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Your search for "*" yielded 531292 hits

Early quality control of stabilised dredged material by correlating heat production with strength

This study explores the use of isothermal calorimetry to assess heat release during the initial phases of dredged sediment stabilization with the primary goal of predicting the 28 days unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and enhancing the stabilization process' quality control (QC). The study was performed on dredged sediment (DS) samples collected from Göta river, Gothenburg, Sweden. The water

C4b-Binding Protein and Factor H Attenuate NLRP3 Inflammasome-Mediated Signalling Response during Group A Streptococci Infection in Human Cells

Introduction: Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus; GAS) is a pathogen causing over half a million deaths annually worldwide. Human immune cells respond to GAS infection by activating the NLRP3 inflammasome leading to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines that control infection. We investigated the role of C4b-binding protein (C4BP) and factor H (FH) in the inflammasome response to GA

Arbetstagares förväntningar på arbetsgivare - likheter och skillnader

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skillnader i svenska arbetstagares förväntningar gentemot deras arbetsgivare med hänsyn till deras generation, kön, etnicitet och utbildningsnivå. Studiens frågeställningar var 1) Finns det skillnader bland svenska arbetstagares upplevda förväntningar på arbetsgivare med avseende på a) generation b) kön c) etnicitet och d) utbildningsnivå? Och 2) Finns detThe purpose of this study was to investigate differences in Swedish employees’ expectations of employers with regard to their age, gender, ethnicity and level of education. The study’s questions were 1) Are there differences among Swedish employees’ perceived expectations of employers with regard to a) generation, b) gender, c) ethnicity, and d) level of education? And 2) Are there interactions be

Utvärdering av rökgasrening på övningsfält för en förbättrad arbetsmiljö vid eldövning - En experimentell studie för utvärdering och kartläggning av brandgasreningsteknologier

Air pollution is a problem that has been linked to health risks and disease and contains aerosols with very small particles (PM2.5) which reach deep down in the lung tissues and cause problems leading to both cancer and other health issues. Different authorities and fire and rescue service departments in Sweden create large emissions when training their personnel in facilities for smoke producing

Akustisk pack-bed. Infångning av partiklar i nanoskalan

Pack-bed framtidens medicintekniska diagnostik? Kroppens celler kommunicerar genom att skicka information till varandra via små partiklar. Genom att fånga in dessa kan man ta del av denna information och olika sjukdomar kan därigenom detekteras. I detta arbete undersöks Pack-bed, en ny teknik där akustik används för sådan infångning.In this master thesis a novel way of trapping nanosized particles were tested. The technology used was based on acoustic trapping with seed particles. In difference to earlier devices the seed particles were held in place by a physical barrier that worked like a filter, stopping the bigger seed particles while allowing the nanosized particles to flow through, a setup that allowed for significantly

Investigation of bioinformatic pipelines for variant calling using RNA-seq data

Bioinformatiska verktyg för att hitta lungcancermutationer i RNA Lungcancer är idag den dödligaste typen av cancer, där 50% av patienterna diagnostiseras för sent. Om diagnosen kan ges i tid kan fler liv räddas. Kan analys av RNA vara lösningen på att diagnostisera fler patienter i tid? Inom cancer diagnostiken har främst DNA använts för att hitta mutationer i tumörvävnad. Ny forskning visar lovThis project has investigated tools that could be used for somatic (non-inherited) variant calling using RNA-sequence (RNA-seq) data from patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Identifying specific genetic variation causing growth of cancerous cells have been a major challenge within cancer research and diagnostics. Variant calling uses sequenced data to analyze differences in the genom

"Tala är silver, tiga är guld": En narrativ analys av tystnad i Markusevangeliet

This thesis examines the silence as phenomenon in the Gospel of Mark. The study aims to demonstrate how the author uses deliberate rhetorical device to convey the Gospel's message. The study examine three different pericopes: Mark 3:4, Mark 15:15 and Mark 16:8 through a narrative analysis employing a rhetorical approach. By examining the Gospel's discourse, characters, and theological them

Fire and Rescue Service Preparedness : Current Planning for Natural Hazards and the Role of Early Detection

Despite various ongoing international initiatives, the intensity and frequency of weather-related natural hazards is expected to continue to increase globally. Increasing our understanding of how to mitigate the consequences of such natural hazards through better detection, planning and preparedness, has constituted the overarching objective of this thesis. The thesis is based on three papers: PapDespite various ongoing international initiatives, the intensity and frequency of weather-related natural hazards is expected to continue to increase globally. Increasing our understanding of how to mitigate the consequences of such natural hazards through better detection, planning and preparedness, has constituted the overarching objective of this thesis. The thesis is based on three papers: Pap

