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Your search for "*" yielded 206929 hits

Schoetz-van de Weijer

Schoetz-van de Weijer Human perception of prosody in domestic cat meows Susanne Schötz and Joost van de Weijer, Lund University This study examined human listeners’ ability to classify domestic cat vocalisations (meows) recorded in two different contexts; during feeding time (food related meows) and while waiting to visit a veterinarian (vet related meows). A pitch analysis showed a tendency for f - 2025-03-08


Tuttle_Brucks Negative prosody in interior Alaskan Athabascan languages Siri Tuttle1, and Caleb Brucks2, 1University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2University of Regina Upper and Lower Tanana are Athabascan languages of interior Alaska spoken along the Tanana river. Both languages have sparse low tone from proto-Athabascan glottalization and in synchronic glottal environments, while intonation provides mos - 2025-03-08


Yeh_Lei_Fon The effect of prosody and dialectal variations on syllable-final nasal mergers in Taiwan Mandarin spontaneous speech Hsiang-Yu Lei, Yu-Chiao Yeh, and Janice Fon, National Taiwan University, New Taipei City   Our previous work found two syllable-final nasal mergers,  /in/→[iŋ] and /əŋ/→[ən], in Northern Taiwan Mandarin, and an additional /iŋ/→ [in] in Southern Taiwan Mandarin (Fon et al - 2025-03-08

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Abstract for ConSOLE 9, December 8-10, 2000 Petra Burkhardt 35 Clark Street New Haven, CT 06511, USA 1-203-776-5473 Department of Linguistics, Yale University Logophors: Looking Outside of Syntax I present evidence for the extra-syntactic nature of logophoric reflexives in English, based on sentence processing experimentation. To this end, I investigate the distinction bet - 2025-03-08

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Quantifier Scope Interaction in Korean and English Introduction. The contrast in scope ambiguity between English and Korean in (1-2) has been a topic of research. Huang (1982: 220) and Hoji (1985: 248) argue that quantifier scope in languages like Korean, Chinese and Japanese is determined by the surface word order contra English. Recently, some researchers (Hornstein 1995 among others) proposed t - 2025-03-08

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Pronoun Doubling in the Dialects of Dutch We discuss subject pronoun doubling in the dialects of Dutch, of the type illustrated in (1). (1) Wij emme wij dat gedoan. wenom have wenom that done. æWe have done thatî In pronoun doubling constructions the second pronoun is always strong. The first pronoun can be either a clitic or a strong pronoun depending on the type of sentence it is in. The distrib - 2025-03-08

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S YNTACTIC EVIDENCE IN FAVOR OF DEG REES OF INCO RP O RATION IN [ N+EG IN] CONS TRUCTIO NS ABS TRACT F requent constr ucts of the type [ N + E GI N] pl ay an i mport ant r ol e in the gramm ar of Basque as product i ve verbal complex for ms. In thi s paper we present a num ber of [Noun + EGIN] const ructs of Basque that der ive from transi ti ve pr edicates. An Incorpor ati on hypothesi s is propo - 2025-03-08

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Genitive of Negation and the Syntax of Scope This paper presents a new approach to direct objects under sentential negation in Russian based on a set of neglected data. It has long been observed that in Russian, direct objects can receive Genitive case under negation (GN), alternating with the canonical Accusative case (ACC) (see Babby 1980, Pesetsky 1982, Babyonyshev 1996, Brown 1999, et al.) as - 2025-03-08

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Raising and Multiple Agree in Japanese, Icelandic and beyond 1.:A Problem of AGREE: Chomsky(1998,1999) proposes the new ‘movement-less’ theory of feature- checking AGREE. However, the mechanism of AGREE poses one serious but interesting problem under the theory of Defective Intervention Constraint (DIC)(1) (Chomsky1998,1999, Boeckx2000, Ura2000b).(‘>’ is a c-command relation). (1) * > > ( is a p - 2025-03-08

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On adjunction of a non-head to a head This paper will suggest that some head attracts a maximal projection even when the derivation operates the head adjunction (or the head-movement). In this case, the attracted maximal projection can be adjoined to a head by UriagerekaÕs (1999) Multiple-Spell- Out. Chomsky (1995) assumes the structure of DP, which has the possessive -"whose book" as (1), followi - 2025-03-08

