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Nordic collaborative study of the BARD1 Cys557Ser allele in 3956 patients with cancer: enrichment in familial BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation-negative breast cancer but not in other malignancies

Background: BARD1 was originally identified as a BRCA1- interacting protein but has also been described in tumour-suppressive functions independent of BRCA1. Several studies have indicated that the BARD1 gene is a potential target for germline changes predisposing to breast and ovarian cancer. The C- terminal Cys557Ser change has previously been uncovered to associate with an increased risk of bre

Supination-eversion fractures of the ankle joint: changes in incidence over 30 years

The sex- and age-specific incidence has been calculated for ankle fractures from the first part of the 1950s and compared with the 1980s, a 30-year interval. The fractures were also classified according to Lauge-Hansen. Altogether 1784 fractures were found. During that time interval ankle fractures had become more common, particularly those with extensive skeletal involvement, such as the stage IV

Vacancy-oxygen complex in Ge crystals

Vacancy-oxygen (VO) complexes in Ge crystals have been studied by means of high-resolution infrared absorption and deep-level transient spectroscopy (Laplace DLTS) measurements. It is argued that the VO center in Ge has three charge states: double negative (VO--), single negative (VO-) and neutral (VO0) with the corresponding energy levels at E(- -/-) = E-c-0.21 eV and E(-/0) = E-v + 0.27 eV. Abso

An improved stereoselective reduction of a bicyclic diketone by Saccharomyces cerevisiae combining process optimization and strain engineering

The stereoselective reduction of the bicyclic diketone bicyclo[2.2.2]octane-2,6-dione, to the ketoalcohol (1R,4S,6S)-6-hydroxybicyclo[2.2.2]octane-2-one, was used as a model reduction to optimize parameters involved in NADPH-dependent reductions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with glucose as co-substrate. The co-substrate yield (ketoalcohol formed/glucose consumed) was affected by the initial concent

Properties and Applications of Temperature Sensitive Gels

The work presented deals with the characterisation and application of critical gels. In order to provide a theoretical foundation, the thermodynamics of the reversible swelling and shrinking behaviour of such gels is outlined. The temperature-sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gel (NiPAAm) was chosen for experimental investigation. Dif ferent methods of producing the gel are described, and the

A uniqueness result for periodic traveling waves in water of finite depth

It is shown that in water of finite depth, the surface profile eta of a periodic traveling wave uniquely determines the corresponding flow in the body of the fluid. This holds for rotational flow as long as the vorticity function gamma(psi) satisfies the condition gamma'(psi) max(xis an element ofR) eta(2)(x) < pi(2). This condition is also shown to be sharp.

Reduced postnatal cerebral glucose metabolism measured by PET after asphyxia in near term fetal lambs

The effects of fetal asphyxia on cerebral function and development, involve the transition from fetal to neonatal life. Changes in cerebral glucose metabolism may be an early postnatal indicator of fetal asphyxia. The objective is to develop an experimental lamb model involving the transition from fetal to neonatal life and to examine the effect of fetal asphyxia with cerebral hypoxic ischemia on

Daily life problems from a nursing perspective in patients with acute leukaemia or highly malignant lymphoma

Popular Abstract in Swedish Livskvalitet och problem i dagligt liv under och efter akut leukemi eller högmalignt lymfom - ett omvårdnadsperspektiv. Syftet med avhandlingen var att undersöka hur personer med akut leukemi eller hög- malignt lymfom upplevde och hanterade de problem som uppstod i det dagliga livet i samband med sjukdom och behandling och efter det att behandlingen avslutats. StudierThe aims of this thesis were, to investigate the impact on daily living of acute leukaemia or highly malignant lymphoma when under treatment, viewed retrospectively and from a longitudinal perspective, from the point of view of the patients and their spouses, and to ascertain their view of the nursing care provided. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was use i.e. open-ended inte

Tunneling spectroscopy of modulated two-dimensional electron systems

We discuss the tunneling between two parallel modulated two-dimensional electron systems in tilted magnetic fields. The electronic states are described in terms of the magnetic crystal momentum, and tunneling events connect the states whose momenta differ by a shift due to the in-plane component of the field. We use this fact to develop a theory of how the features of the artificial two-dimensiona

Characterization of MIMO antennas using spherical vector waves

Spherical vector waves are used to analyze multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas. An expansion of the far-field pattern in spherical vector waves gives the correlation matrix and correlation loss of the MIMO antenna in uniform multipath channels. Numerical examples of a MIMO tetrahedron and a MIMO cube are presented.

Conserving approximations in time-dependent density functional theory

In the present work, we propose a theory for obtaining successively better approximations to the linear response functions of time-dependent density or current-density functional theory. The new technique is based on the variational approach to many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) as developed during the sixties and later expanded by us in the mid-nineties. Due to this feature, the resulting respo

Direct electron transfer between graphite electrodes and ligninolytic peroxidases from Phanerochaete chrysosporium

Electron transfer (ET) of ligninolytic peroxidases was studied in the bioelectrocatalytic reduction reaction of H2O2 at peroxidase-modified graphite electrodes. Specifically, native lignin (LiP) and manganese (MnP) peroxidases secreted by Phanerochaete chrysosporium, as well as a few different recombinant MnP forms were used in the electrochemical studies. The recombinant enzymes included wild-typ