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Nanostructured high surface area supports for high sensitivity protein chips
Quality of life in geriatric patients with mood and anxiety disorders
Arbetssökning och självutveckling - en förenlig verksamhetsidé? Utvärdering av habiliterings- och samverkansprojektet Robus ur tre perspektiv: personalens, deltagarnas och handläggarnas
Developing business models for online retailing – an empirical survey
Simulation of DDRX in particle-containing Cu using a 3D cellular automaton
Web-based Interactive VR-CAD System for Conceptual design and Analysis
To overcome the bottleneck of the one-way translation from VR (virtual reality) to CAD in VR-based CAD system, this paper proposes a Web-based VR-CAD system WVCD (Web-based virtual conceptual designer) to support both customers’ and design team members' involvement in the conceptual design and analysis activity over the Internet. It provides users with both parametric and freehand methods to creat
Characterizing the mechanical properties of skin-core structure in polymer molding process by nanoindentation
Quality of the polymer product produced by injection molding process are strongly affected by the mechanical properties of the skin-core structure formed during injection molding operation. It is desirable to know the mechanisms of the skin-core structure and the influence from process parameters and material properties to the skin-core formation in the injection molding. This paper focuses on cha
Greenheat - energy efficient technology for industrial heating applications
Reduced order modelling in vibration analysis of water-pipe system
Processor Thermal Control Using Adaptive Bandwidth Resource Management
An adaptive resource management system combined with a thermal controller is presented. The aim of the system is to dynamically allocate computing resources to applications competing for the same computing resources in such a way that the system is not overheated. The approach has been implemented on a mobile robot. Experimental results are presented showing the feasibility of the approach.
A SVD Based Controller Reduction Method
Let’s go for a walk! – Evaluation of outdoor environment measures regarding accessibility, safety and mobility for older persons.
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, VI European Congress, St Petersburg, Russia, July 5-8. Advances in Gerontology, 20, (3), 306.
Intellectual Property Rights: Necessary but insufficient incentives to encourage R & D in the biopharmaceutical industry. The case of neglected diseases.
A monotonicity estimate of the biharmonic Green function, Arch. Math. (Basel) 82 (2004) 240-244.
Games: What’s love gotta do with them?
Guideline for socio-economic valuation of the shoreline
Measurement of the electroweak production of dijets in association with a Z-boson and distributions sensitive to vector boson fusion in proton-proton collisions at=8 TeV using the ATLAS detector
Measurements of fiducial cross sections for the electroweak production of two jets in association with a Z-boson are presented. The measurements are performed using 20.3 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data collected at a centre-of-mass energy of = 8 TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The electroweak component is extracted by a fit to the dijet invariant mass distribution
Pacemaking - ett instrument för reflektion om rytm,tid och stress
När vi har ställt samman det här materialet, har vi tänkt på tre olika grupper av mottagare: De 36 personer som deltagit i Pacemaking Jönköping Det är ni som är de närmast berörda, och det mesta av materialet har ni själva skrivit. Både ni och era närm
Signs of resistance? Swedish probation officers’ attitudes towards risk assessments
The Swedish Prison and Probation Service has been influenced by the „What Works‟ agenda since the late 1990‟s and an orientation towards risk and risk management has gradually become visible in the organization. But there is, within the probation service, a discrepancy between two types of logics – an organizational logic and a professional logic. Although guidelines prescribe the use of risk-asse