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Crystal structures and spectroscopic properties of palladium complexes isolated from Pd-EDTA solutions
Two complexes were isolated from aqueous Pd(NO3)(2)-Na(2)H(2)EDTA solutions and studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction, IR/Raman spectroscopy, and photoelectron spectroscopy. The first complex, Pd(Hkpda)(2) (kpda = ketopiperazinediacetate dianion, C8H10N2O5). forms yellow parallelepipeds during slow evaporation of Pd(NO3)(2)-Na(2)HEDTA solution at 25degreesC, and is a result of EDTA oxidation
Transkraniell dopplermätning avspeglar intrakraniellt tryck
Vid intrakraniell patologi, speciellt om patienten är medvetslös, är kunskap om det intrakraniella trycket av särskilt värde i neurointensivvård. Intraventrikulär kateter för mätning av intrakraniellt tryck har varit etablerad standard i årtionden. Exakta mätningar är möjliga endast genom invasiva tryckmätare. För att undersöka sambandet mellan intrakraniellt tryck och pulsatilt index, erhållet me
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Interest Groups and Government Policy. A Political Economy Analysis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Politiska beslut föranleder ekonomiska agenter att organisera sig i intressegrupper och att agera strategiskt både i ekonomiska beslut och genom lobbyingaktiviteter, för att förbättra den situation som uppstår till följd av politiska beslut. Denna avhandling består av fyra artiklar som behandlar olika former av intressegruppsinflytande under olika institutionella formerPolitics induce economic agents to organise into special interest groups (SIGs) and act strategically to adjust their economic decisions and to conduct rent-seeking activities in order do improve the situation inflicted on them by policy. This thesis examines, in four essays, different forms of SIG influence on public policy in different institutional contexts. The two first essays examine two rel
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Based on a comparative analysis approach of oasis distributed in arid area of Northwest China, this paper brings up and describes two kinds of oasis distribution pattern: mid-lower reach pattern and middle reach pattern. It is found that the water availability per capita of mid-lower reach pattern is higher than that of middle reach pattern, while the water resources exploitation percentage of mid
Nuclear structure of Au-196: More evidence for its supersymmetric description
Excited states in (196)AU, populated in the Pt-196(p,n) and (d,2n) reactions, were investigated by in-beam gamma -ray and conversion-electron spectroscopy. Two only weakly connected level structures, built on the 2(-) ground state (negative-parity level scheme) and on the 5(+) isomer at 84.7 keV (positive-parity level scheme), are observed. The point of main effort of the present work was the inve
Konsekvenser av val av hastighetsstandard på huvudtrafikleder i tätorter
Microarray-based cancer diagnosis with artificial neural networks
In recent years, the advent of experimental methods top robe gene expression profiles of cancer on a genome-wide scale has led to widespread use of supervised machine learning algorithms to characterize these profiles. The main applications of these analysis methods range from assigning functional classes of previously uncharacterized genes to classification and prediction of different cancer tiss
Simulations of flow around a confined oscillating circular cylinder using a virtual boundary method
In this paper streamwise and transverse oscillations of a rigid circular cylinder in a rectangular channel are investigated using the Virtual Boundary method. Numerical study of the three-dimensional flow around the cylinder is done for the uniform Cartesian grid. All computations are performed at Reynolds numbers of Re=500 and 1000 based on the mean flow velocity. The Keulegan-Carpenter number (K
A study of the inner-valence ionization region in HCl and DCl
An in-depth photoionization study of the inner-valence electrons in HCl and DCl has been performed using synchrotron radiation. A series of photoelectron spectra of HCl were obtained at a resolution of 23 meV over the binding energy range 25-30.5 eV at various excitation energies and at two different electron collection angles relative to the plane of polarization of the undulator radiation. In ad
Garner and Congruence Effects in the Speeded Classification of Bimodal Signals
The role of attention in speeded Garner classification of concurrently presented auditory and visual signals was examined in 4 experiments. Within-trial interference (i.e., congruence effects) occurred regardless of the attentional demands of the task. Between-trials interference (i.e., Garner interference) occurred only under conditions of divided attention when making judgments about auditory si
Att göra sig själv till undantag: Kant om omoralens natur
Statistical rate allocation for layered space-time structure
We propose a modified layered structure for multiple-input multiple-output systems, where the layer detection order is fixed and the data rate for each layer is allocated based on the detection order and channel statistics. Using a Gaussian approximation of the layer capacities, we derive an asymptotic optimum data-rate-allocation approach. For optimum data-rate allocation, the amount of backoff f
Age-related changes in P wave morphology in healthy subjects.
Background We have previously documented significant differences in orthogonal P wave morphology between patients with and without paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). However, there exists little data concerning normal P wave morphology. This study was aimed at exploring orthogonal P wave morphology and its variations in healthy subjects. Methods 120 healthy volunteers were included, evenly di
Radiative lifetime measurements and transition probability calculations in lanthanide ions
We have undertaken a systematic investigation of spectroscopic properties of lanthanide ions (Z=57-71). Using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence following one- or two-photon excitations, a large number of radiative lifetimes have been measured at the Lund Laser Centre for singly, doubly and trebly ionized atoms. These new measurements have been used for testing theoretical calculations perfo
Vernoguinosterol and vernoguinoside, trypanocidal stigmastane derivatives from Vernonia guineensis (Asteraceae)
Two bitter stigmastane derivatives, vernoguinosterol (1) and vernoguinoside (2), have been isolated from the stem bark of Vernonia guineensis and their structures eludicated using spectroscopic methods. The new compounds exhibit trypanocidal activity.
Gasification of Uranium-Bearing Black Shale in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor
The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) (recension av laserskivor)
Water dimer in solid neon. Far-infrared spectrum
Infrared spectra of water and deuterated water isolated in neon matrices have been recorded between 20 and 5000 cm(-1). The water concentration has been varied between very low concentrations with only monomers present up to concentrations where pentamers and possibly hexamers are present in significant amounts. The concentration dependencies of the observed absorption bands have been used to assi