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Children’s Brainwaves in Semantic Processing, Auditory Discrimination and Selective Attention : – in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and Typically Hearing Populations

DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONDoctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at the Faculties of Humanities and Theology at Lund University to be publicly defended on the 14th of February at 13.00 in room LUX:B336, Lund University Cognitive Science, Helgonavägen 3, LundFaculty opponent:Professor Dr. Claudia Männel, LeipzigIn the present thesis, brainwaves analyzed as event-related poten

Hard Work and Fun: Collective Online Interaction in a Case of Photo Fraud

Online platforms devoted to investigating criminal cases or mysteries are often seen as reaching outwards to identify suspects, promote punishment, and try to solve cases. Simultaneously, internal interactions between posters motivate them to contribute, even to outdo one another, and so a team spirit emerges. This article analyzes a lengthy thread on a Swedish Internet discussion forum, FlashbackOnline platforms devoted to investigating criminal cases or mysteries are often seen as reaching outwards to identify suspects, promote punishment, and try to solve cases. Simultaneously, internal interactions between posters motivate them to contribute, even to outdo one another, and so a team spirit emerges. This article analyzes a lengthy thread on a Swedish Internet discussion forum, Flashback

Interplay between relaxational atomic fluctuations and charge density waves in La2-xSrxCuO4

In the cuprate superconductors, the spatial coherence of the charge density wave (CDW) state grows below a temperature TCDW, the origin of which is debated. Using x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy, we have studied the temporal atomic relaxation dynamics in La1.88Sr0.12CuO4 to shed light on this question. Cooling within an emergent structurally distorted phase, which favors the CDW modulation i


The deteriorating security environment in Europe due to the increasing conflict of interests between western democracies and Russia is now, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, obvious to all. But the willingness of the Russian state to oppose and disrupt European security order and the sovereignty of other states is not new. One increasingly common way is using influence operations, often in co

Infant and child sex ratios in late Imperial Russia

This article analyses infant and child sex ratios in late Imperial Russia relying on district-level information obtained from the 1897 Russian census (489 districts). The article shows that child sex ratios were, on average, relatively low (around 98 boys per hundred girls) due to the biological female advantage: the extremely high infant and child mortality rates took a greater toll on boys and p

Congenital heart disease : changes in recorded birth prevalence and cardiac interventions over the past half-century in Sweden

Aims Our objective was to assess changes in the birth prevalence of CHD over a half-century in a high-resource, nationwide setting, as well as changes in the prevalence of cardiac interventions in this population. Methods The Swedish National Patient and Cause of Death registers were linked to estimate the annual rates of CHD and cardiac and results interventions among live-born infants from 1970

Colophonium-related Allergic Contact Dermatitis Caused by Medical Adhesive Tape Used to Prevent Skin Lesions in Soldiers

Medical adhesive tapes are commonly recommended for the prevention of friction blisters during hiking and military marches. The aim of this paper is to report on the results of investigations into an outbreak of taperelated foot dermatitis in 26 military conscripts following continuous use of medical adhesive tapes for several days during a field exercise. Patch tests were performed using baseline

A 1.4 GS/s TI Pipelined-SAR analog-to-digital converter in 22-nm FDSOI CMOS

This paper presents a 4-channel time-interleaved (TI) analog-to-digital converter (ADC), where each channel is comprised of a two-stage pipelined asynchronous successive-approximation (ASAR) sub-ADC. The ADC employs two samplers to alleviate the problem of timing skew on the sub-sampler when distributing the clock to the TI channels. To further increase the speed of the ADC, the reset switch in th

The search for enchantment in times of climate change : Religious or spiritual responses to climate crisis

Public discourse and political climate policymaking are based on scientific reports and propose technological solutions to solve the crisis, primarily by changing fossil fuels to renewable energy. Rather than questioning growth and the overuse of natural resources—which has been at the core of green concern for decades—green growth is the motor in an economy that aims for continuous economic spin,

Reference standards for gene fusion molecular assays on cytological samples : an international validation study

Aims Gene fusions assays are key for personalised treatments of advanced human cancers. Their implementation on cytological material requires a preliminary validation that may make use of cell line slides mimicking cytological samples. In this international multi-institutional study, gene fusion reference standards were developed and validated. Methods Cell lines harbouring EML4(13)–ALK(20) and SL

Student Notetaking Media in Higher Education

This paper explores the evolution of research methodology in the study of student notetaking in higher education (HE) and its impact on pedagogic approaches. While acknowledging the importance of notetaking for student learning, the paper argues that the overreliance of randomized control trials (RCTs) has led to some potentially misleading conclusions about lectures in HE and the notes students m

Patient-reported outcome measures in children, adolescents, and young adults with palliative care needs—a scoping review

Background: Measuring outcomes facilitates evaluation of palliative services for children, adolescents, and young adults (CAYAs) with life-limiting and/or life-threatening (LL/LT) conditions. Implementation of patient-reported, proxy-reported, or patient-centered outcome measures (hereafter PROMs) is recommended to ensure palliative services. The purpose of this scoping review was to provide an ov

Dynamic Drivers for Building Carbon Emissions

Carbon emissions from buildings have inherently dynamic characteristics since buildings evolve over time. Most previous studies, however, implemented static building carbon regimes, ignoring the temporal variation of many factors that govern carbon emissions of buildings. This research explores the influences of four dynamic factors acting on building carbon emissions: dynamic climate change data,

Thoracic irradiation as consolidation therapy in patients with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer

Purpose of reviewSmall cell lung cancer (SCLC) is marked by an exceptionally high proliferative rate and poor prognosis. Given its high propensity to metastasize, nearly two-thirds of SCLC patients are diagnosed with extensive-stage (ES) disease when surgery is not a treatment option anymore. Over several decades, only minimal changes have been made in the therapeutic armamentarium of ES-SCLC. Rec