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Kan forskning og filmproduktion samarbejde - hvorfor, hvordan?
On the European film production context with particular emphasis on Scandinavia and the regional production taking place in Ystad.
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Evolution of Agglomeration Externalities. How Industry Life Cycles and Innovation Stages Help Explain Variations in Agglomeration Externalities
Incidence of shoulder elsions diagnoses in southern Sweden – data from a population based health care register.
Den gudomliga historien : profetism, messianism och andens utveckling
Vilket inflytande har det judiska och kristna arvets betoning av historien som gudomlig på det moderna politiska tänkandet? Jayne Svenungsson låter en utopikritisk historiesyn gå i dialog med en uppfattning so istället lyfter fram det profetiska löftets förmåga att inspirera till revolt mot förtryckande samhällsordningar. Denna komplexa historieskrivning skär in i de diskussioner om religion och e
Ecotourist Choices of Transport Modes
The effect of freezing rate on the internal frost resistance of concrete
Dual Control of a First-Order System with Two Possible Gains
Terrestrial and marine palynomorph assemblages from the Danish Fur Formation, at the Paleocene/Eocene transition
Modelica—An international effort to design the next generation modeling language
Evaluation of a Class of Laterl Transhipment Policies
Rationella Metoder för Styrteknik och Sekvensstyrning
The story of Elijakim, commonly known as Gottschalk. Jewish and Christian sources to the history of medieval Germany
A Comparative Analysis of Market Orientation in European Distribution Networks
En desperat epok skördar vad den sådde
Coupled simulation approaches for PEM fuel cells by OpenFOAM
Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells are known as environmental friendly energy conservation devices, and have the potential to be suitable alternative power sources. The cost and durability of a PEM fuel cell are strongly affected by the involved transport phenomena and reactions, which are two major challenges to be overcome before commercialization. Modeling and simulation are crucial for
Supervisory Control of Wastewater Treatment Plants by Combining Principal Component Anlaysis and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
In this paper a methodology for integrated multivariate monitoring and control of biological wastewater treatment plants during extreme events is presented. To monitor the process, on-line dynamic principal component analysis (PCA) is performed on the process data to extract the principal components that represent the underlying mechanisms of the process. Fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering is used to