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Your search for "*" yielded 535832 hits

Comparison of Gen-Probe Transcription-Mediated Amplification, Abbott PCR, and Roche PCR Assays for Detection of Wild-Type and Mutant Plasmid Strains of Chlamydia trachomatis in Sweden

The clinical performance of two nucleic acid amplification assays targeting the cryptic plasmid and two assays targeting rRNA molecules in Chlamydia trachomatis was examined. First-catch urine samples from Malmoe, Sweden, were tested for C. trachomatis with the Abbott real-time PCR assay m2000 and an in-house PCR for the new variant strain of C. trachomatis with a deletion in the cryptic plasmid.

Prolactin Suppresses Malonyl-CoA Concentration in Human Adipose Tissue

Prolactin is best known for its involvement in lactation, where it regulates mechanisms that supply nutrients for milk production. In individuals with pathological hyperprolactinemia, glucose and fat homeostasis have been reported to be negatively influenced. It is not previously known, however, whether prolactin regulates lipogenesis in human adipose tissue. The aim of this study was to investiga

'An entirely different culture and an alien race' : Scandinavian Ukrainian encounters on the Canadian prairies, 1910-1940

While contacts between Scandinavia and Kievan Rus’ in recent history have been limited, and Scandinavian, and Scandinavian-Canadian attitudes to Ukrainians were long characterized by an aggressive hostility and racist stereotypes. The image of the “Galician” merged with stereotypes of Russians, which have a long tradition in Scandinavia and Germany. “Galicians” became synonymous with backwardness,

Effects of season, water and predation risk on patch use by birds on the African savannah

Birds from semi-arid regions may suffer dehydration during hot, dry seasons with low food availability. During this period, both energetic costs and water requirements for thermoregulation increase, limiting the scope of activity. For granivorous birds feeding on dry seeds, this is a major challenge and availability of water may affect the value of food. Water availability could (1) increase the v

Experiences of Everyday Occupation among People with Psychiatric Disabilities - Relationships to social interaction, the worker role and day centre attendance

The thesis aims to explore subjective experiences of everyday occupation, social interaction and the view of the worker role among people with psychiatric disabilities(PD), while also addressing the importance of day centre attendance. The thesis consists of one qualitative study, exploring which characteristics in everyday occupation provide meaning to people with PD, and three quantitative studi

Primater emellan. En läsning av Henry Drummonds berättelse ’’Apan som ingen kunde döda’’

In children’s literature nonhuman primates are often represented either as ferocious beasts or as curios and charmful vicarious children. In this article I demonstrate how these different constructions interestingly coexist in the popular story ‘‘The monkey that would not kill’’, written by the Scottish evangelist and professor of the natural sciences Henry Drummond in 1891. My study anchors the f

Japan’s state secrecy debate: A Foucauldian discourse analysis

The Japanese government managed to implement the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets (SDS) in late 2014, making it easier for government agencies to withhold information. The debate that was ignited by the SDS is central to this thesis. Existing research on the SDS can be characterized as a battle for truth, with a focus on the superficial effects of the law. In contrast, this pa

Ototoxicity on cochlear nucleus neurons following systemic application of gentamicin

Conclusion. The gentamicin-induced pathological alteration in the cochlear nucleus is not exclusively a secondary consequence of the damage in the cochlea. Instead, the toxic effect of gentamicin on the cochlear nucleus may occur simultaneously or even earlier than that on the cochlea. Objectives. To investigate the pathological alteration of cochlear nucleus neurons in guinea pigs following syste

Effectiveness of mental health first aid training in sweden. A randomized controlled trial with a six-month and two-year follow-up.

According to a recent report from the European Brain Council and the European Colleague of Neuropsychopharmacology the one year prevalence of some kind of mental disorder is around 27% among the adult population in Europe. Research has shown a lack of mental health literacy in the population in general and it is thus important to find ways to improve the public's knowledge and skills to provide fi

Unraveling the quantum state mixing of excitonic and vibronic excitations in the dynamics of molecular aggregates

We report on dissipative exciton dynamics calculations performed with the hierarchy equations of motion method for a molecular heterodimer coupled to a multi-mode Brownian oscillator bath. Coherent oscillations in the population dynamics after initial excitation of the highest exciton state are analysed in terms of a Fourier spectrum and compared to the exciton-vibronic structure of the dimer eige

Measurement of the cross section for diffractive deep-inelastic scattering with a leading proton at HERA

The cross section for the diffractive deep-inelastic scattering process ep -> eXp is measured, with the leading final state proton detected in the H1 Forward Proton Spectrometer. The data sample covers the range x(P) < 0.1 in fractional proton longitudinal momentum loss, 0.1 < vertical bar t vertical bar < 0.7 GeV2 in squared four-momentum transfer at the proton vertex and 4 < Q(2) < 700 GeV2 in p

Genotyping techniques to address diversity in tumors.

Array-based genotyping platforms have during recent years been established as a valuable tool for the characterization of genomic alterations in cancer. The analysis of tumor samples, however, presents challenges for data analysis and interpretation. For example, tumor samples are often admixed with nonaberrant cells that define the tumor microenvironment, such as infiltrating lymphocytes and fibr

Risks of nontraumatic lower-extremity amputations in patients with type 1 diabetes - A population-based cohort study in Sweden

OBJECTIVE - The purpose of this study was to estimate the risks of nontraumatic lower-extremity amputations (LEAS) in patients With type 1 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - We identified 31,354 patients with type 1 diabetes (15,001 women and 16,353 men) in the Swedish Inpatient Register between 1975 and 2004. The incidence of nontraumatic LEAs was followed up until 31 December 2004 by cross-

Small polar molecules like glycerol and urea can preserve the fluidity of lipid bilayers under dry conditions

Glycerol and urea are examples of small, water-soluble molecules with low vapor pressure that can protect lipid membranes upon dehydration. Both are a part of the Natural Moisturizing Factor in human skin, and are also present in other organisms, where they prevent drying due to osmotic stress. This study was conducted in order to understand the mechanism of such protection. We have selected two t

On the internationalization of corporate boards - The case of Nordic firms

This study investigates the internationalization of corporate boards, using a sample of 346 non-financial listed Nordic firms during 2001–2008. Given a high level of international activity, these firms have surprisingly few foreign directors. The picture of international expertise changes considerably, however, if we also count the international experience of national directors. The percentage of

Critical Moisture Conditions for Mould Growth on Building Materials

Materials that are stored or used in damp climates may be subject to mould growth. However, all materials are not equally susceptible to mould growth. For each specific material, there is a critical moisture level. If this is exceeded, there is a risk that mould fungi will develop on the material. In a building, different constructions are exposed to different climatic conditions. To minimise the

Cultivation and processing of Linum usitatissimum and Camelina sativa in southern Scandinavia during the Roman Iron Age

Charred seed conglomerates of Linum usitatissimum (flax) and Camelina sativa (gold of pleasure) were found at UppAyenkra 2:25, a Roman Iron Age site in SkAyenne, southern Sweden. The conglomerates showed no mixing with each other, as they were almost pure flax and gold of pleasure respectively. Together with other archaeobotanical data from the site, they provide new evidence on the use, processin