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Political Microtargeting: A Mixed Method Study in a Multi-Party System
This study investigates political microtargeting in a multi-party context, more specifically, in a Swedish setting. By utilizing a mixed-method approach, the objective of the study is twofold. Firstly, interviewing researchers and political parties regarding their perception of microtargeting to generate a holistic view around the technology and its utilization. Secondly, implementing a survey wit
Individual Placement and Support: En litteraturöversikt över modellens sekundära effekter inom olika diagnosgrupper
Bakgrund: Arbete är en högt värderad aktivitet i dagens samhälle. Effekten av arbete har en betydande roll för individens hälsa och ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv. Nationella riktlinjer rekommenderar arbetsrehabiliteringsmodellen Individual Placement and Support för personer med allvarlig psykisk sjukdom och har god evidens för arbetsåtergång inom diagnosgruppen. Primärt har studier undersökIntroduction: Work is a highly valued occupation in today’s society and plays a significant important role for individual’s well-being and also out of a socio-economic perspective. Individual Placement and Support is an evidence-based model for vocational rehabilitation developed and standardized for people with severe mental illness. Studies show that the IPS-model have been implemented for new p
Hantering av utmaningar med datakvalitet inom Big Data Analytics: En kvalitativ studie som beskriver hur organisationer hanterar utmaningar med datakvalitet inom Big Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics är processen som används vid analyser av stora mängder data i syfte att upptäcka samband och mönster av värde som kan ligga till grund för framtida beslutsfattanden. En av de främsta utmaningarna som omnämns i litteraturen är att säkerställa kvaliteten på den data som används vid analyser. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva organisationers hantering av utmaningar med datak
Stengård eller trädgård?
Verkligheten tycks vara det största problemet när verkligheten ska motarbetas. Malmö stads miljömål och flera av stadens styrdokument förespråkar en ökning av grönytorna. Men istället ökar hårdgörandet. Privata trädgårdar kan fungera som välbehövliga gröna oaser för växter, djur och trädgårdsägare. Men resultatet för denna uppsats visar att de flesta trädgårdsägarna har byggt verandor och/eller stThe city of Malmö reaches only 2 of its 19 environmental targets and one of the reasons is that the hard surfaces increases in the urban area. There is however a general trend for private house owners to harden their gardens and the city of Malmö has limited actions to address this issue. One action is to inform the private house owners of the positive effects of vegetation/soft surfaces and rainw
Optimization of aftermarket logistics with dual supply chains for Sandvik AB
Background: Aftermarket logistics is important for a manufacturing company to maintain customer satisfaction in the long run. However, the supply chain set for aftermarket parts is equally crucial as the original equipment. Modification or optimization of the logistics systems for slow-moving aftermarket items is inevitable. Sandvik, an engineering company in the mining industry is now interested
Att Flyga eller att Inte Flyga - Det är Frågan
Studien undersökte vilka bakomliggande faktorer som kan påverka en individs flygvanor, där frågeställningen avsåg att ta reda på om ett förändrat flygbeteende kan förklaras utifrån personlighetsfaktorer, skam eller need for cognition. Data insamlades genom en webbenkät där 107 respondenter deltog, och som berörde frågor samt påståenden gällande personlighetsfaktorer, need for cognition och skamkän
I huvudet på musikrörelsen: Hur musikrörelsen förmedlade sin verklighet via tidskriften Musikens makt
Framing effect in time of a pandemic: A more realistic Asian Disease Problem
Coronaviruset sprids nu över hela världen, vilket skapar utmaningar för både individer och samhället i sin helhet. Pandemin påverkar personer på en psykologisk nivå, även om de kanske inte vet om det själva. Inspirerade av Tversky & Kahnemans (1981) Asian Disease Problem, så syftar den här uppsatsen till att undersöka hur effekten av framing påverkar människors beslutsfattande under en pandemiThe world is currently facing the coronavirus, which causes challenges to individuals, as well as society as a whole. The pandemic affects people on a psychological level, even if they might not know it. Inspired by Tversky & Kahneman’s (1981) Asian Disease Problem; this paper aims to investigate how framing effect in time of a pandemic affects decision making, how this could be linked to fear
Hållbar Upphandling; En studie om upphandling occh vad som krävs för att klara en certifiering enligt ISO-20400
Bygg- och fastighetssektorn är en av de sektorer som släpper ut mest växthusgaser. Under ett enskilt år så svarar byggbranschen för utsläpp av växthusgaser på 21 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter, vilket motsvarar 21 procent av Sveriges totala utsläpp. Av det totala utsläppet på 21 miljoner koldioxidekvivalenter så kommer 12,8 miljoner ton från inhemska utsläpp av växthusgaser och 8,2 miljoner toThe building and real estate sector is one of the sectors that emits the most greenhouse gases. For a single year, the construction industry is responsible for greenhouse gas emissions of 21 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, which corresponds to 21 per cent of Sweden's total emissions. Of the total emissions of 21 million carbon dioxide equivalents, 12.8 million tons come from domesti
