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Your search for "*" yielded 524971 hits

Multi-targeted ethnography and the Challenge of Engaging New Audiences and Publics

This article focuses upon and problematizes the manner in which anthropologists and ethnologists have traditionally striven to communicate and share the knowledge they have gained through fieldwork. It does so by presenting and discussing the concept of multi-targeted ethnography, a move which implies a switch in perspectives that emphasizes distributive rather than accumulative modes of the ethno

Water and related electrical energy use in urban households—Influence of individual attributes in Beijing, China

Water and energy are intricately connected in households. The connections mainly appear in three types of residential behavior: bathing, cooking, and cleaning. This study investigated the features of water and related energy consumption in groups with different individual attributes and identified the key groups and types of behavior that correlate with water and energy conservation. A face-to-fac

Phthalate esters on urban airborne particles : Levels in PM10 and PM2.5 from Mexico City and theoretical assessment of lung exposure

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from the environment are associated with reproductive abnormalities (i.e. decreased sperm concentration; increased endometriosis) and alterations of the cardiovascular system (i.e. increased blood pressure and risk of coronary disease). Some phthalates esters have been identified as EDCs, for which inhalation is considered as one of the routes of exposure. How

Politicisation of the audit process : The case of politically affiliated auditors in Swedish local governments

The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyse how the internal audit process as well as the outcome of that process is used for politically reasons. This will be accomplished by applying the political theory of politicisation to the analysis of the internal audit process within Swedish local authorities. By applying the theory of politicisation, this study contributes to our understandin

Foresight Revisited : Visions of 21st Century Diplomacy

In 1999, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) board sanctioned an internal report into how the organisation should look in 2010. It was conducted by the successor generation of faststream diplomats and was eventually completed in 2000. The Foresight Report was never released into the public domain, and indeed its existence was not openly acknowledged for a further 3 years. In particular, a

Dimension Reduction and Signal Decomposition for Genotype–Phenotype Relations

Over the last few decades, DNA sequencing has developed from costing billions of dollars to get the complete sequence of the human genome, to being a routine procedure performed in labs all around the world. This has transformed the field of experimental biology since measurements can be done at a level of detail that was not possible before. Still, the relationship between genotype and low-level

Can the ego be depleted? : Attempts to replicate the ego depletion effect and integrate its explanations

Although self-control is so important that no one from any corner of the world would dispute, it is often difficult and vulnerable. Continuous exertion is one of the most influential factors that are detrimental to self-control, which leads to a state called “ego depletion”. Before 2016, the ego depletion effect had been a hot topic for a long time. After a multi-lab replication that reported a no

YAP/TAZ-Dependent Reprogramming of Colonic Epithelium Links ECM Remodeling to Tissue Regeneration

Tissue regeneration requires dynamic cellular adaptation to the wound environment. It is currently unclear how this is orchestrated at the cellular level and how cell fate is affected by severe tissue damage. Here we dissect cell fate transitions during colonic regeneration in a mouse dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis model, and we demonstrate that the epithelium is transiently reprogrammed int

Micro- and macroevolutionary aspects of body size diversification and thermal adaptation in insects

För varje typ av djur finns en optimal storlek, men större är ofta bättre. För 300 miljoner år sedan var jättelika drakeflugor de största insekterna någonsin. Högre atmosfäriska syrekoncentrationer tros ha tillåtit dem att både flyga och utvecklas till jättar. Men idag är de största sländorna inte större än en mänsklig hand och tar decennier att utvecklas till vuxna. Men varför blir kråkmått ellerBody size and body temperature are the two most important traits in biology. In this thesis I show how these twovariables have shaped the evolution of insects over the last 300 million years. These variables are so important infact that three rules have been developed to summarize their effects: (1) bigger is better, (2) hotter makes yousmaller, and (3) hotter is better.Using primarily dragonflies

Induction of precocious intestinal maturation in T-cell deficient athymic neonatal rats

Aim: To investigate whether gut maturation could be induced precociously in an athymic T-cell deficient neonatal rat model. Methods: Fourteen day-old athymic (nude) rats (NIH-Foxn 1rnu) were gavaged with either phytohaemagglutinin - a lectin from red kidney beans (PHA); trypsin - a protease (Prot); or water - vehicle (control) as a single dose on one day or once a day for 3-day. The nude rats were

Development of the thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast hansenula polymorpha as efficient ethanol producer

Until recently, the methylotrophic yeasts, including Hansenula polymorpha, have not been considered as a potential producer of biofuels, particularly, ethanol from lignocellulosics. However it is already known that the thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast H. polymorpha is capable to ferment xylose, glucose and cellobiose, the main sugars of lignocellulosic hydrolysates, under elevated temperature.