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Examensarbeten- att skriva uppdragsbaserade uppsatser och rapporter

På många utbildningar är det idag vanligt att det finns en uppdragsgivare som står bakom ett examensarbete. Det kan vara ett företag, en förvaltning, en branschorganisation eller liknande. Denna nya situation kan vara både utmanande och stimulerande.I boken presenteras på ett enkelt sätt olika metodfrågor och logiken bakom olika metodkrav förklaras. Frågor som: varför måste det finnas källhänvisni

Self-Disorders in Asperger Syndrome Compared to Schizotypal Disorder : A Clinical Study

OBJECTIVE: There are historical and theoretical indications of a difference in subjective experience between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the schizophrenia spectrum. However, this difference has not been empirically explored. Therefore, to explore potential differences in subjective experience between the 2 spectra, we examined the presence/absence of self-disorders in Asperger syndrome/auti

Knowledge from the ancient sea : a long-term perspective of human impact on aquatic life in Mesolithic Scandinavia

Lately, evidence for early-Holocene emerging sedentism has been suggested among foragers in Northern Europe. The core of this suggested sedentism lies in the increasing dependency on large-scale fishing and mass consumption of fish and a territorial behaviour associated with access to the best fishing locations. This territoriality might also be associated with increasing numbers of people settlin

Two truncating variants in FANCC and breast cancer risk

Fanconi anemia (FA) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder with 22 disease-causing genes reported to date. In some FA genes, monoallelic mutations have been found to be associated with breast cancer risk, while the risk associations of others remain unknown. The gene for FA type C, FANCC, has been proposed as a breast cancer susceptibility gene based on epidemiological and sequencing studies. We

The Minimal Eating Observation Form-Version II Revisited : Validity and Reliability

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The Minimal Eating Observation Form-Version II (MEOF-II) is a screening and research tool for eating difficulties. Here we assess the psychometric properties of the tool. METHODS: Cross-sectional MEOF-II data, n = 5,956 persons (nursing home residents [n = 3,087]; in-hospital patients [n = 1,490]; mean age 76.9; 61% women). Data was analyzed taking account of the dichotomou

GlassesViewer : Open-source software for viewing and analyzing data from the Tobii Pro Glasses 2 eye tracker

We present GlassesViewer, open-source software for viewing and analyzing eye-tracking data of the Tobii Pro Glasses 2 head-mounted eye tracker as well as the scene and eye videos and other data streams (pupil size, gyroscope, accelerometer, and TTL input) that this headset can record. The software provides the following functionality written in MATLAB: (1) a graphical interface for navigating the

LQG-Optimal versus Simple Event-Based PID Controllers

In this paper, we study event-based PID control from an optimal stochastic control perspective. The purpose is to better understand what implementation features are critical for achieving good event-based PID performance. For this end, we formulate an LQG control design problem for a double integrator process with an integral disturbance, where the solution is an ideal PID controller. We then cons

Signals and Systems

Signals are physical variables or quantities measured at various parts of a system, which when processed yield the desired information. A wide variety of signals are often encountered in describing many practical systems. Electrical signal, in form of current and voltage, is the most easily measured quantity, hence the need to use sensors and transducers to transform other non-electrical quantity

Increased reduction in fasting C-peptide is associated with islet cell antibodies in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients

A cohort of 82 patients with Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes was followed prospectively for 24 months, and 54 of them for 30 months, to study the relationship between fasting levels of immunoreactive C-peptide and titres of islet cell antibodies. After diagnosis, fasting C-peptide rose temporarily for 1-6 months of insulin therapy and declined continuously thereafter. While islet cell antibodi

A prospective analysis of islet-cell cytotoxic antibodies in insulin-dependent diabetic children. Transient effects of plasmapheresis

We determined the effects of plasmapheresis on cytotoxic antibodies to islet cells in 10 children (aged 11-16 yr) with newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), as well as the plasma levels of antibodies over the next 30 mo and their relation to serum C-peptide concentrations. Complement-dependent, antibody-mediated cytotoxicity (C'AMC) in plasma was measured in a 51Cr release as

Islet cell surface and lymphocyte antibodies often precede the spontaneous diabetes in the BB rat

The diabetic syndrome of the BB rat shows many homologies with that of human insulin-dependent diabetes and evidence that the onset of the disease is associated with the presence of autoantibodies, including islet cell surface antibodies. In this study, sera were sampled serially from weaning to 157 days of age from 26 BB rats in two low-incidence litters, and 22 rats of three high-incidence litte

Spontaneous in vitro immunoglobulin secretion at the diagnosis of insulin-dependent diabetes

Blood mononuclear cells obtained from 17 newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetic (IDDM) patients treated with insulin for 5-7 days were assessed for the number of spontaneous and pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-stimulated immunoglobulin-secreting cells in a reverse haemolytic plaque assay. The spontaneous in vitro immunoglobulin secretion was evanescent and decreased in individual patients within 1-4 mo