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Popular Abstract in German n/a[abstract missing]

Bet on both sides of the coin to improve the organizational climate: The impact of congruent task and role clarity between leaders and staff

Four organizations at Stockholm-Arlanda airport are going through various organizational changes. They are preparing for present and future demands through structural changes, implementation of new technology, training, and other efficiency and capacity improving measures. The change processes will be followed during two years of which this paper presents the baseline measurement. The key factors

Some Notes on Code-Based Cryptography

This thesis presents new cryptanalytic results in several areas of coding-based cryptography. In addition, we also investigate the possibility of using convolutional codes in code-based public-key cryptography. The first algorithm that we present is an information-set decoding algorithm, aiming towards the problem of decoding random linear codes. We apply the generalized birthday technique to inf

Developments in Feedstock Analysis and Process Control for Biogas Production

Popular Abstract in Swedish Med snabbare och pålitligare analysresultat finns stora möjligheter till ett ökat utnyttjande av avfallsresurser för produktion av förnybar energi. Resultat från min forskning gör det möjligt att analysera råvaror för biogasproduktion med större säkerhet och med möjligheten att få upp till nio gånger snabbare resultat. Produktion av biogas har under den senaste tiden öA sustainable treatment of organic wastes, generation of renewable energy, reduction of green house gas emissions, limiting the eutrophication and closing the nutrient cycles are several environmental challenges for which anaerobic digestion may be a suitable solution. There is today a large amount of available organic waste materials that could serve as potential feedstock for biogas production.

In-Service Information Flows to Designers

This research is triggered by the emerging ‘power by the hour’® paradigm, in which aero engines are effectively leased to airlines, with the manufacturing company remaining responsible for their maintenance and repair throughout their service life. By incorporating knowledge about the performance of existing products into the design phase of new products, it is hoped to tackle some of the in-servi

Maintenance and Commitment of Hematopoietic Progenitors: Role of flt3, c-kit and c-mpl

The need for red blood cells to transport oxygen and CO2, blood platelets to stop bleedings, and neutrophils, macrophages, B- and T-cells for host defense, is a prerequisite for life. These mature blood cells have a limited life span and are thus constantly replenished by an enormous cell production (estimated to 1012 cells per day) which primarily takes place in the bone marrow (BM). Mature blood