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Your search for "*" yielded 526727 hits

Bosnia and Hercegovina 1878-1945 : Islam, War and Politics

This work deals with the history of Bosnia and Hercegovina and the Muslims of Bosnia and Hercegovina through 67 years from 1878 up to the end of the Second World War in 1945. The focus of this work lays in the different Muslim faction's activity, their aims and the interests they advanced. The work deals further with persons active in these factions and how they operated through personal netwo

Improvisation - ett pedagogiskt perspektiv

Title: Improvisation ? a pedagogical perspective. This investigation studies how church musicians and pianists describe the use of improvisation in their teaching. The research questions focus on the relationship between improvisation and interpretation, the aim how to use improvisation and how this could be realized. To get the answer of these questions, I have interviewed two organists and two p

CIVIL SOCIETY & ETHNIC CONFLICT - A Comparative Case Analysis of Civil Society & Ethnic Conflict in Thailand & Malaysia

The importance of civil society for advancing peace efforts and outcomes generated increased and wide interest after the Cold war. During this era the number of armed intra-state and violent ethnic conflicts also increased dramatically. In Southeast Asia only Malaysia has avoided intra-state conflict and recurring ethnic violence. Thailand constitutes a typical regional case with prolonged and rec

"Det florerar av klyschor" : hur blir en vision organisationens vision?

Klyschor använts flitigt inom olika sammanhang och kan på många vis både förstärka såväl som förlöjliga en känsla. Sett ur ett organisatoriskt perspektiv kan ett överdrivet nyttjande av dessa stjälpa organisationen. Å andra sidan kan en tydlig vision svetsa samman medarbetarna och därigenom skapa en välmående organisation. Denna uppsats skildrar hur en vision blir organisationens vision. Ämnet är

Självskadebeteende ur ett etnicitetsperspektiv: en studie av professionella behandlares syn på självskadebeteendets orsaker och omfattning bland utlandsfödda respektive svenskfödda flickor

The aim of this study was to examine why young females develop self-harm behaviour. We also wanted to look at the differences between young females born in foreign countries and young females born in Sweden and investigate if there were any differences regarding the reasons for developing self-harm behaviour and the actual extent of the self-harm behaviour within the group. We used a qualitative m

O' Great Nation of Iraq : A Study on Iraqi Blogs - Examining the Impact of the 'Group Situation'in the Formation of the Ba'thi Propaganda Heritage

This master thesis is a mass communication study on cognitive and affective effects of the Iraqi Ba'th regime's propaganda, focusing on a specific segment of the receiving side of the influence process - the Arab middle class in Baghdad. This segment is here represented by a selection of Iraqi blogs, used as sources for analysis. The analysis is performed on the assumption that 1) effects

Utrymning av folkmassor - simulering och verklighet

The report contains a comparison between computer based modeling of evacuation and evacuation experiments with large crowds. Crowd movement, behavior and management is examined, as well as the evacuation time. The conclusions in this report are based on observations made during the evacuation of a football ground (Swedish).

Händelser som påverkat musiklärares undervisningssyn - Intervjuer med fyra fiollärare

Events that have effected music teachers? view on education - Interviews with four violin-teachers. The purpose of this research is to find out what forms the violin-teachers view on how education shall be operated. Through qualitative interviews, four violin-teachers from around Sweden have told about their growing up, higher musical education and what is current. The result shows that the higher

Att skriva om händelse, tanke och känsla: en explorativ studie kring effekter av expressivt skrivande i skolmiljö på ungdomars emotionsreglering

As part of the project Self esteem and Life circumstances among teenagers (started by Johnsson, Lundh & Wångby at Lund University in 2006) results from pilot studies of expressive writing (intervention initially created by Pennebaker and Beall, 1986) among adolescents in six secondary school classes in Sweden were investigated. The study describes changes from pre-test to follow-up on adapted

Creating Corporate Culture: a study of strategies employed to cultivate High Performance Mentality within Sony Ericsson

The current expansion of mergers and acquisitions forces new postmerged organizational cultures to take form, and requires solid strategies for handling that procedure. Research indicate that at least half of all mergers fail in creating expected synergies, and that the reason for failing is assumed integration issues such as culture clashes. Creating a strong organizational culture is often appoi

Innebörden av att vara internationellt adopterad. Två identitetsaspekter: svenskhet och etniskt ursprung.

