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Den kvalitetsmärkta högskolan

The Excellent University In just a few years, the quest for quality has become a concern of utmost priority in higher education. Universities, faculties, research councils and the National Agency for Higher Education regularly undertake evaluations to find out whether the academic work performed by university institutions is on “highest international level” or not. Ranking-lists are constantly pu

Enzymatic treatment of wastewater sludge. Sludge solubilisation, improvement of anaerobic digestion and extraction of extracellular polymeric substances.

The processing and disposal of sludge from wastewater treatment plants is an important topic of increasing environmental, ecological, technological, economic and social concern. The large amounts of sludge produced represent an urgent problem today, new treatment methods being very much needed. Reducing the volume of sludge can be achieved either by decreasing the amounts of it produced during the

Meningsfullt arbete i krävande arbetsmiljö - lärare i skolan

En stor majoritet av lärarna i grund- och gymnasieskolan upplever sitt arbete som mycket meningsfullt, samtidigt som de rapporterar allvarliga, i synnerhet psykosociala, arbetsmiljöproblem. Skolan har under de senaste 10-15 åren blivit ett av våra största arbetsmiljöproblem. Detta gäller såväl elevernas som personalens arbetsmiljö. Vad gäller de senare redovisas här uppgifter om lärares psykosocia

Agnumetry; Quantifying Modernization

Is possible to quantify modernization? I will refer as "agnumetry" the measure of the brokenness of an environment; from "agnumy" the Greek word for "break". The presence of broken technologies makes an environment more or less broken; the measurement of this grade of brokenness could be an interesting manner to compare these environments with each other. In this paper, I introduce some criteria t

Nanoxerography: nanostructured deposition of aerosol particles by charge printing

A method has been developed to transfer complex charge patterns to flat substrate surfaces, allowing nanostructured deposition of nanoparticles from the gas phase. Comparable to soft lithography, a stamp made of poly(dimethysiloxane) (PDMS), covered with a metal layer, is pressed on the surface of a silicon oxide on silicon substrate. Due to contact charging negative or positive charges are transf

On Discrete-Event Simulation and Integration in the Manufacturing System Development Process

Popular Abstract in Swedish Diskret händelsebaserad simulering av tillverkningssystem är sällan använd i utvecklingsprocessen av tillverkningssystem. Många gånger dras slutsatsen att analyser som involverar simulering i sig själv ger ökade kostnader. Detta synsätt är inte korrekt eftersom analyser måste göras ändå. I denna avhandling visas på metoder att utnyttja simuleringstekniken genom tillverkDES is seldom used in the manufacturing system development process, instead it is usually used to cure problems in existent systems. This has the effect that the simulation study alone is considered being the cost driver for the analysis of the manufacturing system. It is argued that this is not a entirely correct view since the analysis has to be performed anyway, and the cost directly related to

Stochastic Analysis of Scale-Space Smoothing

In the high-level operations of computer vision it is taken for granted that image features have been reliably detected. This paper addresses the problem of feature extraction by scale-space methods. This paper is based on two key ideas: to investigate the stochastic properties of scale-space representations, and to investigate the interplay between discrete and continuous images. These investigat

Contrast-enhanced MRI of human knee cartilage Clinical applications of the novel dGEMRIC technique to study glycosaminoglycan content in articular cartilage

Popular Abstract in Swedish Knäartros är en mycket vanlig sjukdom som leder till successiv nedbrytning och förlust av brosket i leden, en process som oftast tar 10-20 år. Detta orsakar svår smärta och stelhet och i dag saknas botande behandling mot artros. Det är dock rimligt att anta att en behandling har bättre förutsättningar att lyckas ju tidigare den sätts in. Man vet att det tidigt under sjuDelayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) is a new technique to study cartilage glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content. The negatively charged contrast agent Gd-DTPA2-, injected intravenously, distributes in the cartilage inversely to the likewise negatively charged GAG. The GAG concentration is reflected by the MRI parameter T1 and the Gd-DTPA2- concentration by the MRI parameter R1 (R1=1/T