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Measurement Uncertainty, Channel Simulation, and Disturbance Characterization of an Over-the-Air Multi-Probe Setup for Cars at 5.9 GHz

Over-the-air multi-probe setups provide an efficient way to characterize the performance of today’s advanced wireless communication systems. In this paper the measurement uncertainty of such a setup using a car as a test object is characterized through three experiments: measurement system analysis, channel sounder measurements, and probe coupling measurements. Four issues were in focus for the an

Improvement of Labour Performance and Productivity in Uganda´s Building Industry

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nivån på arbetsproduktivitet är särskilt betydelsefull i utvecklingsländer där det mesta av byggnadsarbetet utförs manuellt. Tidigare forskning har konstaterat att produktiviteten i byggindustrin är låg och i några fall sjunkande. Bristande produktivitet hos byggnadsarbetarna är en orsak till kostnadsöverskridande och förseningar av byggprojekt. Syfte med detta forskninProductivity of labour is particularly important especially in developing countries where most of the building work is still carried out on manual basis. Previous research has pointed out that productivity in the building industry is low and in some cases declining. Poor productivity of craftsmen is one of the causes of cost and time overruns on building projects. The objective of this research wa

Utilising laboratory experiments as a first step to introduce primary sludge hydrolysis in full-scale.

Laboratory experiments have been utilised as a tool to determine the possible yield of soluble COD and VFAs from settled influent and preprecipitated sludge at Klagshamn wastewater treatment plant and to determine the degradability of the organic matter. The release of ammonium and orthophosphate from the hydrolysed sludge has been estimated. It is possible to produce soluble organic matter of goo

A compare between myocardial topical negative pressure levels of-25 mmHg and-50 mmHg in a porcine model

Background: Topical negative pressure (TNP), widely used in wound therapy, is known to stimulate wound edge blood flow, granulation tissue formation, angiogenesis, and revascularization. We have previously shown that application of a TNP of -50 mmHg to the myocardium significantly increases microvascular blood flow in the underlying tissue. We have also shown that a myocardial TNP levels between -

How should women with pre-eclampsia be followed up? New insights from mechanistic studies

Understanding of the maternal syndrome of pre-eclampsia has greatly improved over the past 5 years. Specifically, the notion has emerged that the placenta is a source of antiangiogenic factors, such as soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1, that can progressively impair the mother's vascular and glomerular function throughout pregnancy. This impairment can be harmless during normal pregnancy, but in

S’Villanorvm de Malmøghae. Landskap, urbanitet, aktörer och Malmö

The title of the article: S’Villanorum de Malmøghae, refers to an inscription on a seal from a letter written in the year of 1350, sent by the council of Malmö to their colleagues in Rostock. The motif depicts a Romanesque church flanked by the moon and a star, and the inscription states that the letter was sent on behalf of the burghers of Malmö. The seal reveals a message that Malmö should be re

Rat Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Lack Long-Distance Tropism to 3 Different Rat Glioma Models

BACKGROUND: Viral gene therapy of malignant brain tumors has been restricted by the limited vector distribution within the tumors. Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and other precursor cells have shown tropism for gliomas, and these cells are currently being explored as potential vehicles for gene delivery in glioma gene therapy. OBJECTIVE: To investigate MSC migration in detail after i

Language may indeed influence thought

We discuss four interconnected issues that we believe have hindered investigations into how language may affect thinking. These have had a tendency to reappear in the debate concerning linguistic relativity over the past decades, despite numerous empirical findings. The first is the claim that it is impossible to disentangle language from thought, making the question concerning "influence" pointle

Assessing ozone exposure for epidemiological studies in Malmo and Umea, Sweden

Ground level ozone [ozone] is considered a harmful air pollutant but there is a knowledge gap regarding its long term health effects. The main aim of this study is to develop local Land Use Regression [LUR] models that can be used to study long term health effects of ozone. The specific aim is to develop spatial LUR models for two Swedish cities, Umea and Malmo, as well as a temporal model for Mal

Analysing neutron scattering data using McStas virtual experiments

With the intention of developing a new data analysis method using virtual experiments we have built a detailed virtual model of the cold triple-axis spectrometer RITA-II at PSI, Switzerland, using the McStas neutron ray-tracing package. The parameters characterising the virtual instrument were carefully tuned against real experiments. In the present paper we show that virtual experiments reproduce

Heat, molecular vibrations, and adiabatic driving in non-equilibrium transport through interacting quantum dots

In this article we review aspects of charge and heat transport in interacting quantum dots and molecular junctions under stationary and time-dependent non-equilibrium conditions due to finite electrical and thermal bias. In particular, we discuss how a discrete level spectrum can be beneficial for thermoelectric applications, and investigate the detrimental effects of molecular vibrations on the e

Core-coupled States and Split Proton-neutron Quasiparticle Multiplets in 122-126Ag

Neutron-rich silver isotopes were populated in the fragmentation of a 136Xe beam and the relativistic fission of 238U. The fragments were mass analyzed with the GSI Fragment Separator and subsequently implanted into a passive stopper. Isomeric transitions were detected by 105 high-purity germanium detectors. Eight isomeric states were observed in 122-126Ag nuclei. The level schemes of 122Ag, 123Ag

Intraspecific autochthonous and allochthonous resource use by zooplankton in a humic lake during the transitions between winter, summer and fall

Seasonal patterns in assimilation of externally produced, allochthonous, organic matter into aquatic food webs are poorly understood, especially in brown-water lakes. We studied the allochthony (share biomass of terrestrial origin) in cladoceran, calanoid and cyclopoid micro-crustacean zooplankton from late winter to fall during two years in a small humic lake (Sweden). The use of allochthonous re

Reinterventions after open and endovascular AAA repair.

Reinterventions seem to occur more frequently after endovascular aneurysm repair than after open surgical repair and are encountered in about 20% versus 10% of the cases, respectively. However, reinterventions following endovascular repair are predominantly endoluminal and early reinterventions are more frequent after open repair. The indications for reintervention after EVAR have changed over tim

DNA pre-condensation with an amino acid-based cationic amphiphile. A viable approach for liposome-based gene delivery

A study related to the development and characterization of a new gene delivery system was performed. The approach consists in both the pre-condensation of plasmid DNA with an arginine-based cationic surfactant, arginine-N-lauroyl amide dihydrochloride (ALA), which was found not to be toxic, and the incorporation of the blood protein transferrin (Tf) into the formulations.Two cationic liposome form

Study of the response of the ATLAS central calorimeter to pions of energies from 3 to 9 GeV

A fully instrumented slice of the ATLAS central detector was exposed to test beams from the SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron) at CERN in 2004. in this paper, the response of the central calorimeters to pions with energies in the range between 3 and 9 GeV is presented. The linearity and the resolution of the combined calorimetry (electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters) was measured and compared to