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Treatment with anti-factor VIIa in acute pancreatitis in rats: Blocking both coagulation and inflammation?

Objective. Acute pancreatitis starts as an autodigestive process restricted to the pancreas and progresses to a systemic inflammation via cytokine release into the blood stream. Several inhibitors of the coagulation cascade, including active- siteinactivated factor VIIa, have shown anti- inflammatory properties in other inflammatory models than acute pancreatitis. Free radical scavengers have prov

Intramolecular vibronic dynamics in molecular solids: C60

Vibronic coupling in solid C60 has been investigated with a combination of resonant photoemission spectroscopy (RPES) and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS). Excitation as a function of energy within the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital resonance yielded strong oscillations in intensity and dispersion in RPES, and a strong inelastic component in RIXS. Reconciling these two observations

Redstarts Phoenicurus phoenicurus mimicking the song of the Scarlet Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus.

Over a period of three years, at least three different males of Common Redstarts Phoenicurus phoenicurus in southern Sweden mimicked the song of Scarlet Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus. At least two of the Redstarts were second calendar year birds that were heard to mimic Rosefinch song in spring long before the arrival of the local breeding population of Scarlet Rosefinch. Since Redstarts and Ros

Self-aggregation of squid cranial cartilage proteoglycans

Squid cranial cartilage has been found to contain three different proteoglycan populations, two of which form aggregates (Vynios, D.H. and Tsiganos, C. P., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1033: 139-147, 1990). The aggregation involves interaction of their protein cores as assessed by electron microscopy and biochemical data. Aggregating oligopeptides were isolated after mild trypsin digestion which inhibit

Effect of mixing time on gluten recovered by ultracentrifugation studied by microscopy and rheological measurements

The effect of mixing time on gluten formation was studied for four commercial flour mixtures. The gluten phase was separated from dough using a nondestructive ultracentrifugation method. Small I deformation dynamic theological measurements and light and scanning electron microscopy were used. The recovered gluten was relatively pure with a small amount of starch granules embedded. The protein matr

Being victims or beneficiaries? Perspectives on female genital cutting and reinfibulation in Sudan

Abstract in French La mutilation génitale féminine (MGF) ou bien le terme neutre de plus de valeur, l'excision génitale féminine (EGF) est pratiquée un peu partout au Soudan, où environ 90% des femmes subissent le type le plus coûteux de l'infibulation, l'EGF. Une nouvelle approche pour combattre l'EGF au Soudan consiste à reconnaître l'ancienne forme cachée de l'EGF, la reinfibulation après l'accFemale Genital Mutilation (FGM) or the more value neutral term, Female Genital Cutting (FGC) is widely practised in northern Sudan, where around 90% of women undergo the most extensive form of FGC, infibulation. One new approach to combating FGC in Sudan is to acknowledge the previously hidden form of FGC, reinfibulation (RI) after delivery, when the woman is sewn back so much as to mimic virginit

Periodic traveling water waves with isobaric streamlines

It is shown that in water of finite depth, there are no periodic traveling waves with the property that the pressure in the underlying fluid flow is constant along streamlines. In the case of infinite depth, there is only one such solution, which is due to Gerstner.

Using Results from Performance-Based Test Methods for Material Flammability in Fire Safety Engineering Design

In order to be able to apply performance design procedures with regard to material flammability in building design, a comprehensive and coherent philosophy on material reaction-to-fire must be developed. This paper gives a general discussion on performance-based design and performance-based test methods for material flammability. A number of end-use scenarios and critical conditions are discussed.

Laser Diagnostic Techniques with Ultra-High Repetition Rate for Studies in Combustion Environments

When conducting laser based diagnostics in combustion environments it is often desirable to obtain temporally resolved information. This can be due to several factors such as combustion taking place in a turbulent flow field, flame propagation from a spark plug in an initially quiescent combustible mixture, or rapid, multi-point fuel consumption in a homogeneous charge as a result of compression i

Environmental Implications of Product Servicising. - The Case of Outsourced Computing Utilities

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hela livscykeln för en elektronikvara är förknippad med miljöpåverkan. I jämförelse med många andra varor är tillverkningen av elektronik och i synnerhet halvledarkomponenter mycket resurskrävande. Elektroniken ger också upphov till ett antal mycket giftiga utsläpp och avfallsströmmar, såväl från själva tillverkningen som från de uttjänta varorna. Elektronikindustrin haThe life cycle of electronic products is associated with significant environmental impacts. Compared to many other products, the production of electronics and in particular semiconductors is resource intensive and generates a number of highly toxic waste streams in manufacturing and post-consumer stages of product life cycle. Electronics manufacturing industry has been successful in reducing envir

Mongolic vowel shifts and the classification of the Mongolic languages

Although the Mongolic language group consists of ten rather closely related languages, there is no consensus in the literature about the classification of the languages into subgroups. One reason for this is the occurrence of more or less independent phonological innovations which are difficult to order in time and which may have spread geographically rather than genetically. All Mongolic language