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Förvaltningen i det politiska systemet
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Engineering Hydrology
What is the required minimum landscape size for dispersal studies?
1.Among small animals dispersal parameters are mainly obtained by traditional methods using population studies of marked individuals. Dispersal studies may underestimate the rate and distance of dispersal, and be biased because of aggregated habitat patches and a small study area. The probability of observing long distance dispersal events decreases with distance travelled by the organisms. In thi
Svensk universitetsgrammatik för nybörjare. Övningar med facit och kommentarer. Andra upplagan
Svensk universitetsgrammatik, Övningar med facit och kommentarer innehåller en mängd praktiska övningar på moment inom olika delar av grammatiken: fonetik och fonologi, morfologi, ordklasser, ordbildning, syntax och språklig variation. Till övningarna finns facit med kommentarer. Kategoriseringar och användning av termer bygger på läroboken Svensk universitetsgrammatik för nybörjare, 2 uppl. 2009,
Moving ourselves, moving others : motion and emotion in intersubjectivity, consciousness and language
The close relationship between motion (bodily movement) and emotion (feelings) is not an etymological coincidence. While moving ourselves, we move others; in observing others move - we are moved ourselves. The fundamentally interpersonal nature of mind and language has recently received due attention, but the key role of (e)motion in this context has remained something of a blind spot. The present
Laserradar avslöjar lavar på domkyrkan
Asia, Lakes Review
900 000 från Nobelstiftelsen till symposium om halvledare
Non-porous membrane extractions in contemporary analysis
To meet the desirable characteristic for sample preparation in contemporary, i. e. automation, high enrichment, clean-up, selectivity and essential solvent free techniques, the use of non-porous membrane extraction techniques is addressed. Principles, practices and province of the techniques are described as well as hyphenation with separation techniques. Furthermore, works in the thesis covers
The Meeting of East & West in Modern Arabic Literature
The new contacts with the west reaffirmed the idea of interaction between the west and the Arab world. New literary works compared and contrasted the spirituality of the East with the materialism of the West - a theme that became a common one in modern Arabic literature.
Russia and Post-Soviet Central Asia: Re-Integration Ahead?
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Performance of heat exchangers using nanofluids
Heat exchangers are equipments being used for transfer of heat between two or more fluids at different temperatures (Sundén 2012). They are widely used in various fields, including power plants, automotives, space heating, refrigeration and air-conditioning systems, chemical plants, petrochemical processes, electronic cooling, and environment engineering. Many heat transfer enhancement techniques
Sustainable unsustainability: Toward a comparative study of hegemonic decline in global systems
sustainability, contradiction, collapse, ecology, limits, history, global system
Från regional högskola till internationellt universitet
“Where There Is Dialogue, There Is Hope” : Nation, Gender and Transversal Dialogue in Belfast, Northern Ireland
This paper is a study of women in Belfast in two working-class ethno-national communities: Falls (Catholic/Nationalist/Republican) and Shankill (Protestant/Unionist/Loyalist). Theories of gendered nationalism and transversalism are used to analyze the material from a qualitative interview study. The study focuses on intersections of gender and nation: women’s identity as biological, cultural and n
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Footing Resting on Sand
Numerical analysis, such as the finite element method is the most used computational procedure for nonlinear deformation and strength analysis of structures. In order to obtain meaningful results the material behaviour must be described and simulated accurately. Another important element in order to perform the simulation is a robust and accurate numerical integration algorithm. The present paper
Moderna moralister. Om livsföring och kontingens som sociologins centrala problem
Kapitlet diskuterar den grundläggande frågan i det moderna samhället som den om hur man kan och bör leva i en värld där inget är nödvändigt och allt ter sig möjligt. Detta existentiella, sociala och politiska problem blev också en gång sociologins fundamentala frågeställning. Följaktligen har disciplinen utvecklats som en ständigt varierad diskussion om förhållandet mellan kontingens och livsförin