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Kronikk: Det grønne geopolitiske blikk
Socioeconomic factors' effect on return to work after first stroke
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this nationwide study was to analyze how functional status and socioeconomic status affect return to work (RTW) among younger patients with first-time stroke in a Sweden.MATERIAL AND METHODS: This register-based cohort study included employed patients aged 25-55 with first-time stroke between 2008 and 2011 and primary outcome was RTW within 1 year after stroke. Data reg
Unburning Fame : Horses, Dragons, Beings of Smoke, and Other Indo-European Motifs in Ugarit and the Hebrew Bible
Collective Suffering
Koldioxidvärdering inom transportsektorn : Reflektioner ur ett statsvetenskapligt perspektiv
Samhällsekonomiska analyser är ett viktigt underlag för beslut i infrastruktur- och transportplaneringen. En av de effekter som värderas i samhällsekonomiska analyser är klimateffekter och för detta krävs att man gör en bedömning av koldioxidvärdet, det vill säga, kostnaden för koldioxidutsläpp, vilket anges i kr/kg CO2. Dock finns det olika sätt att värdera koldioxid och det finns ingen konsensus
Quantifying Low Impact Development Measures in Water Resources Management : A Case Study
Overdetermination, responsibility and causal involvement
Consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and management of patients with classic hairy cell leukemia
Hairy cell leukemia is an uncommon hematologic malignancy characterized by pancytopenia and marked susceptibility to infection. Tremendous progress in the management of patients with this disease has resulted in high response rates and improved survival, yet relapse and an appropriate approach to retreatment present continuing areas for research. The disease and its effective treatment are associa
Akupunkturbehandling vid slaganfall. Patienterna visar signifikant förbättring
Immunological aspects of grafting in the mammalian central nervous system. : A review and speculative synthesis
The Russian daily press, 1978-2003 : political argumentation and the problematic public sphere
The language of newspapers in the public sphere has a crucial impact on how the public perceives and participates in society. It can serve to encourage or counteract active and informed citizens; in fact, it is a crucial element in democratisation processes. The purposes of the present study are to elucidate what means of persuasion are used to support theses on politics in newspaper discours
Model-Based Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) Timing Control
Partially Premixed combustion (PPC) is a promising combustion concept to achieve high engine efficiency. The combustion-timing of PPC is affected by both inlet-charge condition and the fuel injection, a simple map-based feed-forward control method is not sufficient for controlling the combustion during transient operation. This paper investigates a model-based control method to solve this control
Immature neural tissue grafts in Parkinson's disease
Intracerebral transplantation of immature neural tissue is a promising therapeutical approach that has the potential of restoring damaged neuronal circuitries and reversing functional deficits. The development of the technique as a human application has progressed the furthest in Parkinson's disease (PD), with the demonstration of significant longlasting functional improvements, in combination wit
Tidningen : Lundagårds egen historia
International Trade and Energy Intensity during European Industrialization, 1870-1935
Previous research suggests that there is an inverted U-shape curve for energy intensity in the long-run for Western Europewith a peak in the early 20th century. This paper tests the hypothesis that the increase of German and British energy intensity was an effect from the concentration of heavy industrial production to these countries, although the consumption of a significant share of these goods
Lock-in of mature innovation systems : The transformation toward clean concrete in the Netherlands
Energy-intensive processing industries like the concrete industry form the base of the economy and account for a large part of global greenhouse gas emissions. Sectoral transformation to cleaner basic materials is therefore crucial, and institutional pressure to do so is increasing. However, socio-technical studies have not sufficiently addressed these sectors. This paper therefore sets out to ana
Understanding the pulse of existence : An examination of capurro’s angeletics
The contribution of Rafael Capurro to the clarification of the uses of the concept of information has a conceptual as well a historical dimension; in this last sense, there are few philosophers of information that can follow the history of the concept of information in the works of the Classics with the accuracy and erudition of Capurro We find that his contribution embraces the following fields:
Engineering Assessment Method for Anchorage in Corroded Reinforced Concrete
There is an increasing need for reliable methods to assess load-carrying capacity and remaining service life of existing infrastructure. Several previous research projects have resulted in a verified, simple 1D model for assessment of anchorage in corroded reinforced concrete structures. Previous verification has involved both experiments and detailed 3D NLFE analyses. To further develop the 1D mo