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Seeking Middle-Classness : University Students in Iraqi Kurdistan

Narratives of middle-classness are often missing from Western representations of wartorn regions in the Global South more generally and from the Middle East in particular. This thesis is concerned with stories of desires for ordinary everyday middle-class lives among young adult university students in urban Iraqi Kurdistan.The study is inspired by feminist ethnography and consists of participant o

European ecosystems on a changing planet : Integrating climate change and land-use intensity data

Ekosystemen i vår värld förändras av naturliga krafter, som i sin tur påverkas av mänskliga aktiviteter. För att förstå och beräkna effekterna av klimatförändringar och mänsklig förvaltning på våra ekosystem har behovet av instrument för att övervaka och förutsäga jordsystemet ökat. Dynamiska globala vegetations modeller är matematiska modeller som tillåter en processbaserad beskrivning av växtsamDynamic global vegetation models are mathematical models that provide a bottom-up description of plant communities. They explicitly model physiological and population-level processes such as growth, photosynthesis, carbon allocation, regeneration and mortality.However, there are a number of challenges to meet in the context of mechanistic vegetation models which can be extrapolated to new environm

Historiska museet

Presentation av Lunds Universitets Historiska Museum för utställningen "Mellan liv och död" på Lunds Konsthall 31 augusti - 27 oktober 2002. En bok med samma titel publicerades i samband med utställningen, där tolv arkiv och museer i Lund berättar om sina unika verksamheter i samband med en då pågående utredning vid Lunds universitet om fyra museers framtid : Antikmuseet, Botaniska museet, Histori

Electrocardiogram modeling during paroxysmal atrial fibrillation : Application to the detection of brief episodes

Objective: A model for simulating multi-lead ECG signals during paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) is proposed. Significance: The model is of particular significance when evaluating detection performance in the presence of brief AF episodes, especially since annotated databases with such episodes are lacking. Approach: The proposed model accounts for important characteristics such as switching be

”Filmreformens förste avantgardist” : Experimentfilmaren Peter Kylberg

This dissertation is about the Swedish filmmaker, painter and composer Peter Kylberg (1938). Kylberg’s nine films produced between 1959 and 1996 serves as a historical delimitation. A purpose of the study is to critically review the existing historical writing surrounding Swedish film culture and film politics, during the timespan in focus. The approach of the dissertation is chronological and pre

Efficient Adaptive MCMC Through Precision Estimation

The performance of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms like the Metropolis Hastings Random Walk (MHRW) is highly dependent on the choice of scaling matrix for the proposal distributions. A popular choice of scaling matrix in adaptive MCMC methods is to use the empirical covariance matrix (ECM) of previous samples. However, this choice is problematic if the dimension of the target distributi

Assessing combined object and mutual shading on the performance of a solar field

To make well-informed decisions on the implementation of solar energy on roofs within the urban environment, a new method was developed and described that could support such decision-making. This method takes both the mutual shading and shading from external objects into account. The method consists of the following six steps: 1) construction of the scene, 2) performance of annual solar irradiatioTo make well-informed decisions on the implementationof solar energy on roofs within the urban environment, anew method was developed and described that couldsupport such decision-making. This method takes both themutual shading and shading from external objects intoaccount. The method consists of the following six steps:1) construction of the scene, 2) performance of annualsolar irradiation analy

Oxidative stress in birds along a NOx and urbanisation gradient : An interspecific approach

Urbanisation is regarded as one of the most threatening global issues for wildlife, however, measuring its impact is not always straight forward. Oxidative stress physiology has been suggested to be a useful biomarker of health and therefore, a potentially important indicator of the impact that urban environmental stressors, especially air pollution, can have on wildlife. For example, nitrogen oxi

Drivers of dissolved organic carbon export in a subarctic catchment : Importance of microbial decomposition, sorption-desorption, peatland and lateral flow

Tundra soils account for 50% of global stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC), and it is expected that the amplified climate warming in high latitude could cause loss of this SOC through decomposition. Decomposed SOC could become hydrologically accessible, which increase downstream dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export and subsequent carbon release to the atmosphere, constituting a positive feedback

Immature Status Epilepticus : In Vitro Models Reveal Differences in Cholinergic Control and HFO Properties of Adult CA3 Interictal Discharges in Temporal vs Septal Hippocampus

We have earlier demonstrated that a Status Epilepticus (SE) during CNS development has long-lasting effects on cholinergic neurotransmission, detectable in vitro and in vivo. In this work, we aimed to localize changes in temporal (T) vs septal (S) hippocampus and to correlate adult CA3 interictal epileptiform discharge (IED) frequency changes to those of Ripples (R) and Fast Ripples (FR) of the Hi

Sounding Expanded Affinities : A Polytemporal Approach to Reconceptualizing Egalitarian Social Relations

My doctoral submission, Sounding Expanded Affinities, examines how strides toward gender equality might be made, but it postulates that this is too difficult while marriage remains at the core of our patriarchal value system. This patriarchal system is one which oppresses women by manipulating subjects into its preferred roles often in subtle, chronic ways, using repetition and pairing as its tool