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Cognitive Grammar
Airborne pollen transport.
Image skapande i det dolda: om hur rumslig kommunikation återger det globala företaget
Den vita gudinnan
Revivalism in Britain: Review of the 17th to early 20th Centuries; with a Concluding Comparison with the 1907 Pyeng Yang Awakening
A historical analysis of Christian revivalist movements in England, Wales, Scotland and North America illustrating points of convergence and divergence with the Korean Christian revival of 1907.
Beslutsstöd för MA
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Broken technologies : the humanist as engineer. Updated November 2015
There are many possible definitions of “technology” and I will discuss some of these in this book. However, in this introduction let me use a definition of Svante Lindqvist who defines technology very intuitively as “those activities, directed towards the satisfaction of human wants, which produce change in the material world.” He says also “the distinction between human “wants” and more limited h
Cultural Industries and the Production of Culture
Tankar om telefonen : Att fånga teknikens betydelse med en frågelista
Uppsatsen handlar om en frågelista som författaren utarbetade för den dokumentation som Folklivsarkivet vid Lunds universitet bedriver. Frågelistan skulle med hjälp av arkivets fasta meddelarstab dokumentera hur telefonen förändrade vardagen. Uppsatsen behandlar arbetet att konstruera frågelistan och vilket resultat och kunskap som kunde nås med hjälp av svaren.
Teaching and learning in hard science research environments: views of academics and educational developers
Abstract in UndeterminedObligatory educational training of Swedish university teachers rarely involves senior teaching staff from research-dominated environments, despite the positive effects of junior staff training. Senior science academics were surveyed to gauge their views on the principles of teaching and learning and of teaching rewards. These views were compared with educational developers'
Positive Effects of Noise on Cognitve Performance: Explaining the Moderate Brain Arousal Model
Abstract in Undetermined Distractors and environmental noise has long been regarded as detrimental for cognitive processing. In particular children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are extremely sensitive to distraction from task irrelevant stimuli. However, recently it has been shown that exposure to auditory white noise facilitated cognitive performance in ADHD children where
Multidimensional inequality in Zambia
Power and resistance, powerlessness and action in school
Action research brings to the fore questions regarding both the power over knowledge building and, consequently, questions on the quality of knowledge. Action research makes visible two dimensions that in this regard are significant. First, the dimension outside-inside where action research more than traditional research voice an inside perspective. This means that those on whom research is conduc
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On the emission spectra of the chemical elements
Multilevel “Arenas” for Fighting Poverty and Social exclusion. National report Sweden.
Poverty and to fight poverty is certainly on top of the EU agenda and especially in the wake of the economic and financial crisis that has struck many European Member States. Poverty is a central element of the newly initiated EU2020 strategy and the EU´s ambition is to seek to lift at least 20 Million people out of poverty and social exclusion to the year 2020. This report has addressed the follo
Global climate change has enormous impacts on urban areas in the developing world. The known and growing effects of climate change, like increased temperatures and increased incidence of severe storms, is evident. This winter, 2015, extreme cold waves and snow storms hit the Middle East region. Death rates in Syrian refugee camps were significant due to inefficient temporary shelters. Children and