A methodology for assessing multiple hazards applied to Sweden

Despite extensive efforts through various international initiatives to reduce global warming, it has been determined that human induced climate change is here, that the present scale of disruption of the climate is unprecedented and will continue. Increasing weather volatility can be expected, which will most likely increase exposure to weather related hazards, e.g. wildfires, flooding. The aim ofDespite extensive efforts through various international initiatives to reduce global warming, it has been determined that human induced climate change is here, that the present scale of disruption of the climate is unprecedented and will continue. Increasing weather volatility can be expected, which will most likely increase exposure to weather related hazards, e.g. wildfires, flooding. The aim of

In Situ Studies of Atomic Layer Deposition of Hafnium Oxide on (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se2 for Thin Film Solar Cells

Ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is employed to study in real time the chemical reactions occurring on (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se2 (ACIGSe) surfaces during the first atomic layer deposition (ALD) cycle of HfOx under realistic synthesis conditions by using tetrakisdimethylamido-hafnium (TDMA-Hf) and H2O precursors. We find that the initial deposition due to surface reactions of HfOx ALD on A

A Human Factor Approach to HRI

In today’s competitive marketplace, robotics and HRI is an exciting new paradigm for changing how work is done in organisations. Its potential success depends on how HRI fit to humans and other technologies in an organisation. The paper argues that the Human-Technology-Organisation framework may be used as an analytic tool to widen the understanding of prerequisites for successful development, imp

The CPS triangle : A suggested framework for evaluating robots in everyday life

This paper introduces a conceptual framework: the CPS triangle, which has evolved over four years of research on ‘older people meet robots’. It is a synthesis of domestication theory, modern social practice theory and empirical data. Case studies on the domestication of one current technology, the robotic vacuum cleaner, and two emergent technologies, the eHealth system and the service robot, prov

AI -- varken räddare eller förgörare inte heller ett neutralt verktyg för offentlig förvaltning. Via en teknikhistorisk återblick diskuterar Stefan Larsson och Ellinor Blom Lussi aspekter av hur ny teknik, här med fokus på AI, påverkar individer, professioner och organisationer. Med denna introducerande artikel till temat digitalisering pekar de dels på några av de väldigt löftesrika tekniktrender som är kopplade till automat

Commissioning of the LNLS 2 T Hybrid Wiggler

We present the results of the commissioning of a 28-pole 2 T Hybrid Wiggler at the electron storage ring of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light National Laboratory (LNLS). The wiggler will be used mainly for protein crystallography and was optimized for the production of 12 keV photons. We describe the effects of the insertion device on the storage ring lattice, such as the correction of the linear tu

Evaluation of Wildland Fire Detection Methods Using Expert Input

Recently the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released their 6th Assessment reports which confirm that the impact of climate change is visible, e.g. through an increased weather volatility leading both to hotter drier weather and increased flooding in some regions globally. One clear example of this is the increased prevalence of wildfires in recent years and increasing wildfire potentialRecently the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released their 6th Assessment reports which confirm that the impact of climate change is visible, e.g. through an increased weather volatility leading both to hotter drier weather and increased flooding in some regions globally. One clear example of this is the increased prevalence of wildfires in recent years and increasing wildfire potential

HaptiMap D1.2 User Study Guidelines

Detta dokument presenterar ett antal olika metoder som kan användas för användarmedverkanThis document contains a description of different methods that can be used for user involvement in a design process.

The illusion of attendance : a critical study of large-class lectures

Large-class university lectures remain commonplace, yet their educational value is contested. While the majority of criticism contrasts transmissive lectures with active learning pedagogies, this case study evaluates a lecture series on its intrinsic qualities, looking at staff and student understandings of the lecture’s contribution to academic outcomes and the affect attendance has on students’

Commissioning of the LNLS elliptically polarizing undulator

We present the results of the commissioning of the first Elliptically Polarizing Undulator (EPU) to be installed at the 1.37 GeV electron storage ring of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (LNLS). The undulator is designed to provide UV and soft X-ray photons from 100 eV up to 1 keV with full polarization control. It uses the APPLE II design and allows for both parallel and anti-parallel longi

The Wayqecha Amazon Cloud Curtain Ecosystem Experiment : A new experimental method to manipulate fog water inputs in terrestrial systems

Fog makes a significant contribution to the hydrology of a wide range of important terrestrial ecosystems. The amount and frequency of fog immersion are affected by rapid ongoing anthropogenic changes but the impacts of these changes remain relatively poorly understood compared with changes in rainfall. Here, we present the design and performance of a novel experiment to actively manipulate low ly