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Insights into weak affinity antibody-antigen interactionsStudies using affinity chromatography and optical biosensor

Popular Abstract in Swedish I cellen styrs allt av biomolekylernas förmåga till igenkänning och växelverkan med varandra. Molekylernas speciella egenskaper bygger upp kroppens alla komplicerade funktioner, till exempel immunförsvar, celldelning och muskelarbete. Interaktionerna mellan biomolekylerna kan vara av olika karaktär; de beskrivs som starka eller svaga (affinitet), långsamma eller snabba Molecular recognition and interaction is fundamental for the function of biological systems. The properties of the interacting biomolecules dictate the type of forces involved and the strength and dynamics of the interaction. Many interactions are very strong whereas others exhibit weak affinity. Typically, weak interactions work in concert to trigger a biological response. The advantage with thi

Functional and Nutritional Assessments in Geriatric Rehabilitation. A Feasibility Study

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denne afhandling vedrører geriatriske patienters ernæringsproblemer indenfor rammen af geriatrisk rehabilitering. Geriatriske patienter er svækkede ældre mennesker, der er præget af aldring og kronisk sygdom. Den hændelse som er årsag til indlæggelse er ofte som toppen af et isbjerg, hvor der kan ligge mange andre problemer gemt under vandoverfladen. En lungebetændelse The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of functional and nutritional assessments in geriatric rehabilitation in Copenhagen, Denmark, and in addition to study clinically identifiable risk factors for undernutrition, association between nutritional and ADL status, feasibility and effectiveness of nutritional intervention conducted by the nursing staff, and the nursing staffs attit

Knowledge of obstetric danger signs and birth preparedness practices among women in rural Uganda

Background Improving knowledge of obstetric danger signs and promoting birth preparedness practices are strategies aimed at enhancing utilization of skilled care in low-income countries. The aim was to explore the association between knowledge of obstetric danger signs and birth preparedness among recently delivered women in south-western Uganda. Methods The study included 764 recently delivered

Makt och vanmakt på äldreboenden

Ordet makt ger bestämda associationer. Många tänker på våld eller politik. I denna bok om äldreboenden presenterar författarna ett annat synsätt. Makten finns också mitt i vardagen, bland blöjbyten och duschning, klädesval och läggtider. Bokens kapitel spänner över en rad teman som på flera sätt knyter an till maktutövning: inträdet till äldreboenden, rutiner, ledarskap, vårdskandaler och döden.

Strategy games; on survival and reproduction

Classical evolutionary life history concerns questions such as optimal timing of maturation, life span and number of offspring. These questions have mostly been studied theoretically under the assumption that the environment is stable and without taking into account frequency and density dependence. Life history theory is the basis for my thesis, in which I have studied the evolution of different

Development and democracy. What have we learned and how?

How much is democracy dependent upon supportive economic and social conditions? This question, which has occupied political scientists and sociologists for almost half a century, has attracted special attention in the last ten years as more and more countries have engaged in efforts to democratise. This volume is the first collection to take stock of current literature and put it into context. Thi

Concentration Difficulties in the School Environment - with focus on children with ADHD, Autism and Down's syndrome

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det övergripande syftet för den här avhandlingen var att identifiera miljöfaktorer som påverkar barn med ADHD, autism och Downs syndrom och deras förmåga att koncentrera sig i sin lärmiljö i skolan. Målet med den forskning som gjorts här är inte att avskriva några av de extraresurser som barnen ifråga behöver, utan i stället att ge förslag på hur man kan utforma deras lThe overall aim of this thesis was to identify environmental factors that affect children with ADHD, autism, and Down's syndrome and their ability to concentrate in their learning environment at school. The issue of this research is not to dismiss any of the additional resources these children are in need of; instead it is to suggest how to arrange learning environments in the most supportive way

Structural Fire Safety - As exemplified by a Swedish Manual for Analytical Design

During the last decade, a rapid progress has been made in the development of validated analytical models for the thermal and mechanica1 behaviour of fire exposed structures and structural members. In a long-term perspective, the development now goes towards an analytical design, directly based on a natural fire exposure and specified with respect to the combustion characteristics of the fire load

Kan man på programnivå vända negativa trender?

Ansökningstalen för Elektroteknikprogrammet, LTH, har sedan IT-kraschen 2000 minskat kraftigt. Detta fenomen är inte unikt för Lund utan kan noteras på Sveriges övriga tekniska högskolor och internationellt i västvärlden. De programansvariga har under flera år varit medvetna om problemen och har på bred front försökt att möta de nya förutsättningarna och vända trenden. Färsk statistik visar att vå

Pulsed Multipole Injection for the MAX IV Storage Rings

The MAX IV facility presently under construction will include two storage rings for the production of synchrotron radiation. The 3 GeV ring will house insertion devices for the production of x-rays while the 1.5 GeV ring will serve UV and IR users. Both rings will be operated at a constant 500 mA of stored current with top-up shots supplied by the 3.5 GeV MAX IV linac acting as a full-energy injec