Adopting AI in Organizational Decision Making: A qualitative study
Organizational decision making is a challenging task that tends to be impactful. Decisionmakers have for more than 50 years been using different types of computational support to enable for more accurate and faster decision. In today’s business context, there is an increasing volume of data available for the decision-maker. However, humans are limited in their capacity to consume and manage data a
”Jag kunde inte mer” : En textanalys om rollen som anhörig till en somatiskt sjuk partner
The aim of this study was to investigate close relatives' experiences of their role as long-term home care givers to a somatically ill partner, to increase the understanding of informal care in society. The method chosen was text analysis of five biographies. In analyzing the results, I applied the following theoretical approaches: Goffman’s dramaturgical approach, Linton’s role theory, and fi
Using composite indexes of human development to evaluate historical living standards: the case of Panama
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March 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declare the virus outbreak Covid19 as a pandemic. To prevent further outbreak, the Norwegian government has implemented the most drastic measures in Norway during peacetime. All schools have been forced to lock down, the number of unemployment has increased, and the population is encouraged to stay at home and keep social distance. In light of the cri
Graffiti: A subculture alive within the legal. A pluralistic study of the regulations within Swedish graffiti and the influences of formal law.
The world of graffiti is an immense social construct which stretches to every corner of the globe. To many, graffiti may seem to be the simple act of applying paint to a surface, often depicting names or letters. In Sweden, graffiti’s acceptance has gained grounds as of late with the riddance of zero tolerance policies and the opening of several legal walls around the country. However, the legal w
We own this power! : How a rural community in Indonesia uphold energy justice to harness a hybrid solar-wind energy plant and unlock capabilities.
Indonesia, as per their stance on the Paris Agreement and social development goals (SDG), has been on a winding journey to meet their renewable energy targets. In providing the national electricity, the state electricity company (PLN) is still deriving more than 70% of its energy sources from coal and oil As per 2018, only up to 8% of on-grid power is generated from renewable energy sources, and t
Land redistributions in Denmark: can agricultural exceptionalism produce multifunctional landscapes? : An analysis of the Multifunctional Land Redistribution Fund and its likely implications for future land use in Denmark
This thesis examines the Multifunctional Land Redistribution Fund, launched in March 2020 by the Danish Ministry of Environment and Food, and the outcomes this policy may propel. The Fund takes aim at multiple issues of sustainability related to land use: biodiversity loss, groundwater contamination, nutrient leaching, and rural development. The Fund is to serve as a pilot project for large-scale
Predicting Corporate Takeover Outcomes Using Machine Learning
The aim of this thesis is to investigate if the machine learning based classification procedure, Random Forest, provides superior prediction performance compared to a logistic regression model fitted using the LASSO framework, when predicting outcomes in corporate takeover situations. This is done in the context of merger arbitrage, an event-driven investment strategy. The classification models ar
Värmebölja och bostäder
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur bygg- och fastighetsbranschen arbetar med problematiken kring värmeböljor och höga inomhustemperaturer i bostäder. Målsättningen är att få förståelse för problematiken, utreda och bidra med kunskap inom ämnet för bostäder i befintligt bestånd respektive nyproduktion. Inledningsvis genomfördes en litteraturstudie vilken var ämnad att skapa en omfattande och The purpose of the study is to investigate how the construction and real estate industry work with the problems concerning heat waves and high indoor temperatures in housing. The objective is to obtain an understanding, to investigate and to contribute with knowledge of the problem for existing housing and for future housing. Initially, a literature study was conducted which was intended to creat
Burning material behaviour in hypoxic environments: An experimental study examining fire dynamics of composite materials in vitiated conditions
The progression of fire safety research has contributed to improving the guiding principles of standardised building design. Research making use of pure materials, once common in homes and workplaces, are less relevant as such materials are no longer as prevalent. It is often newer, composite materials that are featured more prominently in building contents. The trend towards the evolution of commIt is widely accepted that by lowering the oxygen concentration below that of the typical ambient conditions (21% Oxygen) fuels are less likely to ignite and will burn slower. ORS (Oxygen Reduction Systems) make use of this to protect their contents. The oxygen concentration in these systems is done by introducing a flow rate containing a higher percentage of nitrogen into the protected area. The