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Kvinnor och män i P3 : en analys av kvinnligt och manligt tal i Sveriges Radio P3:s kultur-talkshowprogram

In the 1970s linguists started studying genderlects, the linguistic differences related to gender and its power dimensions. Studies conducted by Scandinavian researchers have shown that boys and men speak more and are more dominant in public spaces such as the classroom and political debates (Einarsson & Hultman 1984, Gomard & Krogstad 2001). One of the most prominent researchers in the fi

Machine Learning Technique for Beam Management in 5G NR RAN at mmWave Frequencies

Ericsson has an interest in investigating if the fast-growing concept known as machine learning can be applied to beam management, in a 5G NR environment using mmWave frequencies. Because of the high path-loss at mmWave frequencies and high throughput demands of 5G NR systems it is crucial to the UE to always stay connected to the most suitable beam, to provide highest possible throughput. To obta

Botswana's Ownership over the Development Cooperation with the European Union: Technical and Vocational Education and Training and the Cooperation of Stakeholders

The development research has stressed the importance of technical and vocational education and training for systemic progress in a society. However, proscribed donor-centred solutions often fail to deliver the expected result. As such enabling the local stakeholders and supporting their ideas rather than enforcing the donors' own visions is seen as a promising way to engage in development poli


Partikelfysikens standardmodell har framgångsrikt förutsagt de nu kända elementära partiklarna och deras växelverkningar. Liksom varje fysikmodell har den ett giltighetsområde. Det okända som kan tänkas inträffa utanför detta område kallas fysik bortom standardmodellen. Nya fenomen kan förväntas uppträda vid extremt höga energier, bortom de tillgängliga vid dagens kolliderare. En av de aspekter viThe non-Abelian QCD nature allows for pp collisions to contain gluon emissions off quarks as well as gluon branchings into further gluons — a structure that can be described by the parton shower model. In this project we present the results of the impact the shower has on the reconstruction of the W-boson and top quark masses using Pythia, the Lund Monte Carlo event generator. As a warm-up, the im

Let’s march, Belarusians! : a case study on ”March on, Babe!” movement against domestic violence in Belarus

5 October 2018, President Aliaksandr Lukashenka lashed out against a draft bill of the Law Against Domestic Violence. That very same day activists Svetlana Gatalskaya and Marysha Korzh created a Facebook page called “March On, Baby” to push for the rejected bill. After 48 hours, about 1700 both female and male Belarusians joined it. This thesis uses “March on, Baby” movement as a case study to lo

Praxisgemenskap av tonsättare – en studie av kompositionsutbildningen på en folkhögskola

Den här studien uppstod ur behovet av studier om kompositionsundervisning på högre nivå. Syftet var att undersöka hur lärarens och elevernas roller gestaltar sig i en kompositionsutbildning på en folkhögskola. Frågeställningarna berörde aspekter som roller och funktioner hos lärare och praxisgemenskap samt återkoppling och gestaltning av kompositionsprocesser. För att studera dessa perspektiv har This study arose from the need for more studies on the teaching of musical composition at higher levels. The purpose was to examine how the roles of the teacher and the students take shape in a course of musical composition at a Swedish folk high school. Aspects studied include the roles and functions of the teacher and the community of practice, as well as the shaping of compositional processes a

Working to live, living to work, or balancing them?

Early career people are under represented when it comes to understanding their experiences with work-life balance. Graduate programmes in Sweden are an incubator for recent university graduates to enter the workforce and accelerate their careers. Combining those two aspects, this study aims to explore and understand if work-life balance is present and important to early career people enrolled in g

Are crowdsourced analysts MICE or RASCLS?

