Skogsdynamik och arters bevarande : bevarandebiologi, skogshistoria, skogsekologi och deras tillämpning i Sydsveriges landskap
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Popular Abstract in Swedish Under 1990-talet har vi bevittnat flera kriser i hela världen, men mest i Europa, Afrika och Mellanöstern. Det har oftast rört sig om inbördeskrig, men även om naturkatastrofer, fattigdom, samt politisk och/eller religiös förföljelse. Alla dessa faktorer har resulterat i en ökad migration. Enligt Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) var 11,5 % av Sveriges befolkning utlandsföAims: To analyse the relationship between country of birth/ethnicity, socio-economic status (SES) and impaired mobility, impaired working capacity, cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, health behaviours among those with CVD risk factors, self-reported health status, impaired instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) and all-cause mortality. Methods: Two main data sources were used: the
Popular Abstract in Swedish Fokus i denna avhandling är en av de mest frekventa organisationsförändringarna i den offentliga sektorn under 1990-talet, införandet av resultatenheter. Det finns tre huvudsakliga anledningar till att studera resultatenheter. För det första eftersom resultatenheter förefaller bli ett bestående inslag i den framtida styrningen av den kommunala sektorn. För det andra harThe focus of this thesis is on the most widespread organizational change that the public sector has gone through during the 1990s: the introduction, implementation and continuous use of profit centers. There are three major reasons for studying profit centers. First, profit centers appear to have become a permanent element in the management of local government. Second, profit centers were used dif
Abstract in Undetermined To improve our knowledge of climate change and its impacts on ecosystem services, and to inform local people and governments that need assistance with the development of mitigation and adaptation strategies, climate impacts need to be understood urgently at the smaller scale. On one hand, the microclimate/topoclimate is known to be strongly decoupled from the general macro
I den här boken undersöks ålderdomen som samhällsproblem. Ålderdomen är något som studerats, debatterats och åtgärdats inom många samhälleliga sammanhang – av statsmakter, politiska partier, forskare, experter, massmedier och inte minst av de äldres egna intresseorganisationer. I boken fokuseras teman som varit centrala inom samhälleliga diskussioner om ålderdom och äldre. Vilka rättigheter och sk
Renardus is a distributed Web-based service, which provides integrated searching and browsing access to quality-controlled Web resources. With the overall purpose of improving Renardus, the research aims to study: the detailed usage patterns (quantitative/qualitative, paths through the system); the balance between browsing and searching or mixed activities; typical sequences of usage steps and tra
This paper describes a robust approach for multimodality segmentation of the cardiac left ventricle. The method is based on the concept of deformable models, but extended with an enhanced and fast edge detection scheme that includes temporal information, and anatomical a priori information. The algorithm is implemented with a fast numeric scheme for solving energy minimization, and efficient filte
We describe a state recovery attack on the X-FCSR-256 stream cipher of total complexity at most $2^{57.6}$. This complexity is achievable by requiring $2^{49.3}$ output blocks with an amortized calculation effort of at most $2^{8.3}$ table lookups per output block using no more than $2^{33}$ table entries of precomputational storage.
I denna artikel behandlas konstruktionen av prästerlig manlighet bland katolska församlingspräster i Norden i slutet av 1800-talet och under 1900-talets första årtionden. Flera av dessa präster var nordiska konvertiter. Detta innebar att de inkulturerats i en protestantisk kulturmiljö, vilken de sedan lämnat till förmån för den katolska gemenskapen. Det prästmannaideal som präglade det samhälle de
The emittances of the electron beams at the MAX-laboratory accelerator system have been studied. Apart from the build-up of the diagnostic tools for precise determination of the beam spatial profiles, the objectives have been: a) to verify the accelerator design emittances at low currents and to try to determine the emittances also at high currents; b) to investigate possibilities to manipulate th
Photon echoes have been studied both experimentally and theoretically, with the main part of the work centred around the concept of using photon echoes for all-optical data storage and processing. The four basic Boolean operators, AND, OR, NOT and XOR have been experimentally demonstrated using photon echoes. These constitute a complete set of Boolean operators. Selective erasure of digital data b
This paper presents a reduced-order through-flow expander design for the Humid Air Turbine (HAT) also called the Evaporative Gas Turbine (EvGT). The HAT cycle is an innovative gas turbine cycle that uses humid air to enhance efficiency and power output. This means that there will be a higher water vapour content in the exhaust gases than for a simple cycle. This high water content affects the desi