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Your search for "*" yielded 532576 hits

On the development of interpolation - instead of a history three letters

This compilation should be viewed as a kind of prolegomena to a history of interpolation. Three letters from Mischa Cotlar, Antoni Zygmund and Olof Thorin from c. 1980 are reproduced. Thorin's letter is given in translation. These letters were written as a reply to an inquiry by the editor/translator. It is remarkable that while Thorin spent his whole professional life as an actuary, neither of hi

Maximal capacity partial response signaling

In this paper we investigate partial response signaling (PRS) systems that are intended to operate close to capacity. We show that finding PRS systems with maximal capacity is a rather easy optimization task. We give an alternate way of defining bandwidth for PRS systems based on capacity considerations; this differs considerably from the traditional method based on transmission power. Practical P

Aspects of proteinase-activated receptor-2: A sensor of enzymatic activity at the cell surface.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vår kropp består av en till synes oändlig mängd individuella celler. För att alla dessa celler skall kunna fungera som en helhet måste de meddela sig med varandra. För att en cell i tån ska kunna känna av vad som händer i knät så har den bland annat receptorer på sin yta. Receptorer är proteiner som sitter förankrade i cellens yttre skal, i cellmembranet. Receptorns enaInformation about extracellular proteolytic activity is transduced to the cell by a transmembrane G-protein coupled receptor subfamily. These receptors are activated by proteolytic cleavage in the extracellular amino-terminal domain and are thus termed proteinase-activated receptors (PARs). The second member of this subfamily, PAR-2, is activated by trypsin-like proteinases, however the physiologi

Spectroscopy of the M supergiant alpha Ori in the 1-2.5 µm region

The study of elemental abundances in cool stars via atomic lines in the optical region is made difficult by stellar molecular absorption. At infrared wavelengths this problem is diminished, but ground-based observations suffer from absorption by the earth's atmosphere. Fortunately, there are spectral windows through which we can observe. We have explored several such windows in the spectral region

Bergmans bortgång:realpolitiska reflektioner

Study of the tax scandal that struck Ingmar Bergman in Sweden in 1976. The chapter mainly traces newspaper articles commenting the affair during the ensuing months. The general thesis is that that Swedish society generally backed Bergman in his struggle agains the tax authorities.

Nyckeltal under luppen - kommunernas väghållning

En del av kostnadsskillnaderna mellan kommunernas väghållning är resultat av demografiska och geografiska variationer, såsom trafikbelastning och klimat. Dessa kostnadsskillnader är svåra att förändra, åtminstone på kort sikt. På lång sikt kan delar av kostnadsmassan påverkas genom att anlägga ett strategiskt kostnadsperspektiv vid planeringen av stadens infrastruktur. Denna studie anlägger emelle

Development of highly phosphonated polymers for fuel cell membranes.

Phosphonated polymers may show high intrinsic proton conductivities at low water contents provided that the local concentration of phosphonic acid groups is very high [1,2]. Moreover, the lower acidity of aryl- and alkylphosphonic acids in relation to sulfonic acids requires higher acid contents to reach high conductivities also at higher water contents. In this context, poly(vinylphosphonic acid)

Drömmen om en annan värld : om det bibliska arvets utopiska kraft

Artikeln diskuterar det bibliska arvets politiska värde. I ett första led görs ett nedslag i de kritiska debatter kring den bibliska religionens utopiska aspekter som utspelade sig i mitten av förra århundradet. Därefter diskuteras några av de röster som vid samma tid försökte skriva fram det bestående politiska värdet i bibelns profetiska arv. I förlängning av dessa röster ger jag till sist tre s

Plankton communities in a changing world - responses to temperature, brownification and lake restoration

Popular Abstract in Swedish När man hör ordet ”klimatförändringar” tänker många direkt på en förhöjd temperatur – så kallad global uppvärmning. Även om en förhöjd temperatur är en viktig del av framtida klimatförändringar så är det inte den enda förändringen vi kan förvänta oss. Sjöar på norra halvklotet och således även i Sverige har under de senaste årtiondena fått en ökad vattenfärg. Orsaken baThe effects of increasing temperatures, in light of climate change, have been a well-studied topic during the past decades. However, aquatic ecosystems are also faced with additional challenges such as increasing water colour, known as “brownification”. Although we know that temperature and water colour will increase simultaneously this has been given little attention in ecological research. In th

Genomic and Molecular Aspects of Mature Human B Cells

This thesis covers aspects of the mature human B cell and its different guises on its way to become a fully differentiated antibody forming plasma cell (AFC), the key player in the humoral immune system. The understanding of the complex molecular mechanisms taking place in the B cell, as it first encounters antigen, enters the germinal center (GC) reaction, giving rise to memory cells and plasma c