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Your search for "*" yielded 531111 hits

Dynamic Capabilities and Competitive Advantage: A Systematic Review of Conceptual Research 1997-2020

Dynamic capabilities enable firms to systematically modify their resource base and build competitive advantage. As dynamic capabilities literature is diverging in definition and scope, this research work analyzes conceptual literature on dynamic capabilities regarding commonalities, differences, and development over time. Therefore, a total of 56 publications in eleven highly ranked journals betwe

Legitimerad och stolt : En kvalitativ studie om hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorers resonemang kring införandet av en legitimation

Title: Certified and proud - A qualitative study of hospital social workers views on their establishment as a certified profession Supervisor: Mikael Sandgren The question of professional certification of hospital social workers in Sweden was first brought to attention by Akademikerförbundet SSR in 1958. More than 60 years later, on July 1st, 2019 the decision to make “hospital social worker” a c

Compassion fatigue as a separate construct: The development of a new scale

Compassion fatigue is often used interchangeably with burnout and secondary traumatic stress in literature. There is, however, theoretical support for considering compassion fatigue as a separate condition. The aim of this pilot study was to create a compassion fatigue scale and examine its relation to burnout and secondary traumatic stress as well as to explore how descriptive variables affect le

Där det dagliga brödet bereds: en intervjustudie om kontinuitet och förändring inom den svenska livsmedelsindustrin ur ett feministiskt-marxistiskt perspektiv

In this thesis, I investigate change and continuity within the food industry in Sweden, building on seven interviews with workers in different factories and locations in Sweden. Through a feminist-Marxist understanding of productive and reproductive work, and an analysis of how gender and class are produced and reproduced in organizations, this study examines production work and its impact on the

Är naturen i sig läkande?

This paper discusses whether nature as a healing power and a source for recuperation is of universal character, or if the many benefits from nature might be a result of a social and a cultural construction. Many studies show that nature is associated with better mental and physical health. Humans are said to have an innate connection to nature and natural processes as a heritage from when we were

Development, Optimization and Quality Assurance of Sysskonhem AB Ginger Beer Process

This master thesis work was performed in collaboration with Sysskonhem AB, Brygghuset Finn and Applied Microbiology at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. With the knowledge of ginger beer being a sensitive product, the potential case where a consumer perceives or experiences quality deficiency in the product, the likelihood for Sysskonhem succeeding on the market diminishes radically. Th

Development of a GIS methodology to evaluate informal urban green areas for inclusion in a community governance program

Informal green spaces are “small green areas” which are some square meter plots along streets or in junctions, in front of public or private buildings. Informal urban green space become or remain in neglected condition due to the lack of capacity of the municipality to maintain them. Further, there is a lack of responsibility, competency and motivation of the residents to voluntarily take care of

Impacts of subglacial processes on underlying bedrock

Historically, the field of glacial geology has put much focus on the processes within the subglacial environment, their effects on unconsolidated sediments and the landforms they produce. Subsequently, the impact of subglacial processes is fairly well documented and understood regarding unconsolidated sediments. However, except for processes of abrasion and quarrying, not much focus has been dedic

Är det medlemskapet som gör dig lojal?

Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka unga konsumenters uppfattning om lojalitet inom klädbranschen samt deras upplevelse av företags lojalitetsprogram i relation till kundlojalitet. Metod: Denna kvalitativa studie har en abduktiv ansats där en kontinuerlig reflektion av teori och empiri har genomförts under hela skapandeprocessen. Den kvalitativa datainsamlingen har realiserats genom 14 stycken semistrPurpose: The purpose is to examine young consumers' perception of loyalty in the clothing industry as well as their experiences of how loyalty programs generate customer loyalty. Methodology: This qualitative study has an abductive approach where a dynamic and continuous reflection of theory and empiricism has been carried out throughout the creation process. The qualitative data collection h

Set for Success? Minority Blockholders and Firm Value

The purpose of this study is to investigate the firm value effect of the relative voting power between the minority blockholders and the largest shareholder in firms, and the excess voting rights relative to capital rights for minority blockholders. The Holdings database was used to collect detailed ownership data on a sample of 266 listed Swedish firms corresponding to 1 781 firm-year while finan

Destination: Kodare - en kvalitativ analys av utbildningsvägar till yrket som programmerare

Idag råder enligt Arbetsförmedlingen en brist på kompetent arbetskraft inom IT-sektorn, och efterfrågan på arbetskraft är större än tillgången. I framtiden kan detta leda till att allt fler söker sig till att arbeta som programmerare. Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera tre utbildningsvägar till yrket som programmerare och identifiera styrkor och svagheter med dessa. Först definieras termen

Utvecklande ledarskap medierar relationen mellan etiskt klimat och kreativt klimat

Denna studie undersökte sambandet mellan etiskt klimat och kreativt klimat samt det utvecklande ledarskapets effekt på denna relation. Organisationer ställs idag inför stora utmaningar i en snabb och föränderlig omvärld. Framförallt ställs höga krav på organisationer att vara kreativa. Samtidigt utmanas också organisationers etiska grund och dess ledarskap. För denna studie hypotetiserades att etiThis study explored the relationship between ethical climate and creative climate as well as the mediating effect of developmental leadership on this relationship. Organisations today are faced with big challenges as we live in a fast paced and ever changing environment. In particular, organisations are challenged with demands to be highly creative while at the same time being aware of ethics and

Säger en bild mer än tusen ord? Bildstöd som verktyg i kommunikationen med barn på sjukhus. En intervjustudie.

Bakgrund: Barn som vårdas på sjukhus upplever ofta den främmande sjukhusmiljön som otrygg, vilket kan medföra att barnet känner rädsla och upplever en förlorad kontroll. Barnet kan också ha svårt att förstå det språk som används inom sjukvården vilket kan resultera i att barnet inte känner sig inkluderad. Med hjälp av bildstöd kan informationen anpassas efter barnets ålder och utvecklingsnivå. De

The responsibility to protect - A foundation for making exceptions to the general prohibition on the use of force?

In 2001, the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) published a report on the so called doctrine of the responsibility to protect (R2P). According to the ICISS, the R2P implies a subsidiary responsibility on the international community through the United Nations (UN) to protect populations from gross human rights violations if states responsible for those population

Föräldrars syn på barnets vårdtid inom intensivvård: En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Under 2019 vårdades 3400 barn inom intensivvård i Sverige. Barnets vårdtid inom intensivvård är en stressande och påfrestande tid för hela familjen. Tidigare forskning uppmärksammar föräldrarnas svårigheter att finna sin roll i omvårdnaden samt vikten av delaktighet. Syfte: Att beskriva föräldrars erfarenheter av barnets vårdtid inom intensivvård. Metod: Litteraturstudie med analys av ti

Phenomenology of a Three Higgs Doublet Model with a U(1)xZ2 flavour symmetry

We have studied the main features and the phenomenological consistency of a family-nonuniversal Three Higgs Doublet Model (3HDM) with a softly broken U(1)xZ2 family symmetry that enforces the flavour hierarchies in the Standard Model (SM) while implementing a tree-level Flavour Changing Neutral Current (FCNC) suppression in a Branco-Grimus-Lavoura way. Furthermore, the alignment limit is imposed i

Evaluation of a heated inlet to reduce humidity induced error in low-cost particulate matter sensors

The number of low-cost particulate matter (PM) sensors available on the market has increased in recent years. They are affordable, compact and require no maintenance which means they easily can be deployed and utilized for real-time air monitoring. However, the accuracy of low-cost PM sensors has been reported to vary depending on several factors. This thesis aims to investigate and reduce errors