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An algebraic-analytic method for affine shapes of point configurations
Expression and intracellular localization of catechol O-methyltransferase in transfected mammalian cells
The intracellular localization of soluble and membrane-bound isoforms of rat and human catechol O-methyltransferase (COMT) was studied by expressing the recombinant COMT proteins either separately or together in mammalian cell lines (HeLa and COS-7 cells) and in rat primary neurons. The distribution of soluble and membrane-bound COMT enzyme was visualized by immunocytochemistry. For comparison, th
Cloning, expression and structure of catechol-O-methyltransferase
Aspartic proteinase from barley grains is related to mammalian lysosomal cathepsin D
Resting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grains contain acid-proteinase activity. The corresponding enzyme was purified from grain extracts by affinity chromatography on a pepstatin-Sepharose column. The pH optimum of the affinity-purified enzyme was between 3.5 and 3.9 as measured by hemoglobin hydrolysis and the enzymatic activity was completely inhibited by pepstatin a specific inhibitor of aspartic
Nature, frequency, and predictors of secondary procedures after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
An OFDM Timing Synchronization ASIC
In this paper an OFDM timing synchronization ASIC is presented. The proposed synchronization unit can be used in any OFDM system. The algorithm is based on the correlation introduced by the cyclic prefix, which is exploited in the time domain where the time offset is estimated. Although the algorithm is too complex to be implemented on today's most powerful standard DSP, a hardware architecture th
Alternative seed particle material for epitaxial growth of III/V nanowires
Time reversal retrofocusing and inverse scattering of electromagnetic wave fields
Multi-Jet Impactor with 50 Micrometer Diameter Nozzles for Uniform Deposition of Submicron Particles
Some channel estimation strategies for a cellular OFDM system
Watching tennis and counting values
Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) in rat brain : immunoelectron microscopic study with an antiserum against rat recombinant COMT protein
Localization of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) in rat cerebral cortex, neostriatum and cerebellar cortex was studied with pre-embedding immunoelectron microscopy using a specific antiserum raised against rat recombinant COMT protein. In all areas, immunoreactivity was found both in astrocytes and in neuronal processes. Reaction product was seen in the cytoplasm and in association with tubular
Customers affecting M&A integration
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Frisinnets krig: Den kulturradikala svenska opinionen under första världskriget
Sub-Optimality Bound on a Gradient Method for Iterative Distributed Control Synthesis
A previous paper introduced an online gradient method to iteratively update local controllers for improved performance. In this paper we modify that method to get an offline method for distributed control synthesis. The complexity of the method is linear in the number of neighbors to each agent. Since the controllers are constructed to be distributed and the method is an iterative scheme, the con
Professional groupings and customized deliveries in industrial organizations
This paper discusses effects of an increased reliance on professionals in industrial organizations and whether educational background or belongingness to professional groups may be linked to ways of working when supplying highly customized deliveries, and consequently the innovativeness of the organization. The study upon which this paper is based attaches to theories related to traditional indust