The aim of this study was to deepen the knowledge about the meaning of being internationally adopted for individuals living in Sweden. Through group discussions with young adults data was retrieved, and then analysed with a qualitative phenomenological approach. The study revealed three main themes: 1) experiences of being Swedish, 2) experiences of ethnic origin, and 3) the interaction between th

Dominansprofiler - en väg till din inlärningsstil?

In this study the reliability of dominance profiles as a method of establishing a person's learning style was tested. Eight students at Malmö Academy of Music tried three different ways to learn a short melody at the piano. In this way, their preferred way of learning things (either visual, auditive or kinestetic) was established. Five of the students did best when they used a visual cue to le

Rytmikaren och båtbyggaren - En studie om den tysta kunskapen inom rytmiken

Title: Eurythmics, and building boats -A study in tacit knowledge. The education of eurhythmics at Malmö Academy of Music, is a program where a major part of the tutoring is oral; very little written information about the method is used. This essay will examine the forms in which the current knowledge base exists, as well as the methods in which this information is transmitted from teacher to stu

Posttraumatisk stress hos universitetsstudenter i Lund

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder resulting from exposure to a traumatic event. The purpose of this study was to examine the exposure to Potentially Traumatic Events (PTE) and the prevalence of PTSD among students at the University of Lund. Sexdifferences among these variables were also examined. Using surveys as research method, 380 students from five different faculties

On Democratic (E)quality in the United States - A Study on Contemporary American Democracy

Much attention has been paid to Western democracies? (in particular the United State?s) eagerness to promote (liberal) democracy worldwide. However, less attention has been paid to the domestic democratic condition in these countries. Consequently, this thesis is concerned with the state of democracy in the United States and the basic purpose is to evaluate its (e)quality. As a result, we apply t

The Radicalization of Chechnya: a case study of the spread of radical Islam in Chechnya

Wahhabismen och andra radikala former av Islam var okända i Tjetjenien före 1990-talet. Men under de två konflikterna mellan Ryssland och Tjetjenien 1994 till 1996 och 1999 till i dag så har Wahhabismen alltmer spridit sig bland Tjetjenierna. Trots att Wahhabismen inte är så utbredd i Tjetjenien som de flesta tror är Wahhabi-inspirerad terrorism nu ett allt vanligare inslag i den Rysk-Tjentjenska

Kollektiva identiteter: Serbiska, kroatiska & bosniakiska gruppers sociala identitetsskapande i Sverige

Uppsatsens syfte är att redogöra hur människor socialt kan konstruera och omkonstruera sin identitet. Frågeställningen vi arbetat utifrån är: Hur kan serber, kroater och bosniaker i Sverige socialt konstruera och omkonstruera sin identitet? Frågeställningen är framlyft ur teorin som används i uppsatsen, konstruktivismen. Teoridelen behandlas utifrån detta synsätt, där centrala aspekter vid identit

Könsroller, sexualitet och exploatering: En feministisk diskursanalys av prostitutionen i Thailand

Vi behandlar prostitutionen i Thailand genom att undersöka hur den prostituerades roll har konstruerats i samhället. Empiriskt använder vi oss av en thailändsk statlig rapport, som svarar på FN-avdelningen CEDAWs antidiskrimineringskonvention. I denna rapport redogörs för kvinnorättssituationen i landet. Med feministisk teori gör vi en kvalitativ textanalys för att klarlägga den politiska diskurse

The Electoral System and Political Culture - A Comparative Inquiry in an African Context

This thesis aims to examine how the electoral system affects the behaviour of the political elites in an African context. My hypothesis is that different electoral system presents different incentives to political elites and that these incentives affect their behaviour, contributing to the formation of a specific political culture, more or less beneficial for the consolidation of democracy. The st