinery fuels, cement, lime and paper production (also overrepresented in NRW) these are the most carbon-intensive production processes of the industrial m

Concepts and methodologies for measuring the sustainability of cities

In recent decades, better data and methods have become available for understanding the complex functioning of cities and their impacts on sustainability. This review synthesizes the recent developments in concepts and methods being used to measure the impacts of cities on environmental sustainability. It differentiates between a dominant trend in research literature that concentrates on the accoun