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Elsi Kaiser: The syntax-pragmatics interface and Finnish ditransitive verbs In this paper I present an analysis of the syntax and pragmatics of Finnish ditransitive verbs. Finnish, an SVO language with flexible word order, permits both the direct object- indirect object (DO-IO) order (ex. (1)) and the indirect object-direct object (IO-DO) order (ex. (2)). According to my analysis, the base-generat - 2025-03-08

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1 Name: Tatjana Marvin Affiliation: MIT Address: Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, E39-245, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. E-mail: Past Participle Reduced Relatives as Small Clauses Introduction Several analyses have been proposed to characterize which participles can appear in Reduced Relatives (RR hereafter) and to account for the distribution in (1) - 2025-03-08

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Clitic Doubling: a Syntactic Effect of Morphological Case Dimitra Papangeli ( Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, UCL The problem: a. Clitic doubling is not attested in all languages with pronominal clitics: morphological case seems to be a prerequisite. b. Clitic doubling seems to violate the theta criterion: one theta role seems to be assigned to two arguments. The analysi - 2025-03-08

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Zo Toft SOAS, Thornhaugh St., Russell Sq., London WC1H 0XG Is there ever multiple wh-movement? Evidence from Superiority effects and Focus in Hungarian In trying to answer the questions ÔWhat moves where when in which languages and why?Õ many linguists have been kept busy over the years. With the growth of generative linguistics and an increasing amount of research into languages - 2025-03-08

AbstractThe phonetics of NCh in Tumbuka and implications for diachronic change

AbstractThe phonetics of NCh in Tumbuka and implications for diachronic change Fonologi i Norden 2018 (FiNo 2018) Program Updated: 2018-02-05 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9 (6 TALKS) 13.30-14.10 Laura Downing & Silke Hamann “Investigating the diachronic fate of NTh in Bantu languages” 14.10-14.50 Bert Botma, Janet Grijzenhout & Camilla Horslund “Voice and noise don’t mix: voiced fricatives in Nordic languages - 2025-03-08

Fonetik 96

Fonetik 96 Sundberg & Skoog Title in Times New Roman, size 22 (=Heading 1) Names of the authors (= template Authors) Affiliation (= Authors), only Department and University, or similar Times New Roman, font size 11, italics. A 12-point space after names of the authors/affiliation Abstract (= Abstract heading) (font size 13, bold italics) Abstract text (= Abstract), always without indent directly a - 2025-03-08


spahr.dvi A contrastive hierarchical account of positional neutralization Christopher Spahr, University of Toronto Positional neutralization can be defined as the categoricalinability to realize a given contrast within some phonologically defined environment. This occurs e.g. with phonological vowel reduction. For example, in stressed positions, Bulgarian contrasts six different vowels, as seen in - 2025-03-08

Endoclisis (only) by phonological means - GLOW 2013 with name

Endoclisis (only) by phonological means - GLOW 2013 with name Endoclisis (only) by Phonological Means Peter W. Smith, University of Connecticut ( Overview: The purported existence of endoclisis (placement of a clitic in an intramor- phemic position) poses serious questions for almost every theory of syntax and morphology, and is an operation that is impossible to model in a - 2025-03-08

Microsoft Word - GLOW2012_nov14_thmy.docx

Microsoft Word - GLOW2012_nov14_thmy.docx Parasitic Gaps Licensed by Elided Syntactic Structure Masaya Yoshida, Tim Hunter, & Michael Frazier 1. Introduction: As is well-known, the licensing condition on Parasitic Gaps (PGs) crucially refers to a specific syntactic configuration: a PG is licensed by a gap left by an overt A-bar movement which does not c-command the PG ([1]). An interesting consequ - 2025-03-08

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PERCEPTUALLY MOTIVATED EPENTHESIS ASYMMETRIES IN THE ACQUISITION OF CLUSTERS Adam Albright (MIT), Giorgio Magri (CNRS, University of Paris 8) A growing body of evidence supports the view that children’s phonological patterns are shaped not only by child-specific performance pressures (Kiparsky and Menn 1977; McAllister Byun 2011), but also by the universal forces that define adult grammars (Fikker - 2025-03-08