Great resources in time and money are being invested in crowdsourced intelligence analysis. The research community and intelligence community alike lack understanding of what motivates people to participate in intelligence analysis. Moreover, motivation to engage in crowdcreation platforms in general is poorly researched. The objective of this study is to explore motivation for appreciated partici

Kvinnor som riskerar förföljelse - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur regeringen i proposition 1996/96:25, svensk migrations-politik i globalt perspektiv resonerat kring skydd för kvinnor som riskerar förföljelse

År 1997 införde Sverige en särlagstiftning gällande rätten till internationellt skydd undan förföljelse där syftet var att stärka kvinnors skydd mot förföljelse. Som grund för skapandet av denna särlagstiftning låg proposition 1996/97:25, svensk migrationspoli-tik i globalt perspektiv. Proposition 1996/97:25 är vad som kommer utgöra primär-materialet för denna studie. Denna studie har som syfte

Investigation of Resistive Random Access Memory for 1T1R Nanowire Array Integration

As modern electronics have started to reach its physical scaling limits, novel architectures and physics is needed to meet future demands. Oxide-based Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) is a new emerging technology that uses filament formation and rupture in thin oxides to generate resistive switching. Structure of RRAM devices often use transistors as selector devices. In this work a one-trans

Who Leads Matters? A study of presidential leadership and its impact on environmental policy

As climate change is a global threat it is of essence to understand how we can work against it. Research within the sphere of Peace and Conflict Studies lacks the perspective of the psychology behind world leaders as an explanation for how environmental policy is conducted. This thesis investigates what type of leader Obama and Trump are, what implications that has on environmental policy and how

Reproducing gendered and orientalist narratives - The representation of Western IS-women in Swedish media

Development and international relations discourses have for a long-time represented women through dichotomous portrayals, either as liberated Western women or as oppressed Eastern women. The former being the heroic saviour of the latter. The subject of Western women joining the Islamic State, has not only received extensive media attention but proved the dichotomous portrayals of women to be insuf

Rationalising Renewables

Renewable energy pursuit and implementation are undoubtedly one of the most important steps in sustainable development across the globe. So far there are several developed high-income countries in the world, that have replaced their fossil fuel-powered electricity systems for renewable energy technologies, however, most of the world still relies on non-renewable energy sources. This research will

Comparability Approaches of the CJEU Regards Dividends Received by Non-Resident CIVs: Is the Primary Law Sufficient or Not?

For preventing economic double taxation and neutralization of choice between direct and indirect investments, states might grant domestic funds certain tax advantages while not extending it to non-residents, which possibly result in international double taxation. This issue arises mostly because of the different features of the investment funds. Such as their legal form, tax treatment, regulatory

Do You Swear to Tell the Whole Truths? Tunisia and the Truth and Dignity Commission.

Tunisia is where all hope and rebellion started. After the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi in 2010, the Jasmine Revolution spread to other Arab countries leading to the famous Arab Spring. Tunisia is depicted as the model of democratic transition in the Arab region and in the West. Transitional justice mechanisms have been implemented in the country, notably a Truth and Dignity Commission aimi

Visions of justice and unequal realities: A study of the prioritization of land claimants in the South African Land Restitution Program

South Africa is one of the most unequal countries in the world. The issue of land ownership highlights racial and economic inequalities as the country fights to overcome the enduring legacy of apartheid. The Land Restitution Program seeks to redress victims of land dispossession, addressing both national development and individual justice. This paper investigates the prioritization of the processi

Engage and Destroy - The effects of law enforcement militarization on positive peace in Argentina, Brazil and Costa Rica

The purpose of this bachelor was to investigate how law enforcement militarization affects positive peace in Argentina, Brazil and Costa Rica and why law enforcement militarization affects positive peace in a certain manner. Positive peace was defined as the absence of structural violence and constituting democracy, social justice, justice, human rights and development. This bachelor was a small N

Advancing Financialization through Development Cooperation: An Analysis of the European Union’s New Investment & Growth Strategies in Africa

Early 2020 saw the publishing of the European Union’s new Africa Strategy. With a focal point on fostering economic growth, the strategy coalesces around increasing the confidence of international financiers to partake in investing into Africa. This thesis operationalises a framework on financialization to critically investigate ways in which the EU’s investment-led strategy advances financializat