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Att utmana stressen
Stress som begrepp har dessvärre kommit att stå för allt och inget. Samhällets reaktioner på överbelastning och sjukskrivningar har till stor del kommit att resultera i dellösningar som inte räcker särskilt långt. Här diskuterar sju forskare vad som är sj
Designing for the future: Scientific instruments as technical objects in experimental systems
The Race for Land. Land Grabbing, Peasant Agriculture and Human Rights
Knowledge and Inquiry: Essays on the Pragmatism of Isaac Levi
Enzyme Production
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Europeisk gemenskap, EMU och skatteharmonisering, minerad mark utan karta och kompass?
Vänbok till Axel Adlercreutz
Archaeology is a brand!: the meaning of archaeology in contemporary popular culture
Att gå på bio
Microbial Electrochemical System: extracellular electron transfer from photosynthesis and respiration to electrode
Popular Abstract in English The global energy consumption is increasing regularly due to the increased population and economic development. In contrast the primary energy sources, fossil fuels, are declining substantially. The combustion of fossil fuels contributes to the global climate change via greenhouse effects. To minimize these negative effects a carbon-neutral energy production is demandedThe electrochemical communication between microorganisms and electrodes has substantial implications both for basic understanding of biological electron transfer as well as in diverse applications, such as, microbial electrochemical system (MES), microbial biosensors and in production of valuable chemicals. In these systems the extracellular electron transfer (EET) from microbial metabolism to ele
Symphytum davisii subsp.. cycladense
Hållbar lokal utveckling: i Tjörns kommun
Hemoproteins of Enterococcus faecalis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hem är en liten molekyl som förekommer som aktiv grupp i många viktiga proteiner, t.ex. hemoglobin, katalas och cytokromer. De hem-innehållande proteinerna är livsnödvändiga för alla djur och växter, samt många bakterier. Kemiskt sett, är hem en porfyrin (en annan känd porfyrin är klorofyll) som innehåller en järn-jon. Bakterien Enterococcus faecalis är en vanlig invånThe gram-positive bacterium Enterococcus faecalis is a commensal organism, often found in the gut of humans and other animals. It can cause opportunistic disease and it frequently causes nosocomial infections. Treatment of such infections is often impaired by this organisms broad intrinsic and acquired resistance to antibiotics. E. faecalis uses homo-lactic fermentation for energy production. Work
Gene Expression Profiling Can Distinguish Tumor Subclasses of Breast Carcinomas.
Trajectory Estimation Using Relative Distances Extracted from Inter-image Homographies
The main idea of this paper is to use distances between camera positions to recover the trajectory of a mobile robot. We consider a mobile platform equipped with a single fixed camera using images of the floor and their associated inter-image homographies to find these distances. We show that under the assumptions that the camera is rigidly mounted with a constant tilt and travelling at a constant
On the development of interpolation - instead of a history three letters
This compilation should be viewed as a kind of prolegomena to a history of interpolation. Three letters from Mischa Cotlar, Antoni Zygmund and Olof Thorin from c. 1980 are reproduced. Thorin's letter is given in translation. These letters were written as a reply to an inquiry by the editor/translator. It is remarkable that while Thorin spent his whole professional life as an actuary, neither of hi
Maximal capacity partial response signaling
In this paper we investigate partial response signaling (PRS) systems that are intended to operate close to capacity. We show that finding PRS systems with maximal capacity is a rather easy optimization task. We give an alternate way of defining bandwidth for PRS systems based on capacity considerations; this differs considerably from the traditional method based on transmission power. Practical P